State of Arizona DEMADirective 40.6
Department of Emergency & Military Affairs6 January 2017
Thepurposeofthisdirectiveistoprovideguidance and direction when traveling on business for the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) and to ensure compliance with the Arizona Revised Statues, the Arizona Administrative Code, the State Travel Policy and the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
ThisdirectiveappliestoallDEMAemployeesregardlessofsourceoftravelfunds (federal, state appropriated or non-appropriated) andallDEMAactivitiesinvolvingtravelatStateofArizonaexpense,regardlessofanyreimbursementaction fromanother source.
3.1 Authority
Thelaws, rules and regulations relatingtotravelarecontainedinA.R.S.§§35-101,131,154,181,182;38-621,622,624,626; 41-703,722,1104;AACR2-7-101;GAOState AccountingManualTopic 50.
3.2 Criteria
TravelonStatebusinessmust be for a valid public purpose andbeplannedand performed insuchamannertolimitexpense to the State.Expenses incurred while conducting business for the State of Arizona must be authorized, necessary reasonable, and appropriate.When possible, State business activities should be planned to allow traveltoandfromtheactivityduringnormaldutyhourstoavoidadditionaltravel expenses and overtime/compensatory time.Non-compliance with State Travel Policy or the improper claim for travel expenses may result in appropriate disciplinary action.
3.3 Requirements of personnel
Agency management and all those traveling on State business should be familiar with and understand the State Travel Policy; all travel arrangements and practices should reflect that familiarity and understanding. All new staff and volunteers will receive training on the State’s travel policy and travel related processing procedures. Refresher training will be provided on an annual basis and employees will be notified of any changes or modifications to the statewide and agency policies as they occur. Training will be conducted if a particular change or modification so requires.
The DEMA Chief Finance Officer (CFO) will administer the Central Travel Account (CTA). The CTA will be used for the reservation and purchase of airfare for State travel.
TheEmployeeTravelCard(ETC) isanemployeeliabilitycreditcardthatmaybeusedbyStateofArizonaemployeestopurchaseairfare,lodging,carrental,othertransportationcharges,mealsandincidentalexpenses,andothermiscellaneouschargesfortravelonofficial State ofArizonabusiness.
- TheETCisavailabletoalltravelerswhoqualifywiththeTravelCardProgramContractor.
- Thecardholderisrequiredtoreportany actual or potential violations totheir immediate supervisororthrough the appropriate chain of command.Cardholders must informtheDEMAChief Finance Officer of any lost, stolen or damaged card immediately.
- The State of Arizona is not responsible for any charges incurred on the ETC or for resolving disputes associated with billing.
- TheemployeeisresponsibleforfullpaymentoftheETCuponreceiptofthestatement.Anydelinquencychargesarethecardholder’sresponsibility and arenot reimbursable by the State of Arizona.
State of Arizona DEMADirective 40.6
Department of Emergency & Military Affairs6 January 2017
- TheETCmustbeimmediatelysurrendereduponresignation,retirement,transfer,terminationofStateservice,orcancellation/revocationofETC privileges.
- Ifauthorized,theETCmaybeusedtoobtainatraveladvancefromanATMforthepurposeofpayingfornon-chargeabletravelexpenseswhileonofficialStatebusiness.Excessamountswithdrawnandnotusedwhileintravelstatusaretheresponsibilityofthecardholder.ATMcashadvancefeesarereimbursablewhenanemployeeisintravelstatusovernight.ReimbursementofATMcashadvancefeesislimitedtoonceeveryfive(5)businessdayswhileintravelstatus andupto$8.00perwithdrawalforcashadvancefeesusingtheETConly.Cashadvancefeesusingother personal creditcardsarenoteligiblefor reimbursement.
- Travelersarenoteligibletoreceivetraveladvancesunlesstheyhaveboth applied for andbeendeniedaETCorhavebeenapprovedforaETCanditisin transit.
- NotraveladvanceswillbepermittedtoemployeeswhohavehadtheirETCrevoked.
- Travel advances are tracked by the DEMA Finance Section and are deducted from the travel claim upon reimbursement.
Employees are required to submit travel requests prior to traveling on official state business. Requests should be submitted 21 days in advance of travel, when possible.
- In State Travel- Each Division has developed their own internal processes. Please see your supervisor or Division Director for updated division processes.
- Out-of-State travel- An employee is required to submit FormGAO-509StateofArizonaEmployeeOut-Of-StateTravelApprovalRequestforout-of-statetravel approval to the Chief Finance Officer prior to any travel arrangements being made. DEMA requires any requests less than 3 weeks from the date of the proposed travel be accompanied with a memo or e-mail from the supervisor as to the reason why travel was not booked more timely.
- AnemployeeisrequiredtosubmitFormGAO-509StateofArizona Employee Out-of-State Travel Approval Request forout-of-countrytravelrequests.TheemployeemusthaveacurrentU.S.Passportandcurrentmedicalrecordstoincludeimmunizationsforthespecificcountryfortravel.Expensesforobtainingand/orrenewingaU.S. Passportarenot reimbursable.Exceptions must beapprovedbyGAO. TheprocedurefortravelclaimreimbursementwillbecompletedusingFormGAO-503EZStateofArizonaTravelClaimFormasdescribedinsection11.0ofthisdirective.
Because there are no agency duty posts less than 100 miles of the Arizona borders, the DEMA Director has determined that out-of-state travel to other states that are within one hundred miles (100) of the Arizona border, is considered ‘out-of-state’ travel when determining limits for lodging, meals, and incidentals. This policy applies to all DEMA State employees.
Out-of-state travel that involves three (3) or more individuals, or if the travel cost estimates equal or exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), must include written documentation regarding the purpose, need, and cost benefit of the trip, as well as other alternatives which were considered. The documentation must also contain the names of all travelers, travel dates and destination.
Generally, all charges relating to avoidable and/or non-agency directed cancellation, change or non-use of a flight or hotel reservation are the responsibility of the party initiating the change or at fault for the cancellation or change. All such changes and explanations should be documented by traveler and submitted along with their travel claim. Determination of responsibility for related costs, penalties or fees will be determined and approved by the CFO. The documentation will be retained for audit purposes with the respective travel claim.
Travelers must submit an approved and completeFormGAO-503EZ, State of Arizona Travel Claim, to DEMA Finance for processing within 10 days from the last date of travel. It must include allrequired supporting documentation.Original,legiblereceiptsarerequiredforallexpensesincluding,butnotlimitedto;airfare,lodging,carrental,othertransportationcharges, other miscellaneous travel charges, and incidentalexpenses.Additional considerations:
- Although the agency does not require meal receipts to be submitted with the travel claim, the request for reimbursement of meals must still comply with the policies prescribed in the SAAM in that they will be reimbursed whichever is less, the maximum meal rate or the actual cost of the meal. The actual cost of the meal includes the maximum amount allowable for tip and cannot include “unallowable costs”, such as alcohol. Travelers must maintain on-site original copies of their receipts for audit and monitoring purposes.
- Lodgingreceiptsmustbeitemizedandhavethehotelnamewithcompleteaddress,roomrateandtaxonthereceipt.
- Phonecallsfrom the place of lodging mustbeforStatebusinessonlywiththephonenumberonthereceipttobereimbursable. These costs should be separated from lodging on the claim form.
- Conference/meetingbrochuresorregistrationformsstatingthedatesandhotelratesbeing charged and meals included in registration fees mustaccompany the claim.
- Carrentalreceipts must be itemized and a Justification forCarRental must becompleted and signed by the agency head or designee in advance of the travel.No reimbursement isallowed for vehicleliabilityinsuranceor optionalupgradespurchasedbythetraveler for vehicle rental within the U.S. Reimbursement is provided for collision damage waiver (CDW) insurance and should be clearly reflected on the car rental receipt.
All complete travel claims will be processed by the DEMA Finance Section within 5 working days.
10.0Frequent flyer miles, flight delay bonuses and hotel awards programs
Whenever public monies are used to pay for airline travel or lodging, any credits, bonuses, awards and other benefits issued by an airline or hotel should accrue to the benefit of the State, not the traveler. Travelers are not to favor certain airlines or hotel chains based upon potential frequent flyer or frequent lodger awards programs. Travelers are to make reasonable efforts to use their awards and bonuses in connection with State travel.