Statewide, Ohio.

How can Ohio make the arts and arts education more accessible to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other disabilities?

One new tool in this effort is an online resource directory: Nexus.

Last month, VSA Ohio and the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence, with support from the Ohio Arts Council, launched Nexus at . Nexus is designed to serve individuals with ASD or developmental disabilities, and the parents, families, and professionals who support, teach, and guide them. Nexus is your central source for events, programs, organizations, and service providers in Ohio.Nexus is free and can be accessed right now by all Ohioans to post and search for opportunities.Submissions are accepted from any group, organization, host, or provider who offers products, services, or supports for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.

“The arts help my son express himself and grow; they provide wonderful outlets for socializing with all types of people. Nexus is the resource I need to find creative opportunities designed to support his special needs.”

– Amy Hess, parent and Arts & Autism Advisory Board member

Nexus is a direct result of the Arts & Autism in Ohio Initiative, an exciting, ground-breaking project.No similar coordinated, statewide efforts have yet been identified in the US. In the fall of 2012, the Ohio Arts Councilresponded to a constituent request for information about arts activities in Ohio geared toward people with autismand engaged VSA Ohio to help address a growing need through research and feedback. Today, the Initiative includes an Advisory Group; resource development for cultural institutions, families, and teaching artists; and other special projects which connect Ohioans. Learn more

About the partners

VSA Ohiowas founded in 1986 makes the arts and arts education more accessible for individuals with all types of disabilities, across the lifespan. VSAO changes perceptions about disability by connecting Ohioans with resources, opportunities and each other.

The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally and economically.The Ohio Arts Council was created in 1965 to foster and encourage the development of the arts and assist the preservation of Ohio's cultural heritage.

The Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence’s mission is to build state- and system-wide capacity to improve outcomes through leadership, training and professional development, technical assistance, collaboration, and technology.

Contact Information

Erin J. Hoppe

Executive Director, VSA Ohio

Columbus, OH 43215

614.241.5325 | ###