C & V HWBB Meeting 24.11.15

Status Report: Food/Obesity

Delivery Programme: FOOD/OBESITY
/ Programme Status Dashboard:
Previous / CURRENT / Future
□ Red / □ Red / □ Red
Reporting Period:
3rd Quarter 2015-2016
□ Red/Amber / □ Red/Amber / □ Red/Amber
□ Amber/Green / □ Amber/green / □ Amber/green
□ Green / □ Green / □ Green
Overall Outcomes from Results Based Accountability Analysis
·  Decrease percentage of reception class children (aged 4/5) classified as overweight or obese
·  Decrease percentage of adults reported being overweight or obese
·  Decrease gap between most and least deprived fifths for overweight and obesity in children (aged 4/5) and adults
·  Increase percentage of adults who eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
·  Currently, overweight and obesity reported levels in adults are 54 per cent across Cardiff and Vale; obesity stands at 20 per cent.
·  In Cardiff and Vale reception year children, overweight and obesity is 23.7 per cent and obesity 10.3 per cent.
·  Across Cardiff and Vale, only 34 per cent of adults report eating five a day. ( No improvement from previous year WHS)
Recent Highlights / Achievements
Cardiff & Vale
·  On 30 September, a Workshop was held with partners to discuss the food and physical activity draft plans. A draft Eating Well Action Plan is attached for your information. This Action Plan has been amendments to reflect the priorities identified at the workshop and is to be circulated to partners for additional comments and agreement It is anticipated that the plan will be finalized by early January 2016
·  A pilot School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP) in Cardiff schools was delivered in 4 schools and a Community First setting during the summer holidays, led by Food Cardiff working in partnership with Cardiff Council, Sport Cardiff and the University of Northumbria. A short film has been produced outlining the key features of the SHEP and the evaluation results are expected early in the New Year. (Cardiff Council website link).
·  41% of children not attending the holiday club (non club days) reported skipping at least one meal. The days the children attended the club 22% reported missing a meal. This shows a statistically significant impact of the intervention.
·  42.5% of parents believe that prior to the holiday club the food they bought for the household did not last
·  33% of the parents agreed with the statement “holiday club has led to me skipping fewer meals than I would usually”
·  Food Cardiff was requested to chair the inaugural meeting of the Wales Food Poverty Alliance – the primary objective of this Group was to address the maximum uptake of FSM both during and outside of term time.
·  Food Cardiff has been nominated for a Sustain Wales Award for its SHEP work – the outcome will be known by the end of November.
·  The Healthy Retail Criteria Policy was agreed by the Quality, Safety & experience Committee and the documents are on the UHB website. The policy ensures a 75%-25% split in favour of healthy options to be sold at all retail outlets. The standards also apply to UHB non-patient catering service and the PH Team is working closely with the Operations and Catering Teams to pilot an audit tool to ensure compliance.
·  20 pre- school settings recruited to the Vale of Glamorgan Healthy and Sustainable Pre School Scheme, and all of these are either working towards or have completed, modules on Nutrition and Oral Health and Physical Activity. 19 of these settings also hold the Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award.
·  Healthy Schools Scheme and Healthy and Sustainable Pre School Scheme will continue to promote healthy eating with an increased emphasis on encouraging healthy cooking activities.
Key Concerns / Red Flags
·  Capacity issues a concern in terms of delivering services and interventions.
·  Governance and monitoring of the catering standards in Schools an issue
·  Financial limitations and service reduction having an impact on the delivery of the Healthy Options award scheme in both Cardiff and the Vale
·  Recent budget cuts at City of Cardiff Council could have an impact on the ability of Food Cardiff to deliver in some areas
·  Discussions with City of Cardiff Council, Welsh Government and the deputy Minister for Food and Farming continue to identify a new site for Bessemer Road wholesale market
·  Implications of the forthcoming introduction of Universal Credit – Cardiff `go live’ 30th November, Vale in 2016 tranche.
Proposed Critical Tasks for next 3 months:
No. / Task / Lead / Due Date / Status
1 / Enhance engagement work around the development of a Vale Food Charter & Network – present paper at the Local Service Board to gain high level commitment for the initiative
2 / Implement the Sensemaker project to underpin the introduction of the Vale Food Charter & Network
3. / Plan, communicate and begin delivering the sustainable food cities food poverty campaign for Cardiff.
Summary of Decisions / Guidance Required from Board


Rhianon Urquhart