Approved December 10, 2012

Statewide Council for Vocational Rehabilitation


Monday, September 10, 2012

The Hilton Garden Inn

Georgetown, KY

Members Present: David Allgood, Roberta Alston, Dr. David Beach, Roger Braden, Lisa Carrico, Lonnie Cowan, Vanessa Denham, Christine Edwards, Mike Fogle, Lee Gordon (Chairperson), Nancy Hunter (Vice Chairperson), Gretta Hylton, Mark Jackson, Tyler Levy, Tony LoBianco, John Mathias, Karen Rossi, Terry Shockley, Jane Smith, and Juanita Westerfield

Members Absent: Matt Davis, Irene Dervin, Connie Dotson, Lois Taurman, Chastity Ross, and Tom West

Staff Present: Holly Hendricks, Erin Hopper, Jason Jones, Dave

Matheis, Kellie Scott, and Nanci Soard

Staff Absent: Mindy Yates

Guests Present: Tina Jackson, Kevin Fleming

Lee Gordon welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made and

guests were recognized.

Executive Director Report:

Executive Director, Dr. David Beach provided the Executive Director’s report. Dr.

Beach began his report by thanking the council members for participating in the meeting today and for continuing to work on the council. He encouraged participation and welcomed the new council members, Tony LoBianco and Tyler Levy. Dr. Beach said the agency has been discussing the strategic plan and said Dave Matheis would send a copy out to the full council in the future. He announced this Strategic Plan would take effect on October 1, 2012. Dr. Beach then discussed the agency budget briefly. . He commended staff for spending wisely. Dr. Beach informed the full council there will be a budget report at the next meeting in December 2012. The agency did receive the personnel cap and has asked for cap additions in the future. He informed the council that effective October 1, 2012, the Kentucky Assistive Technology Services Network (KATS) will be housed in the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. He explained the functions of the KATS Network. The Governor’s appointment to the open position of Director of Program Services will be announced soon. Dr. Beach then introduced Erin Hopper who will fill his vacant position in the Program, Planning and Development Branch. He stated she will be handling the state plans. The agency is planning to host an asset development summit on October 10. This will bring together representatives from diverse disability-related and asset-building organizations. Dr. Beach said staff has revamped the CRP service fees and will monitor spending on those services. Discussion was held regarding hiring people with significant disabilities. There was extensive discussion about the recently terminated WIPA program and the agency’s implementation of the new CWIC fee schedule to help fill the resulting gap in services. Social Security work incentives were discussed.

The council broke out in to their committees at 9:43am.

Chairperson, Lee Gordon, called the meeting back to order at 10:36am.

Approval of the minutes:
Motion to approve the June 11, 2012 meeting minutes was made by David Allgood and seconded by Nancy Hunter. No discussion. No abstentions or oppositions. Motion carried unanimously.

Chair Report:
Lee Gordon provided the Chair Report. He began by stating he has been involved with the Asset Development Planning Committee and that it was going very well. He concluded his report.

Staff Report:

Dave Matheis provided the staff report and directed the full council to page 50 of the SCVR meeting booklet. He stated that nominations for the employer recognition awards were solicited from staff. The Awards will be presented to the employers on a local level during Job Placement Month in October 2012. Jason Jones elaborated further on how this procedure would work. Mr. Matheis concluded his report by discussing the planning of the SILC/SCVR Joint Meeting and the Asset Development presentation during the joint meeting.

Client Assistance Program (CAP) Report:

Vanessa Denham provided the CAP report. She reported there were 80 Information and Referrals in 2012 with 27 active cases and 12 new cases. Some problem areas were communication related and service related conflicts. Vanessa read aloud some of the CAP activities, conferences and trainings that were attended by staff.

SILC Report:
Lonnie Cowan provided the SILC report. He stated the separate SILC website was implemented and the SILC is starting to work on the State Plan for Independent Living.

Office for the Blind (OFB) Report:
It was announced that Allison Flanagan was recently named acting executive director of the Office for the Blind.

Committee Reports:

Executive Report:

Lee Gordon provided the Executive Committee report. He announced that committee members met the morning of September 10th they briefly discussed the council budget. Mr. Gordon also said the committee members discussed possible presentations for the December meetings. Those possible topics were customized employment, an update on the Employer Recognition Award and possible ramifications of the results of the presidential election. Mr. Gordon stated the committee members discussed the fall CSAVR conference which will be held on November 10 – 14th. Normally the council would send the chair of the SCVR and the Executive Committee was asking the Council to approve his attendance. A motion was made by Lonnie Cowan to send Lee Gordon to the fall CSAVR Conference. Karen Rossi, second. No discussion. No abstentions or oppositions. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Lonnie Cowan to accept the Executive Committee’s report, second Karen. No discussion and the motion carried.

PAL Report:

David Allgood provided the Public Awareness and Legislation (PAL) Committee report. He explained the committee discussed the Annual Report. A motion to allow Chairperson, Lee Gordon to approve it on behalf of the council before its next meeting was made by Nancy Hunter, Vanessa Denham, second. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Allgood then explained the committee chose the four winners of the 2012 Employer Recognition Awards. Those winners were Thompson Services of Bowling Green, Robley Rex Veterans Administration Medical Center of Louisville, Lakes Funeral Home of Berea; and Comfort Suites of Bellevue. A motion was made to accept the four winners for the Employer Recognition Awards by Nancy Hunter and seconded by Roger Braden. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made to accept the report and all that it entails by Karen Rossi, and seconded by Nancy Hunter. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously.

Policy and Planning Committee:

Terry Shockley provided the Policy and Planning Committee report. He welcomed new committee staff member, Erin Hopper, to the committee. Mr. Shockley announced that the committee discussed the fee schedules which were located in the SCVR booklet on pages 27 to 28. He stated the committee made a few clerical changes and decided to implement the fee schedule. Terry stated the policy and procedure manual was discussed among the committee. Erin Hopper will present a summary of changes in policies and procedures at the December meeting. Terry said the committee discussed the statewide forums for the state plan report. David Allgood made a motion to accept the action steps of implementing the new Service Fee Memorandum on Supported Employment and conducting two public forums, one at the Perkins Vocational training Center and one at a location of the staff’s choosing. Karen Rossi, second. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously. A suggestion was made by the full council to send out an e-mail blast to consumers to provide input on the state plan, etc. The committee discussed self-employment policies and procedures briefly, but no action was taken. A motion was made to accept the Policy and Planning Committee report and all it entails by Terry Shockley, and second by Vanessa Denham. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously.

Consumer Services and Program Evaluation Committee:

Lisa Carrico provided the Consumer Services and Program Evaluation Committee report. She directed the full council to the agenda on page 10 of the SCVR meeting booklet. She announced the agency is now serving individuals who were on the waiting list because they were in category 4. Discussion in the committee was held on the Consumer Satisfaction Survey and how other states are doing to determine quality of Community Rehabilitation Services provided. No action items were brought out of this committee. A motion was made to accept the report and all it entails by Terry Shockley and second by Christine Edwards. No discussion, oppositions or abstentions. Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business:
No old business was discussed.

New Business:

Lee Gordon stated there is a Youth Empowerment Services Summit planned through Protection and Advocacy. It is for youth and family members.

Next Meeting Date:

Monday December 10th.The Hilton Garden Inn in Georgetown.

Meeting Adjourned