
State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission

Embassy Suites

Rogers, Arkansas

February 19-20, 2004

Commissioners Present

Bill Barnes, Chairman Jane Christenson, Vice-Chairman

Steve Arrison Polly Wood Crews

Danny Ford Jim Gaston

Montine McNulty Mike Mills

Ness Sechrest Jim Shamburger

Wade Williams

Commissioners Absent

Debbie Haak, Illness

Loretta House, Business Conflict

Billy Lindsey, Illness

Department Staff Present

Richard W. Davies, Executive Director

Larry Cargile, Central Administration Director

Joe David Rice, Tourism Director

Greg Butts, State Parks Director

Nancy Clark, Assistant Tourism Director

Mac Balkman, Manager, Operations

Stan Graves, Manager, Planning & Development

Earl Minton, Superintendent, Withrow Springs State Park

Jessee Cox, Superintendent, Devil’s Den State Park

Mark Clippinger, Superintendent, Hobbs State Park - Conservation Area

Ron Gossage, Superintendent, Ft. Smith State Park

Gloria Robins, Executive Assistant

Sandy Burch, Administrative Assistant

Agency Staff Present

Shelby Woods Karen Mullikin

Brian Kratkiewicz Jennifer Wilson


Marla Johnson Norris Jonathan Eudy

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Guests Present

Representative Danny Ferguson

Marynell Branch, Governor’s Office

Bethany Stephens, Rogers A&P Commission

Marilyn Heifner, Fayetteville A&P Commission

Katie Bolton, Bentonville A&P

Sandy Wright, Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow

Claude Legris, Fort Smith Convention & Visitors Bureau

Renee Borchert, Arkansas Hospitality Association

Patti Fox, Arkansas Hospitality Association

Le Roy Gorrell, Eureka Springs CAPC

Pearl Brick, Eureka Springs CAPC

Lynn Berry, Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce

Jacque Alexander, Arkansas Trails Council

Judy Duguid, Arkansas Trails Council

Scott Mashburn, Arkansas Trails Council

Jim House, Fayetteville

Dr. Moye Rutledge, University of Arkansas

Dr. Davies, Director of the Water Resource Center, U of A

James Beyers, Siloam Springs Parks & Recreation

Dr. Rick McWhoter, Director, Siloam Springs Parks & Recreation

Heath Abshure, Williams & Anderson Law Firm

Call to Order

Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Gloria Robins called the roll.

Approval of the Agenda

Polly Wood Crews moved to approve the agenda. Jim Shamburger seconded and the motion carried.

Presentation of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Wade Williams moved to approve the Minutes. Jane Christenson seconded and the motion carried.

Recognition of Guests

Chairman Barnes recognized guests in attendance.

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Financial Report

Larry Cargile presented a fiscal year-to-date financial report for the period ended January 31, 2004. The Parks Division expenditures, including construction/grants, totaled $34,790,201 or 36% of the annual budget. Tourism Division expenditures totaled $6,104,768 or 49% of annual budget. Keep Arkansas Beautiful expenditures were $287,912 or 55% of budget. Administration Division expenditures totaled $1,343,158 or 5% of budget. History Commission expenditures were $800,987 or 62% of budget. Total Department expenditures were $43,327,023.

Parks Division operating revenue for the month of January totaled $317,782, a 0.46% increase over last January. Fiscal year-to-date operating revenue showed a 2% increase over the same period last year.

Steve Arrison moved to approve the financial report. Ness Sechrest seconded and the motion carried.

Executive Director’s Report

Legislative Subcommittee Meetings

Richard W. Davies reported that two legislative subcommittee meetings will be held. The first will be at the Governor’s Conference and will include some short reports from University of Arkansas’s hospitality tourism program personnel as well as Dale Christy from the Northwest Arkansas Regional Tourism Association. The second meeting, which is being set up by Senator Randy Laverty, will be held in Eureka Springs, March 31st – April 2nd.

Southern Legislative Conference

Mr. Davies noted that a couple of thousand southern legislators will be in Little Rock for a conference, August 14-18, 2004, which immediately precedes the Commission meeting that month in Heber Springs. Parks & Tourism, as well as several other Departments, has been asked to help co-sponsor an evening for the legislators at Alltel Arena. Mr. Davies compared the event to the annual legislative dinner that the Department co-sponsors. He stated that Commissioners would be updated as the information becomes available.

Legislative Audit

Richard Davies stated that the legislative audit reported two findings; one, a theft, which is being prosecuted and the other, an accounting issue with fixed assets. Larry Cargile explained the accounting issue to Commissioners. Greg Butts, State Parks Director, also commented on it.

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Tourism Division

Aristotle Presentation of New Website

Joe David Rice made some introductory comments before the presentation. Marla Johnson Norris and Jonathan Eudy presented a 45-minute program on the new website. She showed Commissioners the aspects that will make the site easier for consumers to navigate as well as easier for the Department employees to use. Changes to the site are based on research and trends.

2004 Arkansas Governor’s Conference on Tourism

Nancy Clark reminded Commissioners that the conference would be held March 7-9, 2004 and would be hosted by Fayetteville. Ms. Clark stated that only about 200 persons were full registrants; 400 full registrants are needed to pay for the conference. She introduced Marilyn Heifner with the Fayetteville A&P Commission who also made a few comments. Ms. Heifner discussed the menu she chose as well as other features that Fayetteville has added.

Update on Welcome Centers

Joe David Rice stated that the El Dorado Welcome Center is progressing nicely and will be open in mid to late summer. The Texarkana Center, on the other hand, has had some problems and probably won’t be open until later in the year. He noted that the dedication ceremony scheduled for July would have to be postponed. He commented that Cliff Vanderpool and other people with the Texarkana Museum Association are working to assist with the exhibitry. Mr. Rice stated that the Centers at Van Buren and Corning are also underway.

Unique Tour & Travel Report

Joe David Rice stated that the report would be given at a later date because Dan O’Byrne would be unable to make the meeting tomorrow.

Section Reports


Staff members made final reviews and corrections to content and features on the new Arkansas.com. They also posted the January issue of Arkansastravel.com and sent out the first niche interest e-newsletter. Additions were also made to Bored No More, releases were filed, and items were submitted for Travelin’ Arkansas.

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Research & Information Services

This section processed 28,001 requests for information during January, an increase of 37.4% over the previous year. Tourist Information Center visitation totaled 32,633 and there were 1,505 requests for retirement/relocation information. There were 321,862 visits to the agency web sites.

Tourism Development

All regions met the monthly compliance deadline. The City of Wiederkehr Village was granted $11,316 in matching funds to conduct a tourism attraction feasibility study. The City of Helena was granted $3,772 in matching funds to conduct a study for the Centennial Baptist Church National Historic Landmark. Staff members also spent a great deal of time working on the Governor’s Conference on Tourism.

Group Travel

The section responded to 81 inquiries in January. Jane Ellen Frazier attended meetings for “Destination: Arkansas” as well as the American Bus Association Annual Marketplace.

Marketing & Communication

Spring/Summer 2004 Online Advertising Media

Karen Mullikin introduced Brian Kratkiewicz, the Media Director, and Greg Harrison, who purchased the television buy, which was approved in September. She also introduced Jennifer Wilson, media relations.

Brian Kratkiewicz presented the results of the Fall/Winter online campaign as well as the Spring/Summer 2004 online campaign. An overview was distributed to Commissioners.

Overall, the Fall 2003 online plan generated 80,060 clicks with an average click-through rate above the industry average at .26%. Cost-per-click for the total plan was $3.44. Sites provided more than 55 million bonus impressions, which extended the plan by over 62%.

Recommendations for the Spring/Summer Online Plan include concentrating online support primarily on the mass national web sites that performed well in the fall. An online presence with national print partners will continue as well as niche outdoor/adventure sports sites. The majority of support will be placed within the travel-related areas of the recommended sites. Relationships with other local/regional media sites within the Arkansas media plan will be maximized. Key words and search engine listing will also continue.

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The campaign will be concentrated within the state’s primary marketing area and will run from March through July 2004. Recommended sites include Yahoo!, Weather.com, Travelocity, MapQuest, America Online, and Accuweather.com. Recommended performance based sites include ValueClick, and e-Brains while recommended outdoor/niche sites include AwayNetwork.com, 24-7vacations.com, Wildernet.com, and MTBReview.com.

Mr. Kratkiewicz noted that 114,130,904 impressions had been negotiated at a cost of $324,146. The fall/winter campaign included 82,561,646 at a cost of $281,941.

Spring/Summer 2004 Online Advertising Creative Recommendation

Bill Fitzgerald stated that the Spring/Summer 2004 Online campaign compliments the print and television campaigns that were approved in September. Its aim is to educate people about the finer things that Arkansas has to offer. Banner ads were presented to Commissioners. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the ads would come in all different shapes and sizes. Technical issues about the ads were discussed between Commissioners and staff.

Spring/Summer 2004 Television Schedules

Greg Harrison presented the Spring/Summer 2004 television media recommendations. Along with the Television Broadcasters of Arkansas (TBA) and pay-per-inquiry programs, a spring spot, 12-market buy schedule is recommended. A broad daypart mix will be utilized for a four week flight, March 29 through April 25, 2004. Cable television in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Memphis markets will also be utilized during that time to supplement reach within the market. A report detailing the recommendation was distributed to Commissioners.

Montine McNulty moved to approve the Spring/Summer Online advertising media and creative recommendations and the Spring/Summer 2004 Television schedules. Ness Sechrest seconded and the motion carried.

Spring/Summer 2004 Radio Promotion Recommendation

Karen Mullikin stated that radio wasn’t recommended in September, but that it’s appropriate in certain circumstances. Several radio entities have approached the Department offering several different packages. Ms. Mullikin stated that Neal Gladner, with ARN, presented a number of ideas to utilize radio. The proposal hopes to reach 411,300 Arkansans 15.2 times. Stations included are of several different formats. The campaign would run April through June. Ms. Mullikin stated that an added value offered is tags on the news for three of the weeks during the campaign. She noted the content of the spots could be whatever the agency/Department staff dictates. Comments were made regarding gas prices and this summer’s travel trends.

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Ms. Mullikin stated that the cost is $46, 190, but the actual value is $82,330. Details of the campaign were distributed to Commissioners. She noted that the money would come from media credits.

Ness Sechrest moved to approve the Spring/Summer 2004 radio promotion. Jim Shamburger seconded and the motion carried.

Montine McNulty moved to approve the reallocation of the money for the radio campaign. Mike Mills seconded and the motion carried.

2004 Arkansas Tour Guide Distribution Plan

Wayne Woods presented a comprehensive plan to distribute the 2004 Arkansas Tour Guide to Commissioners. The recommendation included expanding distribution locations to include the entire state. A projected 50,000 Tour Guides will be disseminated via this program. Requests will be reevaluated in mid-May to determine the quantity for further distribution.

“Destination: Arkansas” Report

Shelby Woods updated Commissioners on the status of the “Destination: Arkansas.”

Publicity and Communications Update

Jennifer Wilson updated Commissioners about the “Hubcaps on the Highway” promotion, which will be Friday April 30th and Saturday May 1st. Antique and custom cars will travel on Scenic Highway 7. Copies of the flyers were distributed to Commissioners.

Ms. Wilson stated that feature placement is one way of building a relationship with national media. The intent is to get Arkansas stories in national media. A database has been compiled of 450 people that will receive a targeted direct mail piece. Ms. Wilson explained the program to Commissioners.


Joe David Rice introduced Sandy Wright, from Eureka Springs. She proposed an Arkansas Travel Writing Fellowship in conjunction with the Writers’ Colony, located in Eureka Springs. She explained what the Writers’ Colony does and noted that writers from around the globe had come to the colony. Ms. Wright stated that the colony currently provides eight fellowships, provided by individuals or organizations, which allows a writer to stay at the colony in a private suite with meals provided for one month. She stated that a fellowship would be an opportunity to the state through increased exposure

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and would allow a writer to experience professional growth and development through writing fiction and/or non-fiction material. Ms. Wright stated that most fellowships are $6,000 per year. Eureka Springs CAPC will provide $2,000 per year for a three year commitment and would like the Department of Parks & Tourism to provide $4,000 for three years. Jane Christenson asked how the expenditure would be funded. Joe David Rice replied that there are a few problems with the proposal. First, state law will not allow the Department to fund anything for three years. Second, he’s concerned about the amount of co-sponsorship, two-thirds to one-third. Third, he stated that it would have to come out of the Communications’ section portion of the CJRW budget. Several comments were made about the concept. Suggestions were made to get Shelby Woods, Jay Harrod, and Sandy Wright together to make a better proposal that will fit within the Department’s guidelines. Joe David Rice stated that he would bring a plan back to the Commission at the April or May Commission meeting.


Ness Sechrest asked why the subject of metal detecting in state parks was on the agenda. Bill Barnes said the Commission has the responsibility to hear anyone who wishes to address them. The presenters listed on the agenda had been asked to limit the amount of time they will take for their presentations. Steve Arrison asked if the Commission had not already said no to metal detecting and how many times could it be brought up. Mr. Barnes said they are citizens of Arkansas and the Commission has a responsibility to hear them. Mr. Arrison said, then if the state Legislature were to say “no” to something, they can’t just keep bringing up the same subject. Every month we could hear the same argument – it seems silly to hear the same arguments every 30 days. Wade Williams said it was his understanding that the metal detectors had sent proposals and asked for a review of the policy directive that prohibits metal detecting in state parks, but they never made a presentation to the Commission. Richard Davies said staff is in position that it cannot say no to someone who wants to talk to the Commissioners. The solution might me that the Commission approves a minute order stating that a subject could not be brought back before the Commission for a year. Montine McNulty suggested that if the Commission turns down something, unless it votes to reconsider, the subject should not be brought back. Jim Gaston agreed and suggested placing a time moratorium or something significant has to change before a subject could be brought back to the Commission. Mr. Barnes said he understood that but it has not been a problem during the years he has served on the Commission.