March 5, 2014

The Rutherfordton Town Council held its regular meeting this day at 5:30 pm in the Council room of Town Hall, 129 North Main Street. Mayor Jimmy Dancy welcomed all present and called the meeting to order with the following Councilmembers present: Stan Clements, Christy Bare, Terry Cobb and Henry Giles. Also present were Town Attorney David Lloyd and Town Manager Karen Andrews.


Mayor Dancy recognized David Covington as the Volunteer of the Month. Mr. Covington has served as the President of the Rutherfordton Golf Club for the past three years and during that time the golf course has improved significantly. He also serves as a member of the Town’s Oversight Committee for the Veterans Day event. The Rutherfordton Town Council honors and applauds David Covington for his generosity in giving of his time and labor to benefit our community. Councilmember Giles said David’s positive outlook has been infectious and because of that he believes the future of the golf course and the Golf Club is bright.

Council presented Town Manager Andrews with a Certificate of Recognition for her twenty plus years of service with the Town. The Town Council will be placing a book in recognition of Karen’s service in the Norris Library.

Clark Poole, Executive Director of the Rutherford County Chamber, addressed Council. Through his travels in the County, Mr. Poole said he has heard of the positive comments about this Town Council and the “it can be done” attitude. He thanked the Council for being very positive in their outlook for the future. Mr. Poole thanked TM Andrews for her help with any request the Chamber has asked over the years and what she has done for the Town of Rutherfordton.

Willard Whitson introduced himself and his wife Susan. Mr. Whitson is the new Executive Director of KidSenses Museum. He is excited to be a part of the community and he reminded everyone of the summer children’s program at the Museum.


Mayor Dancy requested item six “Possible acceptance of NC Commerce agreement for the STEP implementation funds” be omitted from the agenda. Councilmember Giles made a motion to adopt the amended agenda, omitting item number six, with Councilmember Bare seconding. Motion passed unanimously.


Councilmember Bare made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 5, 19 and 27, 2014, as presented, with Councilmember Clements seconding. Motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Dancy asked Town Manager Andrews to stand and he read the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Karen Andrews became the Town Administrator of the Town of Rutherfordton in May 1993; and

WHEREAS, Karen Andrews was appointed Town Manager of the Town of Rutherfordton the following year; and

WHEREAS, during her years of service, Karen Andrews dedicated her time and efforts to the responsibilities and duties that the position of trust demands; and

WHEREAS, her contributions toward the functioning of the Town of Rutherfordton Government have been outstanding and invaluable to the members of the Boards with whom she has served; and

WHEREAS, upon the occasion of the retirement of Karen Andrews from the Town of Rutherfordton, this resolution is adopted as a testimonial of loyal and dedicated service rendered to the Town of Rutherfordton over the past 20 years.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Members of the Town Council of Rutherfordton do express their sincere appreciation and thanks to Karen Andrews for her contribution to the community and highly commends her for the manner in which she has carried out her responsibilities and duties for the Town of Rutherfordton.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Town Council declare that this resolution shall be made a part of the permanent records of the Town of Rutherfordton Council.


ATTEST: ______

Mayor Jimmy G. Dancy


Pat Hardage, Town Clerk

Councilmember Giles made a motion to adopt the above resolution, with Councilmember Bare seconding. Motion passed unanimously.

Councilmembers and the Mayor expressed their thanks to Karen for her service to the Town.


Councilmember Bare reported the Trails Committee met this week with Jerry Stensland and Amy Allamong and to develop their goals. She inquired as to if this Council would need to approve and names of additional members for this committee. TM Andrews said Councilmember Bare had been appointed as the Town’s representative to the Rutherford Outdoor Coalition and that at a later time the Town’s Trails Committee, established during the December 4, 2013, Council meeting, would have members appointed by the Town Council.

Councilmember Cobb reported the Parks and Recreation Committee will be meeting next week to review the needs around Town and may be passing their recommendations to the Recreation Trust Fund for their review and possible recommendation to Council.

Brian Rathbone reported on the STEP process. Caroline Seyboldt one of the STEP co-conveners fell and broke her hip last month, we have missed her efforts with the STEP process and wish her a speedy recovery. The new tag line was unanimously approved by the Leadership Team, that being “Rutherfordton A Minted Original”. Brian outlined the present schedule for STEP meetings: first Monday of each month will be for subcommittee meetings, second Monday of each month will be for the Steering Committee, third Monday of each month will be for the Leadership Team meeting, and the fourth Monday will be to place items on the Town Council agenda that need their approval. Jimi Moore will be handling the group emails sent for the STEP process.

The Wi-Fi project subcommittee met with Facebook engineers, as well as members from broadband with NC Commerce last week. The subcommittee is developing a plan for what will work best in our downtown with the topography and the layout of the downtown buildings.

Cindy Adair reported a good turnout for the RTR Fundraiser. Mayor Dancy and Ms. Adair both thanked Tanner Companies for the use of their facilities for the fundraising event. Ms. Adair noted she is already receiving applications for booth rental for the MayFest event scheduled for May 3. There will be a merchants meeting in the morning at 8:30 am at the Main Street location of Tanner.


Ben Harris, with Scout Troop 132, presented his proposed Eagle Scout project to Council. Mr. Harris would like to perform his project in the Town owned Kiwanis Park, located at the dead end of East Seventh Street. Mr. Harris plans to refurbish the five wooden picnic tables presently in the Park, plant five Japanese maple trees, hollies, azaleas, and a few other types of plantings in the Park. He has discussed the placement of these plantings with Public Works Director Keith Ward, so as to assure proper locations for these installations so as not to obstruct plays areas. He will be looking for areas to place an owl house and bird houses. Mr. Harris will also look at making the bridge that crosses Cleghorn Creek handicapped accessible. The work schedule will be late April to early May for installation. He will be soliciting donations from local businesses and individuals to assist in the cost for this project. Councilmember Bare made a motion to allow Mr. Ben Harris to perform his Eagle Scout Project in Kiwanis Park, as outlined, with Councilmember Giles seconding. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Dancy asked Mr. Harris to return to Council to make a report once his project is completed.

TM Andrews reported Doris Clark, a member of the Town’s Historic Preservation Commission, has tendered her resignation as she has moved out of Town. The Commission submits to the Town Council the suggestion of Richard (Dick) Beard to fill the unexpired portion of Ms. Clark’s term of office. Councilmember Bare made a motion to appoint Richard (Dick) Beard to the Rutherfordton Historic Preservation Commission, to fill the unexpired term of Doris Clark, with the term ending June 30, 2015, with Councilmember Clements seconding. Motion passed unanimously.

Councilmember Bare made a motion to request NC DOT for temporary road closure on Saturday, May 3, 2014, for the MayFest celebration, with Councilmember Giles seconding. Motion passed unanimously.

Town Council held their annual review of the lease between the Town and the Golf Club. They see no areas that need to be changed; but will ask the Golf Club Board to review the lease for any proposed changes they need.

Town Attorney David Lloyd was asked by Council to investigate any way(s) the Town could incentivize those property owners who are being displaced by the construction of the 221 bypass. Mr. Lloyd has reviewed the North Carolina General Statutes dealing with incentives and he has had numerous phone conversations with two people from the School of Government in Chapel Hill, who specialize in this area of incentives. There is really no specific statute authorizing the Town to offer any type of incentive to these property owners in this situation. However, there is a provision under which NC DOT will operate when making a purchase of property for the 221 bypass right of way which states, that NC DOT can provide relocation assistance as an element of their compensation. While this particular statue does not directly allow the Town to do anything, because the Town is not the agency doing the condemnation, the Town may want to contact NC DOT to have discussion about ways we may want to work together. Mr. Lloyd will be contacting our local NC DOT personnel, in hopes to get in touch with a DOT attorney who may be of assistance in this matter. He will be asking if this has been done in other locations, and if so, what and how was it handled.

The last item for discussion was a reminder of the priorities workshop for Council to be held on March 12th at 6:00 pm.

At 6:27 pm, Councilmember Cobb made a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to NC GS 143-318.11 (a) (4) and (6) Economic Development and Personnel, with Councilmember Clements seconding. Motion passed unanimously.

After a short break, at 6:36 pm Council began their Closed Session.

At 8:47 pm, Councilmember Clements made a motion to enter into Open Session, with Councilmember Bare seconding. Motion passed unanimously.

Being no further business, at 8:47 pm, Councilmember Giles made a motion to adjourn, with Councilmember Cobb seconding. Motion passed unanimously.


______Mayor Jimmy G. Dancy

Karen E. Andrews, Town Manager


Council received information from their Attorney concerning the incentive agreement with Trelleborg. Council also received information on a possible interim Town Manager and asked that a meeting be arranged for them to meet.


______Mayor Jimmy G. Dancy

Karen E. Andrews, Town Manager