Draft Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall

on Thursday 18th May 2017 commencing at 8pm

Present: / Cllrs M Finch (Chairman), E Gatehouse, R Gatehouse, P Jones, P Parker, C Radnor, J Whittaker and P Williams
In attendance: / H Coonick (Clerk)
Public Forum: / No members of the public attended.
1.  Apologies: / Cllrs Cowles and Cllr Cecilia Motley (Shropshire Council) / ACTION
2.  Declarations of Interests: / 5d. Cllrs R and E Gatehouse
3.  Previous Minutes: / Item 5b of minutes for the meeting on 16th March 2017 was amended to read ‘The Rural Housing Enabler is satisfied that the application qualifies for the ‘build your own’ affordable housing scheme’. Proposed by Cllr Finch, seconded by Cllr Williams. Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting on 13th April were accepted. Proposed by Cllr Finch and seconded by Cllr R Gatehouse. Both set of minutes were signed by the Chairman Cllr Finch.
4.  Matters Arising: / a)  Highways: i)Highways do not have funding to insert passing places for large vehicles on the Peaton road. ii) Clerk to check with residents of Thriftwicket Lane before requesting a dead-end sign.
b)  Minor Highways Grant – A grant of £1504.99 has been awarded to the council by Shropshire Council. Clerk to advertise contract for Lengthsman. Proposed by Cllr Finch and seconded by Cllr E Gatehouse all in agreement.
c)  Community: i) Defibrillators – a defib had now been installed at the village hall and another would be installed at Unit 6 at Church Farm Units. The third should be installed in the telephone box at the top of The Hope. The clerk to ask solicitor to draw up an agreement between PC and owners of the sites. Proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr R Gatehouse. ii) Broadband –Phase 2 of the Shropshire Council’s broadband scheme is unlikely to benefit any parts of the parish.
d)  Transparency: The clerk has received funding of £409.04 for the website for 2016-17 and will apply for funding for 2017-18
e)  Parish Plan: - Cllr Finch will precis the plan and asked all councillors to read the plan and make comments.
f)  Meeting Dates for 2017: The clerk distributed the dates.
g)  Public Phone Boxes: Shropshire Council will support Stanton Lacy adopting the telephone box at the top of The Hope. Cllr Finch proposed and Cllr Jones seconded with all supporting adoption and installation of the defibrillator. Cllr Finch will approach Mark Wiggin about maintenance.
h)  Elections - Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Election Expense forms were completed and returned to the clerk.
i)  CIL Funding: Installation of broadband in Village Hall, Cllr Finch reported that a grant for the installation is available and ongoing cost would be met by SWS. Cllr Finch had contacted Shropshire Council to check if planning application was required for installation of the dish. It would be possible to install a Vonage telephone (for operation by the Village Hall, not SLPC). All agreed for this to be actioned. / Clerk
Clerk, MF
5.  Planning Applications: / a)  Pillar Box Farm – Application for Extension & Porch Amended – granted
b)  Bramble Cottage – Application for Garage - granted
c)  New House Farm Agricultural Workers Dwelling – Full Application - The clerk was asked to seek more information on reserved matters before a decision could be made.
d)  Lilyjayne - Extension – Supported.
e)  Other Planning Issues - None / Clerk
6.  Finance: / a)  Annual Return: a. The clerk distributed, all were in agreement and Cllr Finch signed on behalf of the council. Cllr Finch thank Brian Cairns for his work on the Internal Audit and Cllr Finch proposed and Cllr E Gatehouse seconded his fee should be sent to Air Ambulance at his request.
b)  Bank Account – The clerk distributed the final accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017. Expenditure since last meeting: Lydehole Farm (Lengthsman) £170.45 and £100.08, Shropshire Association of Local Council affiliation £177.70. Income: £409.04 from Transparency Fund and £3,200 precept. A cheque was signed for SALC for Good Councillor Guides. The reconciled bank balance as at 31/3/17 was £3,849.89. Expected expenditure before the next meeting: Microsoft update, website hosting, legal costs for defibrillator agreement and donation to Air Ambulance.
c)  Insurance – Aon fixed quote including endorsement for defibrillators of £221.98 agreement was proposed by Cllr R Gatehouse and seconded by Cllr Williams
d)  On line banking: Clerk reported that council has been accepted by Lloyds.
e)  Internal Checker Cllr Radnor agreed to be do the bi-annual check
f)  Other Financial Issues: None / Clerk
7.  Reports from representatives: / a)  Shropshire Council: An annual report from Cllr Motley was distributed.
b)  Louisa Powell Alms House: Meeting next week to discuss transfer to Housing Association. It is expected that two trustees will transfer to the board of the Housing Association to allow for a smooth transition.
c)  Village Hall: Meeting held. No issues
d)  Flood Committee: Nothing to report
e)  Craven Arms and Area Joint Committee: Nothing to report
8.  Discussion of any other business:
9.  Items for next meeting 20th July 2017 / Thanks to Rob Pritchard, Dave Gould and Ben and Vicky Stone for clearing Tory Lane.
The meeting closed at 21.20 hrs.
Signed: …………………………………………(M Finch – Chairman)
Date: ………………………………………


Chairman: ......