Spain info

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Status of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) in Spain.

Info on Spain and Medical Cannabis

Spain has a MEDICAL MARIJUANA (cannabis) Program (LAW).

Spain | In October 2005, the autonomous government in the region of Catalonia launched a program of therapeutical use of Sativex for 600 patients of a wide set of illnesses, from multiple sclerosis to cancer, in order to avoid nauseas or to relax tense muscles. The project involves six hospitals, forty researchers and sixty drugstores.The product is presented as an atomizer to be taken orally, and it will be delivered at drugstores inside some hospitals. The full text of the research initiative can be seen here, in Catalan, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. ... Click >here< for more.

Medical cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | While utilizing cannabis for recreational purposes is illegal in many parts of the world, many countries are beginning to entertain varying levels of decriminalization for medical usage, including Canada, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain, Israel, Italy, Finland, and Portugal. ... Spain | In Spain, since the late 1990s and early 2000s, medical cannabis underwent a process of progressive decriminalization and legalisation. The parliament of the region of Catalonia is the first in Spain have voted unanimously in 2001 legalizing medical marijuana, it is quickly followed by parliaments of Aragon and the Balearic Islands.[citation needed] The Spanish Penal Code prohibits the sale of cannabis but it does not prohibit consumption (although consumption on the street is fined).Until early 2000, the Penal Code did not distinguish between therapeutic use of cannabis and recreational use, however, several court decisions show that this distinction is increasingly taken into account by the judges. From 2006, the sale of seed is legalized,[citation needed] the sale and public consumption remains illegal, and private cultivation and use are permitted.

Several studies have been conducted to study the effects of cannabis on patients suffering from diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, seizures or asthma. This research was conducted by various Spanish agencies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid headed by Manuel Guzman, the hospital of La Laguna in Tenerife led neurosurgeon Luis González Feria or the University of Barcelona.[citation needed]Several cannabis consumption clubs and user associations have been established throughout Spain. These clubs, the first of which was created in 1991, are non-profit associations who grow cannabis and sell it at cost to its members. The legal status of these clubs is uncertain: in 1997, four members of the first club, the Barcelona Ramón Santos Association of Cannabis Studies, were sentenced to 4 months in prison and a 3000 euro fine, while at about the same time, the court of Bilbao ruled that another club was not in violation of the law. The Andalusian regional government also commissioned a study by criminal law professors on the "Therapeutic use of cannabis and the creation of establishments of acquisition and consumption. The study concluded that such clubs are legal as long as they distribute only to a restricted list of legal adults, provide only the amount of drugs necessary for immediate consumption, and not earn a profit. The Andalusian government never formally accepted these guidelines and the legal situation of the clubs remains insecure. In 2006 and 2007, members of these clubs were acquitted in trial for possession and sale of cannabis and the police were ordered to return seized crops. ... Visit:

New South Wales Government (NSW-AU) Health > Druginfo > Medical Cannabis > Spain | Media Reports Guardian: Spain to test cannabis as aid for patients (6 Feb 2005)Sunday Times: Spain says 'yes' to medicinal marijuana (1 Feb 2005) EuroResidentes: Legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes in Spain (1 Feb 2005) ... Visit -

Spain: Personal consumption and home cultivation of cannabis have been decriminalized. Buying or selling remains a criminal offense, as well consumption or possession in public areas.Therapeutic use is allowed and is regulated by hospital prescription. > visit -

The Law, LEGAL Resources

Spain - status; Illegal (Decriminalized) | Cannabis is an illegal, but Decriminalized drug in Spain. Buying and selling cannabis is a criminal offence punishable by law. Possession and consumption at a public place constitutes a misdemeanour and is penalized with a fine and confiscation.Growing the plant on private property for personal use, and consumption by adults in a private space is a constitutional right and hence not illegal. ... source -

Marijuana Laws in Spain | - Medical marijuana or medical cannabis is a term commonly used to refer to the ingestion of marijuana for health... International Travel Laws for Spain ... Spain, like many European countries, has liberal laws on marijuana use, compared to many other nations such as the U.S. Spanish laws focus on restricting sale and transport of the drug. Individual possession and use in private are legal. Spain generally treats drug abuse as a health issue rather than a legal issue. Drug abusers are more likely to face court-appointed treatment programs than incarceration.Sale and Transport | Selling marijuana is illegal in Spain. In addition, Spain has severe penalties for trafficking in the drug, including fines and three to six years in prison. While personal possession is legal for residents, the burden is on the individual to prove the drug is for personal use and not for profit. Foreign visitors to Spain with an eye to marijuana use should remember that it is illegal to purchase the drug. If caught possessing marijuana, they risk being prosecuted on trafficking charges as well. ... Read more at: Marijuana Laws in Spain | -source - | Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide, Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status. Curently covering 1128 cities. New cities and cities updates every day! > Spain; Barcelona, Canary Islands, Formentera, Gandia, Valencia, Granada, Jerez de la Frontera, Madrid,Malaga, Marbella, San Sebastian, Seville, Tenerife, Torremolinos ... visit -

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International law

Marijuana is in Schedule IV of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, making it subject to special restrictions.Article 2 provides for the following, in reference to Schedule IV drugs:

A Party shall, if in its opinion the prevailing conditions in its country render it the most appropriate means of protecting the public health and welfare, prohibit the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research only, including clinical trials therewith to be conducted under or subject to the direct supervision and control of the Party.

This provision, while apparently providing for the limitation of marijuana to research purposes only, also seems to allow some latitude for nations to make their own judgments.The official Commentary on the Single Convention indicates that Parties are expected to make that judgment in good faith. Visit - for more.

local Organizations, CONTACTs and other Resources | Medical Cannabis Spain - Growing Medical Marijuana in Spain > Located in Sunny Spain, We Aim to Provide Information to Both Recreational and Medical Cannabis Users This website is intended for viewers 18+. We believe that every person has the right to consume a plant in his or her own body and cannabis is a medically amazing plant. It provides a safe alternative for pain relief, anti-nausea, appetite-stimulation and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation medication. Recent studies have also shown evidence of not just helping cancer sufferers but actually eliminating cancer cells. It provides relief to the seriously ill and dying as well as those challenged with anxiety and depression. Millions of people worldwide have shared the medical benefits of marijuana or 'medical cannabis for centuries.... Growing medical cannabis in Spain. Medical marijuana news, cannabis seeds shop and grow guides. Is it Legal to Grow Cannabis in Spain? ... Stress and Sickness, Cooking with Cannabis, Cannabis Hemp, Cannabis Cultivation, Cannabis Strains, Medical Cannabis, Cannabis Videos, What's New? May, 2010; MS - (Neuropathic Pain - Urinary Incontinence): Trainwreck, Super Silver Haze, NYCD and Sour Diesel. ... Our latest survey found that these strains helped MS sufferers. See more medical strain information on our medical page ... In 'Videos That Have Captured Our Imagination' this week - We think BrownDirtWarriors' video rocks! Do you? View now ... Shop, Services, FAQs, Cannabis-links, Seeds, Cultivation, Room Set-up and Support Photos, Blogs ... and more. ... Visit:

Con la denominación de "ALACANNABIS, Asociación de Usuarios y Estudios del Cánnabisde Alicante" se constituyó en el año 2000 legalmente como asociación según lo dispuesto en la Ley 191/64 de 24 de Diciembre y normas complementarias del Decreto 1440/65 de Mayo al amparo de lo dispuesto en el artículo 22 de la Constitución. Regulada según lo dispuesto en la Ley Orgánica 1/2002 de 22 de Marzo, reguladora del derecho de asociación y careciendo de ánimo de lucro.Durante estos diez años Alacannabis ha organizado Jornadas Cannábicas en la Universidad de Alicante con ponentes como: Antonio Escotado (escritor), Ignasi Peña (psicólogo), Mario Bellandi (genetista de Delicatessen Seeds Bank) Carlos Bauso (psicólogo y psicoterapeuta), Fernanda de la Figuera y Martín Barriuso (presidentes de la FAC), Héctor Brotons (abogado). Alacannabis ha organizado también durante estos últimos 10 años la Marcha Mundial de la Marihuana en ALicante, el dia de San Canuto y 8 ediciones de la copa cannábica Alacannabis Cup. Emitimos por internet "Hablemos de Cánnabis" todos los martes desde las 21h00 a las 23h00. Pertenecemos a la F.A.C (Federacion de Asociaciones Cannábicas) y E.N.C.O.D (Coalición Europea sobre Políticas sobre Drogas Justas y Eficaces) * contacto: Alacannabis - Antonio Trueba, 19-21 izda., Alicante 03012 * Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 21 a 23 hrs. * Presidente. 689 333 119 Horario Telefono: 10 a 14 y 17 a 21 * Leer más:

La Federación de Asociaciones Cannábicas, F.A.C., es una organización que integra asociaciones de personas usuarias, cultivadores y/o estudiosas del cannabis presente en la mayoría de las comunidades autónomas, cuyo objetivo de sumar esfuerzos para la normalización del uso del cannabis. Nuestras demandas urgentes hoy son: Que se derogue la legislación que castiga la tenencia y el consumo de personas adultas. En concreto, exigimos la reforma de la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana (LO 1/92). Una regulación clara en torno al autocultivo individual y colectivo para acabar con la actual inseguridad jurídica. Así mismo proponemos a la sociedad e instituciones un modelo, que estamos demostrando que es viable, en el que por medio de clubes o sociedades las personas consumidoras puedan obtener plantas de cannabis y sus derivados, producidos estos en círculos cerrados y sin fines comerciales.Que se abra un debate público sobre las políticas de drogas y la participación de la sociedad civil en el diseño de dichas políticas, tal y como se menciona en la Estrategia sobre Drogas de la Unión Europea (2005-2012). Un epígrafe fiscal concreto para los grow shops. La FAC forma parte de la Coalición Europea por Políticas de Drogas Justas y Eficaces (ENCOD), la sección Europea de una coalición internacional de más de 200 ONG´s que se adhieren al Manifiesto por Políticas de Drogas Justas y Eficaces.. * contacto: Cannabis Associations Federation (FAC), Alameda de Hercules 80, 41002 Sevilla. * Phone: 674839859 * or visit -

La A.M.E.C. (Asociación Madrileña de Estudios sobre el Cannabis) |La Asociación Madrileña de Estudios sobre el Cannabis A.M.E.C. es una asociación de consumidores y estudiosos de todo lo relacionado con el cannabis y sus derivados. Fue fundada y dada de alta en el registro de asociaciones en 1995. Desde entonces sus esfuerzos se han encaminado a denunciar los abusos y atropellos que la actual legislación provoca en los consumidores de cannabis y a reclamar, a los poderes públicos, una política de drogas más justa y eficaz. Para ello, a lo largo de su historia, la AMEC ha organizado copas de la marihuana, concentraciones, manifestaciones, pasacalles cannábicos e incluso jornadas sobre nuestra planta amiga en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Todo ello obedeciendo a nuestro compromiso con la defensa al derecho a que cada persona consuma las sustancias que desee, y la defensa al derecho a tener una verdadera educación sobre drogas, algo opuesto a la propaganda y desinformación que utilizan los gendarmes antidroga. En la actualidad, la AMEC cuenta con unos 300 soci@s y dispone de un local donde se reúnen los voluntarios que forman los grupos de trabajo, que son los que se encargan de llevar a cabo las actividades e iniciativas. Son grupos abiertos y todos los socios están invitados a participar y a colaborar, ya que son fundamentales para el funcionamiento de la asociación. Si quieres aportar ideas sobre acciones directas o actividades internas o lo que se te ocurra, en la AMEC siempre estamos abiertos a escucharlas y a evaluar su viabilidad y puesta en marcha. * contacta: Asociación Madrileña de Estudios sobre el Cannabis * Horario: De lunes a domingos de 20:30 a 23:00 * C/ Salitre 23, Madrid 28012, MADRID * Metro: Lavapiés, Metro: Antón Martín * tlf: 91 530 33 64 * | NUGGETRY Dispensary Map.Detailed map of every dispensary in the entire country ... Visit:

Barcelona, Spain - Cannabis Wiki | links to Facebook: Marcha Mundial; - - English; Flickr image search: Spannabis;; - - Barcelona mentioned;;; : English language website for medical cannabis users in Spain ... and more. ... Visit:

Colorado Cannabis Confrontation; is conducting a survey on the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids in Spain | Survey on medical cannabis use for Spain (thus it is in Spanish, sorry): The public health service of Andalusia is conducting a survey on the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids in Spain: Información para los pacientes. En este lugar, los pacientes y otras personas interesadas en el uso médico de los productos del cannabis podrán encontrar información básica sobre el uso del cannabis y los cannabinoides para fines medicinales, sus acciones y efectos secundarios así como sus indicaciones.Si usted echa algo en falta aquí, por favor, no dude en contactar con la IACM por correo electrónico y hacernos llegar sus sugerencias. Además, si tiene alguna experiencia con el uso médico de los productos del cannabis, le pediríamos que nos la contase. Las experiencias personales más interesantes serán publicadas de forma anónima en esta sección. ... Visit:

Medical Marijuana | - May 18th, 2009 | Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer. According to this study conducted in Spain, THC (the major psychoactive substance of Cannabis) encourages brain cancer cells to feed on themselves instead of healthy cells.The active chemical in marijuana promotes the death of brain cancer cells by essentially helping them feed upon themselves, researchers in Spain report. Complutense University in Spain, Guillermo Velasco ... Visit:

... More |As we learn about them. In the meantime ... Also visit: the latest NORML info.

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Availability in Spain. In Spain, since the late 1990s and early 2000s, medical cannabis underwent a process of progressive decriminalization and legalization. The parliament of the region of Catalonia is the first in Spain have voted unanimously in 2001 legalizing medical marijuana, it is quickly followed by parliaments of Aragon and the Balearic Islands. The Spanish Penal Code prohibits the sale of cannabis but it does not prohibit consumption. Until early 2000, the Penal Code did not distinguish between therapeutic use of cannabis and recreational use, however, several court decisions show that this distinction is increasingly taken into account by the judges. From 2006, the sale of seed is legalized, possession or consumption is still forbidden in public places but permitted in private premises. Moreover, the cultivation of cannabis plants is now authorized in a private place.Several studies have been conducted to study the effects of cannabis on patients suffering from diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, seizures or asthma. This research was conducted by various Spanish agencies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid headed by Dr. Manuel Guzman, the hospital of La Laguna in Tenerife led neurosurgeon Luis González Feria or the University of Barcelona. After legislation, several cannabis clubs have been established including the Basque Country and Catalonia. These clubs, the first of its kind in Europe, are non-profit associations who grow cannabis and sell it at cost to its members. In 2006, members of these clubs were acquitted in trial for possession and sale of cannabis. ... Visit:

ASA : Medical Cannabis Policy Update: SPAIN: Autonomous Regions Can Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis | The parliament of Spain's Baleares region voted in April by a large majority to allow doctors on Mallorca to prescribe cannabis for therapeutic purposes. The decision comes after responsibility for the health system was passed on to the regional government by the central government.The vote means that 60 pharmacies and four hospitals in Catalonia will start prescribing cannabis to patients for whom other treatments have failed. Doctors in Catalonia will be able to prescribe cannabis in capsules or as an infusion for four specific groups of patients: those suffering from AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, or multiple sclerosis. The new policy affects roughly 150,000 patients.

Spain's Health Minister, who must approve such decisions, said she accepted that cannabis "has some therapeutic value" and approves of "the controlled use of tablets in specific cases and under medical supervision."The pilot project, which will operate for a year, was proposed by Barcelona's College of Pharmacists, following a similar program in the Netherlands with 8,000 patients. ... Visit:

Erowid Cannabis Vault : Medical Use - medical marijuana sites and select media articles about medical ... Spain's Health Ministry to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis, Feb 6, 2005 (Espanol) ... | Medical Marijuana. Marijuana has many possible medical uses. Positive effects are claimed for ailments such as cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can cause a loss of appetite known as "wasting syndrome", which can lead to drastic weight loss and weakness. Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes nausea resulting in an inability to keep down food.Marijuana's healing nature for these two illnesses is a result of its ability to increase a person's appetite as well as relieving nausea, allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing intraocular pressure that can cause damage to the eye. ... Spain's Health Ministry to Allow Doctors to Prescribe Cannabis, Feb 6, 2005 (Espanol) ... Visit:

ASA : History of Medical Cannabis - Cannabis was a part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942 and is currently available by prescription in the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, and Italy in its whole ... | History of Medical Cannabis. Cannabis was a part of the American pharmacopoeia until 1942 and is currently available by prescription in the Netherlands, Canada, Spain, and Italy in its whole plant form. In 1937, the U.S. passed the first federal law against cannabis, despite the objections of the American Medical Association (AMA). Dr. William C. Woodward, testifying on behalf of the AMA, told Congress that, "The American Medical Association knows of no evidence that marijuana is a dangerous drug" and warned that a prohibition "loses sight of the fact that future investigation may show that there are substantial medical uses for Cannabis."Ironically, the U.S. federal government currently grows and provides cannabis for a small number of patients. In 1976 the federal government created the Investigational New Drug (IND) compassionate access research program to allow patients to receive up to nine pounds of cannabis from the government each year. Today, five surviving patients still receive medical cannabis from the federal government, paid for by federal tax dollars. ... Visit: