Status Report

Jeffrey Myers

Casey Schaertl

Floripe Padua

April 23, 2013

Updated Milestone Chart

Task / Original Deadline / Contributor / Modified Deadline / Comments
Tweet from Embedded Device - From the chosen host device, ensure Twitter can be reached. / March 11 / CS / Has been completed, but not currently using wifi
Design an extensible software system for accepting data providers, configuring data providers and updating users of the system via Twitter and possibly other means. / April 15 / CS / Completed
Pluggable Sensor Endpoints - Using the chosen bus, endpoints where sensor data will come from should be hot-pluggable and detected by the software. / March 22 / JM / March 26 / Completed
Initial integration of UI and Data Collection subsystems / March 28 / JM, CS / Completed
RF based protocol between sensor endpoints and remote sensor devices developed and tested. / April 5 / FP, JM / April 26 / Has been given priority and is being worked on by both Phil and Jeff; one sensor is compelte
Abstract data provider interface defined, constructed and tested in the context of Twitter updates. / March 8 / JM, CS / Completed.
Product can fully detect a new sensor and report its information to the user when requested. / April 15 / JM, CS / April 1 / Completed.
Power Source – Battery based power management circuit designed and prototyped. / March 15 / FP / Prototyped; needs to be formalized.
Complete sensor module circuit designed and built. / March 22 / FP / Built but not formally completed.
Construct a housing for the sensor unit. / April 19 / FP / April 30 / Lowest priority.
All testing complete. / April 29 / CS, FP, JM / May 2
DataManager updates and fixes to support remaining feature set. / April 15 / JM / Complete unless more features are needed.

Current Milestones

Task / Original Deadline / Contributor / Modified Deadline / Comments
Design an extensible software system for accepting data providers, configuring data providers and updating users of the system via Twitter and possibly other means. / April 15 / CS / Completed
RF based protocol between sensor endpoints and remote sensor devices developed and tested. / April 5 / FP, JM / April 26 / Has been given priority and is being worked on by both Phil and Jeff; one sensor is complete.

Next Milestones

Task / Original Deadline / Contributor / Modified Deadline / Comments
RF based protocol between sensor endpoints and remote sensor devices developed and tested. / April 5 / FP, JM / April 26 / Has been given priority and is being worked on by both Phil and Jeff.
Construct a housing for the sensor unit. / April 19 / FP / April 30 / Lowest priority.
All testing complete. / April 29 / CS, FP, JM / May 2


Jeff worked on general documentation. He completed the poster with the exception of some pictures which need to be taken and placed. Additionally, he helped Phil debug and finalize He also updated the website with the latest documents and made the “Design” page reflect similar information to the poster.

Casey implemented a cut-off of tweeting when RITWx approaches its rate limit. This requires more testing, especially with the automatic updates. Casey also implemented a way to automatically divide tweets over 140 characters, in a way that ensures that the user is responded to in an easy to understand manner.

Phil continued work with the relative humidity sensor; for better accuracy, this requires an ADC reading for both temperature and from the relative humidity sensors. A formula for temperature compensation is then applied. If this proves too difficult to do in the time remaining, a first order curve at 25 degrees Celsius can be used to approximate the relative humidity. This would produce much higher error but would still provide a reasonable reading of the data.

Gantt Chart