Govt. of Punjab
State Institute of Rural Development, Mohali
Questionnaire for Assessment of District Panchayats (2012-13)
Date of Verification:
Name of Verifiers:
Sr. no. / Name / Phone Number1.
Team Leader:
1. Basic Information:
1.1 Nameof District Panchayat(ZP): 1.2 Pin Code:
1.3Telephone No.: 1.4 Email-ID.:
1.5Name of ZP Chairman: 1.6 Mobile No. of Chairman :
1.7 Age of Chairman:1.8 Gender of the Chairman: Male/ Female
1.9 Category of Chairman: GEN/SC/OBC 1.10 Qualification of Chairman:Illiterate/underMatric/Matric/Graduate/Post Graduate/if any then give the details:
1.11 Name & Mobile No. of C.P.O1.12 Name & Mobile No. of D.C.P.O :
1.13 Number of members with Chairman of PS,M.L.A, M.P :
General / SC / BC / Directly Elected ZP Member / Chairman of PS,M.L.A & M.P / Total / TotalMale / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female / Male / Female
1.14 Number of Intermediate Panchayats (In case of District Panchayats) :
1.15 Details of NewZP Members:
Sr. No. / Name of ZP Members / GEN. / BC / SC / Mobile No.1H
2. District Panchayat Performance:
a) District Panchayat functioning:
Question / Total Marks / Marks Obtained / Revised Marks given by state verifying team / Observation on the basis of field verification (mention source of information ) / Decision of SPPAC with detailed reasons for non-acceptance of the findings of field verification teams(i)How many meetings of the District Panchayat were held in 2012-13?
(a) / No. of mandated meetings in a year: / 4
(b) / No. of mandated meetings held with proper quorum in 2012-13:
(c) / No. of Special meeting held in 2012-13:
(d) / Total No. of mandated and Special meeting held in 2012-13:
/ 3
(ii) Provide the following information about the meetings of District Panchayat:
Meetings of ZP / Date / Total no. of members attended / No. of SC members attended / No. of women who attended
April-July, 2012
Jan.-March, 2013
Percentage(To be calculated by the Evaluator)
/ 6
(iii) How many SC and Women raised issues in the meetings mentioned above?
(a)SC members who raised issues:
Sr. No. / Name of SC members with SC women who raised issues in the meeting / Raised issue / Date of meeting
(b) Women members who raised issues:
Sr. No. / Name of women members with SC women who raised issues in the meeting / Raised issue / Date of meeting
/ 4
(iv) How many meetings were called off due to lack of quorum in 2012-13? / 1
(v) How many meetings were called off due to chaotic situation in 2012-13? / 1
(vi) For how many meetings agenda was circulated in advance during 2012-13 ? / 1
(vii) In how many meetings decisions were taken by vote or consensus after discussion in 2012-13? / 1
(viii) For how many meetings minutes were recorded including the discussion, differences, different opinion, suggestion, etc along with the names of the ZP members who raised issues in 2012-13 ? / 1
(ix) Please tick mark if resolutions were passed on following issues during the year 2012-13:
Sr. No. / Issues / Date of resolution
a / Approval of Budget/Planning
b / Review of Schemes
c / Water
d / Education
e / Livelihood
f / Nutrition
g / Health
h / Women issues
i / SC issues
j / Child care issues
k / Sanitation
l / Road/ connectivity
m / Streetlights
n / Environment
o / Agriculture Diversification
p / Abuse Control
q / Dowry
r / Caste issues
s / Common Land
t / Female Feticide
u / Sports
v / Deforestation
w / Other Social issues
/ 3
(x) Are records of the District Panchayat maintained with proper classification? / 1
b) Performance of Standing Committees
(i) Has the District Panchayat formed the standing committees by passing the resolution under Sec. 184 of Punjab Panchayati Raj Act and allocated work to them?Sr. No. / Standing Committees / Date of meeting in which work allocated to them
A. / General Committee
B. / Finance ,Audit and Planning Committee
C. / Social Justice Committee
D. / Education and Health Committee
E. / Agriculture and Industry Committee
/ 3
(ii) If any of the powers of District Panchayat has been revoked for irregularity or illegality in 2012-13? / 1
2. Management of Personnel and Capacity Building
a) Filling of posts (in case PRIs are authorized to fill posts)
(i)For posts to be filled by the District Panchayat, provide the following information:Name of Post / Sanctioned strength / Posts filled as on 31st March 2013
/ 4
(b) Training programmes organized
(i) (a) Did the District Panchayat organize any training programme in 2012-13? / Yes / No / 2(b) If so how many?
Sr. No. / Name of Program / Total No. of Training Program / Date
(ii) Have all elected representatives and functionaries attended at least one training programme? / Yes / No / 2
(c) Review of work of officials
(ii) Do the officials of following allocated department to ZP attend the meetings of ZP? (Please give the details of officials who attend the meeting of ZP)Department Name / Yes / No / if Yes then write the name of officials / Date of meeting
Education Department
Health Department
Veterinary Department
Water Department
Village development
Social Security, Women and Child development
Social welfare, SC and BC
/ 2
(iii) If yes in (ii) above does District Panchayat review work of officials? (Please give the details of related meeting ) / 2
4. Planning and budget formulation
(a)Preparation of annual plan
(i) Has the District Panchayat prepared 5 years Perspective Plan? / 1(ii) Was the annual plan of the District Panchayat prepared for 2013-14? / 2
(iii) Was the annual plan of the District Panchayat submitted to next level?
a) / Due date of submission
b) / Actual date of submission
/ 1
(b) Process of preparation of annual plan
(i)Was the annual plan discussed in the General Body? / 1(ii)Were suggestions of the General Body incorporated? / 1
(iii) Were experts involved in preparation of plan? / 1
(iv)Were lower tiers of Panchayats consulted in preparation of plan? / 1
(v)Was convergence with departmental plans/ schemes ensured? / 2
(c) Budget
(i) Was a budget prepared as per norms and in time for FY 2013-14? / 1(i)Was gender budget prepared for FY 2013-14? / 1
5. Income generation
(a) Planning for own income:
(i)Whether Income generation for 2012-13 was discussed and any new sources of income for 2012-13 were identified in the District Panchayat ?(Mention the date of meeting in which decision were taken)Date of ZP Meeting / Detail of New Sources identified
/ 2
(ii)Whether income was generated from these sources?(Please give details of the amount generated )
Name of the New Sources / Income Generated from it
/ 2
(iii)Whether any income generating assets like shop etc. created in District panchayat during 2012-13?(Please give the detail of Assets)
Name of new asset created / Income generated from it
/ 4
6. Performance
(a) Physical achievements in schemes:
(a) Please provide the targets achieved in schemes implemented by the District Panchayat as follows:Name of scheme / Central Govt./State Govt./Other / Actual target (Give Counting & measurement) e.g. No. Of houses, No. Of beneficiaries, street area in Sq. Mt. etc. / Physical Achievement (Give Counting & measurement)
/ 6
(b) Expenditure against allotment in schemes
i) Please provide the expenditure against the allotment available in each scheme of the District Panchayat as followsName of Scheme / Central/ State / other / Allotment available to Panchayat in 2012-13(in Rs.) / Amount spent in 2012-13 (in Rs.)
/ 6
(c) Expenditure on SC
(c) Utilization of funds allocated for SC:Total funds earmarked for SCs in all Schemes:
a. / Actual Allocation
b. / Actual Expenditure
/ 2
(d) Expenditure for women development
(i) Describe the allotment for the women's development program in Panchayat's annual Planning in 2012-13:a. / Total non personal Expenditure:
b. / Allotment for women development programmes:
/ 1
(ii) In 2012-13 give the details of Expenditure on women's development programmes against the allocation in Panchayat's annual Planning?
a. / Total Allotment for women development programmes:
b. / Actual Expenditure on women development programmes:
/ 1
(e) Untied funds expenditure
(i) Please provide following information about untied funds in the District Panchayats: (including the District panchayat own sources like Common land,13th finance Commission etc. )Sources from which untied fund is available
Amount of untied fund available in 2012-13(in Rs.)
Total Amount spent in 2012-13(in Rs.)
Purpose of expenditure (Please give Details)
Expenditure to address needs of SCs Women
Expenditure on basic needs such as drinking water/drainage/sanitation
/ 4
(f) Performance of civic duties
(i) How many villages under the District Panchayat are fully covered by safe drinking water?a) / No.of villages:
b) / No. of villages fully covered
/ 2
(ii)How many villages under the District Panchayat have got Nirmal Gram Puruskar in 2012-13?
a) / No.of villages:
b) / No. of villages got Nirmal Gram Puruskar:
/ 2
(g)Panchayat and Community Group
What activities did the District Panchayat undertake with community based groups such as SHGs, Women groups, minority groups, Youth groups, with groups of SCs during 2012-13? / 2(h) Special initiatives taken by the Panchayat
Please describe any special initiatives taken by the District Panchayat during 2012-13 to improve the life of citizens, especially marginalized groups such as physically challenged, HIV positive, sex workers, lepers, child labour etc. / 2(i) IEC Initiative
Has the District Panchayat taken initiative to inform and educate people on social issues, local issues etc. Explain. / 27. Accountability and transparency
(a) Maintenance of Accounts
(i) Are District Panchayat accounts maintained in the format prescribed by the Government? / Yes / No / 1(ii)Are these accounts up-to date and authenticated? / Yes / No / 1
(iii) Whether accounts of 2012-13 were placed before General Body? (Please mention the date of meeting)? / Yes / No / 1
(b) Audit
(i) Please provide information of previous audits of the District Panchayat:a. / Last date of audit
b. / Name of audit agency
c. / How many audit paras complied with?
d. / How many audit paras are pending?
/ 3
(c) Grievance Redressal
(i)How many grievances from citizens were received by the District Panchayat during 2012-13? / 2(ii) How many of these were addressed?
(d) Compliance to RTI Act
(i) Total No. of application under RTI Act received by the District Panchayat during 2012-13? / 1(ii) How many of these were replied with requisite information?
(ii)How many of these applications went into appeal? / 1
(iv) Has important information related to BPL list, pensioners, funds received and expenditure, list of officials to whom grievances are to be addressed etc. been displayed in the Zila Parishad office and public places as per provisions of RTI Act? / 2
- Signature of Chairman ZP:2. Signature of Vice-Chairman ZP:
- Signature of ZP Members:
Signature of C.E.O/D.C.E.O
Format B: Summary of Observations:
Name of District PanchayatDate of Verification
Summary of Observations:
Best practices in the Panchayat (if any) with descriptions:
Signature and Name of Field Verification team
Sr. No. / Name / Signature / Date