Stationery for Grade 5

Dear Grade 5’s,

Welcome to Grade 5. We hope that the coming year will be a fruitful year and that we will all enjoy ourselves.

Below you will find a list of stationery that is needed throughout this scholastic year. Please read the list carefully and follow the instructions.


Blue plastic covers for copybooks

1 copybook – 80 pages labelled Maths 1
1 copybook - 80 pages labelled Maths 2
1 copybook – 80 pages labelled Maths 3
1 copybook – 48 pages labelled Maths Methods
1 square copybook (1cm square)
2 plastic pocket files – blue
3 spare copybooks
/ Red plastic covers for copybooks
1 Project Book with lined and white blank paper labelled Creative writing
1 copybook – 80 pages labelled Grammar
1 copybook – 80 pages labelled Comprehension
1 copybook – 48 pages labelled Vocabulary
1 spare copybook
1 plastic pocket file - Red
Maltese /

Green plastic covers for copybooks

1 copybook – 48 pages labelled Malti Vokabolarju
1 copybook – 48 pages labelled Malti Grammatika
1 copybook - 48 pages labelled Spare
1 plastic 80 pocket display book - Green
1 project book with lined and white blank paper labelled Malti Kitba
Religion / 1 project Book (thin)


Open Day

/ 1 project book with lined and white blank paper
1 plastic 40 pocket display book - yellow
1 project book with lined and white blank paper
I.C.T. / Pendrive (256Mb is sufficient)
P.S.H.D. / A4 size Project Book – 1 page lined & 1 page coloured

Other Stationery: A4 (80 sheet) lined refill pad. White/transparent pocket file.

Round scissors (small) / Paper Glue stick / Long and Short Ruler /1 Foolscap size Box File for portfolio work / 1 copybook covered yellow – labelled Absent which is to be left at home / San Andrea School Diary (to be purchased from school). 1 80 pocket display book labelled revision and assessments.

1 box of tissues with name on it.

Kindly make sure that all the books and copybooks are clearly labelled (name and surname) at the front. There is no need to cover the spare copybooks however they should be labelled. It should be recognized that all personal belongings brought into school by students are their responsibility.

Creative Arts – list of Materials for Grade 5

The following list of materials is compulsory for every Art lesson. It is recommended that each material is properly labelled. Children are advised to keep these materials in a small plastic box with lid and are brought in for every Art lesson.

Art and Craft Materials:

·  Small adhesive tape

·  PVA glue (medium-sized tub)

·  Paper glue stick

·  Round scissors

·  Art t-shirt

·  Sponge to clean

·  Cloth to wipe

·  Palette (a margarine tub is suitable)

·  Drawing book (A4)

·  Assorted poster paints (red, blue, yellow, black and white)

·  Paint brushes (1 small, 1 medium, 1 round)

·  1 small plastic cup

·  Crayons or pencil colours

·  Markers assorted

·  Glitters assorted

·  3 newspapers

·  Air drying clay (1 large packet white or terracotta)


During the summer holidays children are to collect some of the following materials and store them separately in a plastic box which they will keep at home.

Objects from nature:

·  Seeds

·  Shells

·  Wood off-cuts

·  Pebbles

·  Leaves

·  Pressed flowers

·  feathers

Around the Home:

·  bottle tops

·  cellophane (in any colour)

·  cereal boxes and containers

·  cotton wool

·  corks

·  corrugated boards (from biscuit packages)

·  cotton buds

·  egg cartons

·  fabric scraps

·  foam pieces

·  greeting cards/postcards

·  magazines

·  matchsticks

·  matchboxes

·  mesh (orange and onion bags)

·  old clean socks

·  paperclips

·  pasta (dry)

·  pipe cleaners

·  Polystyrene pieces (jablo)

·  Rubber bands

·  Plastic containers

·  Sandpaper

·  Straws

·  String

·  Thread

·  Wire

·  Wire coat-hanger

·  Wrapping paper

·  Paper bags

·  Tissue and toilet paper

·  toothpicks

·  Old envelopes

·  Aluminium foil

·  Wooden sticks

·  Broken jewellery

·  Used stamps

·  Beads and buttons