Statement under Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010
Under the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 the Commission has, along with other public bodies in Scotland, a duty to publish annual public statements relating to our expenditure in the following areas:
- Public relations
- Overseas travel
- Hospitality and entertainment
- External consultancy
This statement covers the financial year 2015 / 2016.
Public relations
Website Costs (one off cost for redevelopment) / 20,370Photography / 1,043
Media Monitoring / 6,612
Publications / 8,060
Transcription / 1,631
Communications Support / 1,029
Merchandise & Materials / 59
Filming / 4,568
TOTAL / 43,372
Hospitality and entertainment
Visitor & Participants Expenses: / 3,235- Recruitment travel expenses
- Better World Innovation forum travel expenses
- Poverty & Austerity event expenses for participants
- Research Advisory Group travel expenses
- Justice & Safety travel expenses
Catering: / 8,954
- Strategic Planning Event
- Innovation Forum
- SNAP Events
- Poverty & Austerity
- Health & Social Care
- Justice & Safety
- Research Advisory Groups
- Catering for miscellaneous events
- Catering for Commission
Gifts / 73
Hospitality / 69
Room/Venue Hire / 4,776
Events / 155
TOTAL / 17,262
Overseas travel
Europe:Accommodation / 4,339
Flights / 6,432
Taxi / 292
Train / 176
Bus / 13
Travel Subsistence / 603
Accommodation / 600
Flights / 412
Taxi / 247
Train / 8
Travel Subsistence / 104
TOTAL / 13,226
External consultancy
Planning & Facilitation of Human Rights Events (one off cost) / 4,800Media Training 15th March 2016 / 1,074
Drafting breakdown of Human Rights Guide / 3,600
Paper on Human Rights Budgeting / 2,010
Research Briefing Final Report / 2,010
PPR Project Services Provided Quarter 1 & 2 / 2,502
PPR Project Services Provided Q3 and March 2016 / 1,668
Research - SHRC Interaction on historic Abuse of Children / 1,135
Draft Historic Abuse paper / 3,000
Completion of ICESCR Report / 700
Consulting services for UPR report (specialist) / 2,710
Fee for Comms Induction High Level Dialogue Facilitation / 1,249
Facilitation of Strategic Planning Day / 1,200
Review of SNAP research work / 2,600
Commission Induction Workshops / 2,803
HR implications of pending EU Referendum paper / 2,000
TOTAL 35,061
Payments with a value in excess of £25,000: nil
Members or employees who received remuneration in excess of £150,000: nil.
In taking steps to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the exercise of our functions, the Commission has:
- Co-location with SPSO in Edinburgh to make cost savings on rent and utilities.
- Uses a shared services platform for IT.
- Video conference and internet technology is used where appropriate to reduce our travel costs and environmental impact.
- As Scotland’s National Human Rights Institution it is inherent in the mandate of the Commission to take part in the international human rights system which can involve some international travel. Careful consideration is given to all overseas travel by the Chair of the Commission.
The Commission’s Sustainability Report is available on our website at the following link