Stateline Reiki Spiritual Drumming with Reiki

Are you searching for a Reiki workshop with information that can easily be incorporated into your current Reiki practice? Would you like to expand your Reiki experience and add a new therapy to your repertoire?

If so, please come to our winter wonderland on January 11 and 12, 2014 and learn this beautiful technique for deep healing and cleansing. Come and be with likeminded people and take steps to become a Reiki Drum practitioner.

Drumming for healing and meditation is an ancient practice. In tribal cultures the power of sound over the body and spirit is well known, and now in the western world there is research supporting this - making this ancient wisdom more palatable to modern minds.

Today’s research shows that brain activity is affected by drumming. There are studies showing how the sounds of a drum can help with illness and emotional trauma. Group drumming has been linked to improving a variety of things including the immune system, helping Alzheimer's patients, building self-esteem, and supporting recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. These studies are hinting at what has been long known to shamans and shamanic practitioners through the ages, that medicine drumming can heal ones physical body, mind and the persons very soul.

Today, Reiki Drum practitioners use the drum to introduce Reiki into the client's body, shifting blockages and rebalancing their clients energy field. The bringing together of these two systems means that the energy of the drum becomes gentle, protective and works for the highest good of the client just as in a normal Reiki treatment.

The Reiki Drum Technique is the fusion of Reiki and shamanic medicine drumming. The technique is broken down into three main types of sessions:

·  the basic Reiki Drum healing, where the drum is used intuitively over the client’s body to deliver a deep healing treatment, followed by a hands-on Reiki session to fully integrate the work and ground the client

·  the mental/emotional reprogramming technique, where the intuitive drum treatment is combined with the use of powerful positive affirmations to support growth in the recipient

·  the Reiki Drum journey technique, where the practitioner uses the drum to take the client into a deep meditative state to receive insight, spiritual guidance and healing.

The Spiritual Drumming with Reiki is so much more than a professional development course. Much of the practical work is rooted in shamanic practices, and in this workshop[ you will experience several journeys and work on your own self-healing. Many students find that they release blockages over the course of the weekend, and find it a profound experience of personal, spiritual development and deep healing.

Workshop Highlights:

·  Suitable for Reiki 2 practitioners and above

·  Unique course

·  Experienced and knowledgeable trainer

Workshop Schedule: Day 1

·  Welcome

·  Preparation of self, creating sacred space, empowering and sealing the room

·  Drumming History

·  What IS Reiki Drumming?

·  The Reiki Drumming Journey

·  Reiki Drumming Attunement

·  Intuitive Development

·  Drumming the Chakras

·  Honoring the 7 Directions

Day Two:

·  Drum Journeying Technique

·  Group Drumming

·  Conducting Client Healing Sessions – Standing UP

·  Conducting Client Healing Sessions – Laying down

·  Ethics for Reiki Drumming

Please refer to the Spiritual Drumming with Reiki Agendas for additional information

Workshop requirements:

You will need to be at Reiki 2 level or above since we will be working with the Reiki symbols. No previous drumming or musical experience is required. The course will qualify you to work professionally as a Reiki Drum practitioner.

Workshop materials:

The class includes a Spiritual Reiki Drumming folder, many informational handouts and a certificate suitable for framing.

What you need to supply:

Please supply your own drum. Drums may be purchased from instructor for an additional fee of $ 75.00. Please contact instructor at least one month prior to class so a drum can be ordered for you if necessary.