Christine Gruver, Principal

Tod Klundt, Assistant Principal/Activities Director

Tom Wilfong, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Kevin Plambeck, Career/Tech Ed Director

August, 2010

Parents/Guardians of Stanwood High School Students:

I want to welcome all of you to the 2010-2011 school year. We are excited to have your child at Stanwood High School this school year. School starts on Thursday, September 2nd, with first period beginning at 7:40 a.m.

Student learning and achievement remains the focus at Stanwood High School. Our staff have created a theory of action which outlines what our vision is and how we will move our school forward. Plan now to attend our open house to learn more about that vision and how you can participate in your child’s learning. The open house will be held on Monday, September 13th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. More information on the open house is included in this newsletter.

This year we are hosting our first “Parent Academy”. The event will include a tour of the high school, information on accessing your child’s grades and attendance, ways to keep informed of school activities, graduation requirements, how to help your student be successful during high school, and more. We hope you will join us for the SHS Parent Academy on Monday, August 30th starting at 8:15 a.m. Approximate length of the academy is one hour. We will start the academy in the commons of the high school (inside the main building of the school).

Teachers joining the Stanwood High School staff this year are:

Aaron Cupp Language Arts/Health

Todd Jacobsen Ag

Tina Latvala Special Education

Nick Schmidt Math

Bob Stoddard Science

Ashley Troha Spanish

Kenneth Webb Math

Lori Woodward Librarian

Your 2010-2011 Administrative Team:

Principal Christine Gruver

Assistant Principal/Activities Director Tod Klundt

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Tom Wilfong

Career and Technical Education Director Kevin Plambeck

Principal, Lincoln Hill High School/Lincoln Academy Dan Johnston

School Reminders:

We offer two lunches at Stanwood High School. Your child’s lunch period is marked on his/her schedule with either an “A” or “B” for 4th period. Students will be able to purchase a lunch in the main commons area at Stanwood High School.

During the first week of school your child will review the student handbook, which includes the school’s discipline policy and dress code. This will be completed during an advisory session. Make sure you review the handbook with your child (the handbook will be available on the high school website at the end of August or you may pick up a hard copy in the main office). A 2008 change to the discipline policy involves cell phone use on campus. Students who are using their cell phone during class time to text, make phone calls, take photos/videos, or page someone will have their phone taken by a security officer. The phone will be placed in the office for a parent/guardian to pick up.

Absences must be cleared within 2 school days of the student’s return to school. A student is not allowed to make up missing assignments if the absences have not been cleared by the deadline.

Throughout a student’s four years of high school, he/she will complete a number of state and local graduation requirements. This includes a high school and beyond plan, 15 community service hours, state assessments known as the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE, formerly called the WASL), portfolio, and culminating project. Students receive information on these requirements during their advisory period as well as from their counselors. In previous years we have had the seniors conduct a senior project, along with their portfolio and presentation. With our continual efforts to improve our culminating project, this year’s seniors will not conduct a senior project. Instead they will complete a portfolio and then present it in March at the student-led conference time.

Parent involvement is a critical piece of the high school. We welcome your input. Please contact us personally, by phone or by email. A resource for you is the school website, which lists all the email addresses of the staff and administrators. In addition, this newsletter has important information pertaining to your student. If you have any questions, please contact the high school at (360) 629-1300.

We look forward to a great year, and we hope to see you at Open House!

Christine Gruver, Principal

Theory of Action:

Stanwood High School is a comprehensive high school that makes a difference in students’ lives by building relationships between students, staff, parents and community while:

·  Connecting student learning to their future endeavors,

·  Creating a positive classroom environment focused on effective instruction, participation and collaboration,

·  Providing opportunities to experience and explore concepts.

High School Website:

You can find up-to-date information on the high school website regarding Stanwood High School’s activities, academics, arts, and athletics. The website is:

Counseling Center:

Do you have questions about courses for next year? Please contact one of the following counselors for the 2010-2011 school year:

Student Last Name Counselor

A through G Molly Lee

H through N Mike Milnes

O through Z Judy Alexander

9th Grade Tricia Tayon

*Counselors are split according to students’ last names.

Schedules will be available online Wednesday, August 25, 2010.


Do you have concerns regarding your child’s discipline or harassment issues? Please contact the administrator below for the 2010-2011 school year:

A through K Tod Klundt

L through Z Tom Wilfong

Attendance Policy:


Good school attendance is important for success in school and as a foundation for successful careers and relationships. The highlight of a quality educational experience is the interaction of an enthused, knowledgeable teacher and an interested student. Those not in class are denied this experience. The best policy for students and parents is to prearrange all necessary absences before the student is absent. Parents may prearrange by calling or sending a note to the Attendance Secretary. Because it is the legal responsibility of teachers to maintain accurate records on student attendance, the Board of Directors has established attendance criteria that emphasizes the importance of good attendance for student achievement. The following procedures will be in effect at Stanwood High School:

a)  Attendance will be taken each period.

b)  All students, regardless of age, must follow all school rules, including attendance rules.

(RCW 28A.225)



The Stanwood School District defines excused absences* as absences due to one or more of the following:


Medical/dental related including appointments

School sanctioned activities

Absences related to the legal system

Family emergency


Religious observances

Planned absences approved by the administration

Short-term suspension/other disciplinary actions resulting in an absence

*All of these listed absences require written documentation signed by the parent/guardian.

Step-by-Step Attendance Procedures

-Absences must be cleared within 2 school days of the student's return to school with a written excuse signed by parent/guardian that outlines the specific reason(s) for the absence(s).

-A student's absence will be considered excused only when verified by a parent/guardian. Verification must be written and must follow outlined excuse criteria.

-If absences are not excused, students will not be allowed to make-up missed assignments.

-Falsely representing a parent/guardian will result in disciplinary action.

-Notes must contain student’s full name (printed legibly) and specific dates, including class periods of absence.

Notification to Parents

Autodialer: Automated telephone calls to parents to inform parents of one (1) or more unexcused absence(s) from class that day.

Attendance Letters: A student with 2 days of unexcused absences will have an attendance letter and an attendance history mailed home; the 2 days letters will be run two times per month. A letter with an attendance history to notify parents of 5 days of unexcused absence in a month or 10 days or more in a school year will be mailed at the beginning of each month. A day is 50% or more of a student's schedule.

Becca Bill

In cases of 5 or more unexcused absences in a month, or a total of 10 during the school year, school districts are required to report students to the Snohomish, Skagit or Island County Prosecutor offices, the county wherein the student resides. A day equals 50% or more of a student's schedule.

Excessive Absences

A student with excessive absences (excused and/or unexcused) may have academic difficulty in the class(es) missed. The school may require a doctor's note for excessive excused absences. The parent and student will be notified by the attendance office when a student appears to have an attendance problem. When a student has accumulated six (6) absences in one semester, an attendance alert may be mailed home by the student's teacher(s). If there are ten (10) or more absences in a student's class(es) the teacher(s) will have a second attendance alert or progress report mailed home.

Illnesses at School or Unscheduled Early Dismissals

Students should never leave school without properly checking out in the Attendance Office. The student's name and time of departure must immediately be made known to the Attendance Office and the parents must be notified. Leaving campus without permission will not be excused after the fact.

Leaving School • Checking Out of the Office

If an emergency arises, which requires the student to leave school, the student must report to the office and sign out. It is the student's responsibility to notify, by telephone, the parent/guardian at the time or have a note for prior absence.

Prior Excuse - Off Campus

An anticipated absence may arise during the year. The student must bring an acceptable note from the parent/guardian requesting the absence. The note should be brought at least one school day prior to the date(s) of absence when possible.

Prior Excuse - On Campus

If a student expects to miss a class to do some work for a school activity or class, he/she must make prior arrangements with the teacher of the class to be missed. This would include bringing a note from the teacher or administrator requesting the absence. If prior arrangements are not made, the absence may be considered a truancy. The scheduled class has priority. A parent/guardian cannot excuse a student to miss class while the student remains on campus, e.g., working on homework in the library.


Truancy is defined as an absence not excused by a parent or a school official. The following are examples of truancy:

A parent/guardian approval of the off-campus absence was not turned in.

No staff approval for on-campus absence or leaving school without permission from staff.

Absence from any class without a verifying note or call to the attendance office within 48 hours after returning to school.

Student is not in class, but the reason given is not considered excusable based on the list above.

Family Access

Family Access is a web portal where you have access to a variety of student information, such as attendance, grades, and student and family demographics.

If you don’t have a password for Family Access, please contact Renee Herigstad, (360) 629-1370. She will provide you with the password and also assist you with any questions you might have about Family Access. The web site for Family Access is: Click on the Family and Student Access menu on the left side of the screen. If you don’t have access to a computer, please come to the high school between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to use a computer.

For information on school events and programs, please also check the same high school website. The site was recently updated and includes many items you might be interested in, such as: daily bulletin, athletic information, school calendar, graduation requirements, and culminating project. We will be adding additional information to this site as the year goes on.

Dress Code

Student's appearance should be neat and clean. Dress and appearance that causes a disruption of the educational process or presents health or safety problems or is gang related shall not be permitted; otherwise, dress and appearance are the responsibility of the student and parents. Students need to be aware of the following dress standards:

1. Clothing or buttons that promote hate or are racist, sexist or in some manner denigrates other students or advertising alcohol or other controlled substances, including tobacco, are not permitted at school.

2. Extreme sagging pants are not permitted.

3. Spiked jewelry or clothing are not allowed.

4. Shoes must be worn at all times.

5. No trench coats or chains unattached to clothing are allowed.

6. No underwear can be visible at any time.

7. Skirts must have a minimum length that is halfway between the hipbone and the knee.

8. Shorts must have a minimum inseam of 3”.

9. No midriff can show at any time.

10. Shirts/blouses must be no lower than 3” from the collarbone and show no cleavage.

11. Students may choose to wear spaghetti straps (less than 1” straps) or go strapless or wear halters but they must be covered by a shirt or blouse made of non-transparent fabric.

12. Shop and lab areas may have additional standards for their students.


A limited number of lockers are available for student use. The fee is $10 and is nonrefundable. A reminder to parents and students that school lockers are not secure-proof, so valuables should be left at home. This includes Walkman radios, Ipods, CD players, money, expensive clothing items, etc. Students will be issued a PE locker if they are taking PE, but they will not be for book use.


Dance passes will be given out for special dances only (Tolo, Valentine's Day, Homecoming and Senior Prom). Guest must be a student or employed (in good standing) or present college status and be under the age of 21. Students from other schools need to be students in good standing to attend Stanwood High School dances. Former Stanwood High School students must have been students in good standing while attending Stanwood High School to attend dances. Students that pose potential discipline problems based on current or past behavior will be prohibited from attending dances. The final decision rests with the Stanwood High School principal.

All students attending dances must show school ID. Guest passes for dances after Friday night games will not be issued. Middle school students are not allowed to attend any high school sponsored dances. Potential guests 21 and older will not be allowed to attend high school dances. Guests will be required to present photo ID to verify their age and identity at the event. Photo ID will be returned upon leaving the event.