Spelling Lists

Start Smart and Unit 1

Start Smart- Week 1: and, for, has, here, little, play, she, this, what, you, are, see

I am Sam.

I see you.

Start Smart- Week 2: can, have, like, look, my, said, to, where, with, was, is, do

It is on top.

I am not hot.

Unit 1, Week 1: jump, not, up, man, ran, plan, fan, cat, hat, mat, flat, that

We can see the cat nap.

Pam can tap the pans.

Unit 1, Week 2: too, it, over, dad, sad, nap, tap, sack, back, track, snack, man

I am here to play tag.

Can I pack the van?

Unit 1, Week 3: be, ride, run, pin, win, sit, miss, kiss, spin, skin, sad, nap

I will fill the bag with hats.

Did you see the pig in a wig?

Unit 1, Week 4: come, down, good, pull, clip, flip, slip, flag, black, plan, glass, place

The cat is slim and black.

Bill plans to do a flip!

Unit 1, Week 5: help, now, use, very, land, sand, fast, past, sink, sing, left, twist

At camp we will play in the sand.

He can sing with the band.

Spelling Lists

Unit 2

Unit 2, Week 1: her, our, they, two, hop, top, log, hog, hot, stop, frog, fast

The dog got off the damp mat.

A frog hops on a rock to sit.

Unit 2, Week 2: eat, know, of, some, who, leg, beg, men, let, get, spend, sled

Can a hen nap in a bed?

The red fox fled to her den.

Unit 2, Week 3: live, many, out, place, spill, spin, grab, grass, sing, trip, stamp, branch

I spot a crack in the glass.

They get a snack for the trip.

Unit 2, Week 4: again, could, make, one, then, three, run, fun, bug, rug, lunch, cut

The mud stuck to my rug.

Three bugs sat in the sun.

Unit 2, Week 5: all, put, show, together, under, want, fish, shop, with, thin, thank, wish

I wish that fun band had a show.

Do you want to play together?

Spelling Lists

Unit 3

Unit 3, Week 1: away, school, today, way, why, make, take, came, game, gate, late, space

Can a snake bake you a cake?

Why was Dave late for the game?

Unit 3, Week 2: call, funny, how, more, so, there, mine, shine, bike, like, ride, hide

Can a bike or a kite make you smile?

I like to take big bites of rice.

Unit 3, Week 3: every, from, into, people, soon, your, whip, catch, match, chin, chop, when

Can you catch a whale with a net?

How much did you eat at lunch?

Unit 3, Week 4: after, done, find, new, old, work, joke, woke, nose, note, cute, cube

A cute rat ran down the hole.

A dog uses its nose to find bones.

Unit 3, Week 5: any, boy, by, does, friends, girl, water, string, splash, scrub, scrap, split

Little cubs get strong in the spring.

They splashed in the water.

Spelling Lists

Unit 4

Unit 4, Week 1: across, carry, eight, once, saw, upon, walked, mail, rain, chain, play, day

Today the mail came late.

I waited all day to play the drums.

Unit 4, Week 2: give, says, about, were, pretty, write, feed, keep, speed, seat, beak, she

We keep our class nice and neat!

He meets me under the green tree.

Unit 4, Week 3: buy, move, better, change, low, row, flow, no, go, boat, coat, snowman

Coach shows us how to throw.

They can row an old boat.

Unit 4, Week 4: never, head, should, ball, shout, find, kind, night, right, bright, dry, by

The bright light helps my sight.

I tried to find my kite in dark.

Unit 4, Week 5: blue, because, until, other, also, or, puppy, funny, bunny, sleepy, penny, sandy

My bunny likes to eat grass.

Is it funny to have a messy class?

Spelling Lists

Unit 5

Unit 5, Week 1: full, poor, another, climbed, through, her, fern, germ, bird, dirt, fur, burn

The girl got hurt when she fell.

She got dirt on her red shirt.

Unit 5, Week 2: knew, grew, would, house, cart, barn, arm, art, yarn, harm, chart, smart

How far is the park from here?

You can see the stars when it is dark.

Unit 5, Week 3: warm, know, sound, great, their, born, cork, horn, corn, fork, pork, sport

Do you eat corn with a fork?

Their team is good at sports.

Unit 5, Week 4: against, fall, sure, below, yellow, orange, cow, town, how, mouse, mouth, cloud

The clouds made shade for the hot town.

I found ten cents on the ground.

Unit 5, Week 5: open, eyes, learn, enough, air, spoil, coin, join, voice, joy, toy, enjoy

The boy broke his toy.

Roy did not enjoy the noise.

Spelling Lists

Unit 6

Unit 6, Week 1: four, mother, father, love, always, toy, look, cook, took, hood, wood, cookie

I love my mother and my father.

They like to cook dinner.

Unit 6, Week 2: early, instead, thought, nothing, along, cause, saw, claw, paw, dawn, fault, awful

I yawn when I wake up at dawn.

Do you always draw small cars?

Unit 6, Week 3: only, goes, build, laugh, dentist, happen, unpack, begin, lion, protect, animal, elephant

Did you ever unpack your bag?

I like to reread good books.

Unit 6, Week 4: before, been, gone, searching, jumping, looking, waiting, stopping, running, planning, hiding, coming

I was playing and jumping outside.

They were waiting all day.

Unit 6, Week 5: straight, certain, begin, brought, minutes, around, lunchtime, daydream, shortcake, pancakes, everything, strawberry

Can you eat pancakes at lunchtime?

I got a lunchbox for my birthday.