American Bowmen Club
Meeting Notes / April 8, 2015
Attendance / Mike Manning, Brian Edson, Jeff Fleisher, Pete Kopchik, Phil Belchar, Gary Pearson, Larry Welchlen, Dale Lucio, Tyler Edwards
Call to Order / President Manning called the meeting to order at 6:05pm.
Minutes of Previous Meeting / Minutes of the March meeting were read by Pete Kopchik.
Treasurer’s Report / Treasurer Fleischer reported significant spending in the previous month including plaques, the website, target butts, building materials for the new range, rent, diesel fuel for the chipper, the chipper itself as well as membership dues to the CBA.
Even with a heavy month of spending, significant deposits were also made. Jeff also noted that he had four more memberships yet to be processed and deposited (five after tonight).
Even with Dale abstaining from the vote, the motion passed to accept both the minutes of the March meeting and the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Old Business /
  • ArroLast target butts are in. We plan on getting them to the range and placed in the next week or so, not really planning on including in this weekend’s work parties but they will be out before the first shoot.
  • Work parties have been pretty successful. A few new and/or potential new members have been working hard.
  • We will be ready for our first shoot as scheduled.

New Business /
  • Our first shoot is scheduled for April 19th (a week from Sunday). Mike would like as many as possible to show up and help. We are considering a satellite concession stand on the landing.
  • Mike’s goals for this weekend include getting chips spread on the 10-yard range (the other two tiers have been covered) and getting the remaining targets out and their shooting lanes cleared.
  • Mike stated how much he appreciates everyone’s help both with formal work parties as well as additional work being completed at times other than formal work parties.
  • Mike will look into getting a dumpster delivered to haul off the remaining stumps and slash that could not be chipped last weekend.
  • Porta Pots will be needed for the shoot. Mike will look into along with the dumpster.
  • Mike also reported that thanks to Jeff and his tractor, there is only a small amount of dirt work left to accomplish on the property.
  • We will start shooting at the club next week instead of meeting at Bear Creek Archery on Wednesday nights.
  • A discussion was had on putting up tree stands on the property. Do we want to put them up for members only and make them inaccessible on days of public shoots? It was decided to simply hold off for now and consider building platforms to simulate tree stand shots in the future.
  • Tyler Edwards was unanimously voted in (even with Dale being present at the meeting) as a new member. Tyler has been watching us on Facebook. He shoots a Diamond compound, got into archery about three years ago, is training for Train to Hunt, wants to get more into bowhunting and is a locksmith by trade.

Adjournment / President Manning called it quits at 6:45pm.