Topic: Sisters Web Academy (SWA) Waiver Request

Date: June 19, 2008

Staff/Office: Joni Gilles/ Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation

Action Requested: Information only Policy Adoption Policy Adoption/Consent Calendar

ISSUE BEFORE THE BOARD: The Sisters School District and the Sisters Web Academy jointly request a wavier from:

§  ORS 338.125(1) to allow SWA to base admissions on whether a student has the permission of the student’s resident school district to attend SWA; and

§  ORS 338.125 (2)(b) that states “if a public charter school offers any online courses as part of the curriculum of the school, then 50 percent or more of the students who attend the public charter school must reside in the school district in which the public charter school is located.”


The charter school law, ORS 338.025, authorizes the State Board to waive certain provisions of the law if the waiver promotes the development of programs by providers, enhances the equitable access by underserved families to the public education of their choice, extends the equitable access to public support by all students or permits high quality programs of unusual costs.

The Sisters School District Board approved the Sisters Web Academy charter contract on March 18, 2008. Sisters Web Academy will provide a comprehensive, computer-based curriculum for a maximum of 400 students annually in grades 1-12. Additional components of SWA are face-to-face meetings between the student and instructor, enrichment classes and curriculum-related field trips. Target students include those who are currently home-schooled, are unable to attend a regular Sisters District school or would benefit from a non-traditional education.

On March 23, 2008 SWA submitted a request to waive the 50% attendance rule. This request was withdrawn at the May 15, 2008 meeting. A new waiver request was submitted on June 2, 2008.

The Board has adopted a policy to make decisions on waiver requests within 120 days, when possible; for this request, that date is September 29, 2008.

The following conditions and terms have been proposed:

1.  Sisters Web Academy will provide a comprehensive, computer-based educational program for a maximum of 400 students annually, in grades 1-12;

2.  Preference for admission will always be given to students who reside in the sponsoring district, Sisters School District;

3.  Students who fall outside of “the 50% rule” must receive written approval by their resident district in order to enroll in the school;

4.  For the purposes of interpreting “the 50% rule,” Sisters Web Academy will not count part-time resident students when determining how many students the school can accept from outside the district. Sisters Web Academy will abide by any Oregon Administrative Rule adopted by the State Board of Education which defines “attend” in ORS 338.125(2)(b);

5.  Sisters Web Academy will cooperate with ODE in its data collection efforts, including the Database Initiative;

6.  Sisters Web Academy will participate in an annual comprehensive evaluation by external, qualified party (and will cover these costs if required by ODE.);

7.  The school will fully comply with all laws applicable to charter schools pursuant to ORS 338.115(1), including those relating to Oregon content standards and instruction, and the statewide assessment system; and,

8.  The waiver would sunset on July 1, 2010 unless extended by the State Board of Education.

Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board hear from the Sisters Web Academy developer.

May 28, 2008

Dr. Jerry Berger, Chair

Oregon State Board of Education

255 Capitol Street NE

Salem, OR 97310

Dear Chair Berger and Members of the Board,

This letter is a formal amended waiver request for the State Board of Education to waive the Sisters Web Academy from Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 338.125(2)(b) and ORS 338.125(1). Sisters Web Academy and the Sisters School District jointly and respectfully make this request under ORS 338.025(2).

On March 23rd we submitted a request to you, asking that you consider waiving these statutes. During discussions with the State Board’s Virtual Charter School Subcommittee and with Oregon Department of Education staff over the past few months, we have learned more about the specific conditions you would like to see for any waiver of these statutes. During your May 15th meeting, after you reiterated your willingness to consider an amended waiver request from us, we withdrew our original waiver request. This is an amended waiver request, which we believe aligns with the conditions identified as desirable by the State Board’s Virtual Charter School Subcommittee.

The Sisters School District and Sisters Web Academy both agree to the following conditions and terms of this waiver request, should it be granted:

1.  Sisters Web Academy will provide a comprehensive, computer-based educational program for a maximum of 400 students annually, in grades 1-12;

2.  Preference for admission will always be given to students who reside in the sponsoring district, Sisters School District;

3.  Students who fall outside of “the 50% rule” must receive written approval by their resident district in order to enroll in the school;

4.  For the purposes of interpreting “the 50% rule,” Sisters Web Academy will not count part-time resident students when determining how many students the school can accept from outside the district. Sisters Web Academy will abide by any Oregon Administrative Rule adopted by the State Board of Education which defines “attend” in ORS 338.125(2)(b);

5.  Sisters Web Academy will cooperate with ODE in its data collection efforts, including the Database Initiative;

6.  Sisters Web Academy will participate in an annual comprehensive evaluation by external, qualified party (and will cover these costs if required by ODE.);

7.  The school will fully comply with all laws applicable to charter schools pursuant to ORS 338.115(1), including those relating to Oregon content standards and instruction, and the statewide assessment system; and,

8.  The waiver would sunset on July 1, 2010 unless extended by the State Board of Education.

Educational Program Strengths

Sisters Web Academy’s educational program is modeled upon that of Clackamas Web Academy, which has successfully served students for the past three academic years; students of diverse demographics, from across the state. The school will infuse state standards and benchmarks through the use of exciting educational software, small learning groups, mentoring, and an emphasis on one-on-one teacher-to-student collaboration. For the past three years, Clackamas Web Academy has utilized OdysseyWare® Online, a Web-based learning environment featuring a media-rich, core curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school students. Sisters Web Academy plans to use OdysseyWare®, as well. OdysseyWare® Online is correlated to the Oregon state standards and offers over 50 grade-level courses. In addition to the OdysseyWare® courses, Sisters Web Academy will use Rosetta Stone for Foreign Language and Calvert curriculum for students in grades 1 and 2.


·  The school will employ only TSPC-licensed teachers;

·  The school will maintain a maximum student-teacher ratio of 25:1; and

·  The school will provide numerous and significant benefits to the sponsoring district and student resident districts (other than Sisters School District), many of which we have shared verbally with you.

Operational Strengths

Key operational strengths of the Sisters Web Academy, which the State Board may find relevant, given some of its discussions on these matters, include:

·  The board and administrative staff of Sisters Web Academy will manage and operate the school; the school will not contract with any for-profit or non-profit entity for management or administration services;

·  The budget of the school will remain structured according to Oregon Department of Education cost coding system for public schools;

·  The school will operate according to generally accepted accounting procedures and will comply, in all instances, with applicable governmental accounting requirements; and

·  The school will adopt and operate in accordance with comprehensive financial management policies and practices, including internal controls and procurement.

We appreciate the extensive time and effort that State Board members and ODE staff have invested on these issues. This waiver is essential to the operation of Sisters Web Academy beginning fall 2008, and to current enrollment activities; therefore, we would truly appreciate a decision at your June meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or input.


Tim King, Founder/Director Elaine Drakulich, Superintendent

Sisters Web Academy Sisters School District