What is Cost Sharing?

The goal of Cost Sharing is to have everyone pay his or her fair share of the services he or she receives, so services can be expanded to other older adults in need. Currently, there are many consumers on waiting lists throughout the state for Aging services.

Services eligible for Cost Sharing include, but are not limited to: Medication dispensers, personal care, home support, personal emergency response systems, and transportation.

Do I need to provide income information to my Care Manager?

Consumers are required to provide proof of all income received to their care manager at each assessment/re-assessment visit. Your care manager will explain Cost Sharing and you will be required to sign a Cost Sharing Agreement Invoice. Payment for services is a shared responsibility between you and the AAA and the AAA is required to terminate its financial support if your share is not received according to the payment schedule.

Refusal to disclose income or cooperate with the verification process will result in a100% consumer co-pay for services. Additionally, consumers who are assessed as Nursing Home Clinically Eligible and refuse to apply for PDA wavier serviceswill be required to pay 100% of the cost of their services. The fees charged to the consumer will also include any care management and administrative costs incurred by the AAA.

Are any services not included under Cost Sharing?

Under our Options services, care management, assessment, home delivered meals, and emergent or protective services are not included under Cost Sharing.

At what income level does Cost Sharing begin?

Most of the Potter County Human Services Area Agency on Aging consumers will not be affected by Cost Sharing. Only persons whose income is greater than 133% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines will be subject to Cost Sharing. The guidelines are updated annually by the federal government. Cost Sharing is calculated by gradually increasing percentages. The more income a consumer receives, the higher the fee percentage.

Can I make voluntary donations for services?

Consumers are still encouraged to make voluntary donations for services that are not subject to Cost Sharing, such as Home Delivered Meals. Voluntary donations are appreciated from consumers who are not required to Cost Share or have a small Cost Sharing percentage. All donations received are used to pay for services. Donations are never used toward administrative costs or staff salaries.

Your donations are very much appreciated and help to provide continued services.

If you have additional questions about Cost Sharing, please contact your Care Manager at the Potter County Area Agency on Aging, 544-7315 or 1-800-800-2560.