January 16, 2018

Present: Michael Buckley (MB), Chris Childs (CC), Charles Cook (C Cook),Karen Dennison (KD), Colleen Dolan (CD), Shawn Pearson (SP), DeArmond Sharp (DS), Sandi Turner (ST) and Matt Watson (MW). (quorum).

Absent:, Mary Drury, Elizabeth Fielder, Doug Flowers, Craig Howard, Angela Otto, and Mandy Shavinsky.

Meeting commenced at 4:00 PM.

  1. Minutes of EC Meetingof November, 2017 approved.
  2. Financial Report. DS reviewed the Section P&L. No questions.
  3. MB reported on the January 11 SBN Section Chair meeting. Among other things, Jenni Smith of the SBN Publication committee mentioned the committee publishes newsletters for other sections and is interested in a Real Property Practice Manual.
  4. Section 2018 Goals. Members discussed a quarterly newsletter. Topics could include:"hot tips," Mary Drury's newsletter tips, new cases and proposed legislation, the change in recording procedures(CD), Deed on Death issues (C Cook). The EC should solicit proposals from Section members.
  5. Real Property Practice Manual discussed. Jenni Smith's outline seems deficient. Questions regarding what exactly should be considered. The consensus was that the “manual” should be more in the nature of “practice tips” or, perhaps, a summary. In the meantime, EC members should review prior materials for work that may be adaptable to this effort. (2009 Annual Meeting Materials have a very good how to practice guide for foreclosures.)EC members have materials on leasing and title insurance.
  6. Annual Meeting. Discussion of format of annual meeting. Members liked the idea of the Fennemore Sommelier attending with wine selections. Section Bylaws reviewed. It's not clear who is one what committee.
  7. 2019 Legislation. MB reported no response from LCB on technical changes. Members discussed MB's question whether the Section might approach legislative leaders regarding a better working relationship with LCB.
  8. New Business/Current Matters of Interest to Section Members. DS mentioned a statute that automatically repeals beneficiaries after divorce. CD mentioned recorder's position based on new bill that may affect opinion practice.
  9. Next meeting is February 20, 2018.

Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.

