Policiesand Sponsor Agreement - FY 2015


This document serves as the registration operations, sales and services agreement between the Stanford Ticket Office and______.This agreement is for an event presented during the 2014-15 fiscal year. Any agreement with Stanford Ticket Office is with Stanford University.

Registration Services

To accommodate the varied registration needs of our clients, we have established two levels of service. Additional services listed at the end of this section may be ordered individually.

Service Level Options
Free Events

Customers willcomplete a set of questions chosen by the sponsor to reserve a place at the event. A registration set up fee will be incurred based on the scope of registration needs.

Paid Events

Customers willcomplete a set of questions chosen by the sponsor as well as purchase the registration to reserve a place at the event. For paid events with 199 registrants and less, there is a $100 set up fee and a $1 per registration fee as well as 3.75% of the registrant cost up to $10 that can be paid for by the customer or client. For paid events with 200 registrants or more, there is no set up fee and a $2 per registrationfee as well as 3.75% of the registrant cost up to $10 that can be paid for by the customer or client.

Summary of Basic Services and Fees
Free Events / Paid Events
199 registrants or less / Paid Events
200 registrants or more
Registration Set Up / $100 - $300* / $100 / $0
Per Registration Fee
(CC Charges, System) / $0 / $1 + 3.75% of registration cost,
up to $10 per registrant. / $2 + 3.75% of registration cost,
up to $10 per registrant.
Event Staffing / $20.00/ hour Cashier
$40.00/hour Management / $20.00/ hour Cashier
$40.00/ hour Management / $20.00/ hour Cashier
$40.00/ hour Management

*Pending the scope of registration needs.

RegistrationServices include:

  • Building of all events in the Tessitura system. This includes venue/event set-up, price structure and basic registration formatting with the options of these registration fields: text box, text area, radio button, dropdown list, or checkbox.
  • Selling and servicing of registrations to the event(s) via phone, internet and in person at the Stanford Ticket Office in Tresidder Union during regular business hours – Monday thru Friday, 10 am to 5 pm. MasterCard, Visa, American Express, personal check with ID, and cash are accepted forms of payment. A customer service/handling fee will apply to orders made over the phone, and the Internet.
  • Registrations will be placed on sale on the Stanford Ticket Office website, to which the presenting organization is encouraged to link.
  • Providing a complete report of all registrant data periodically throughout the sales period.
  • Monitoring sponsor holds and complimentary registrations.
  • Providing advance sales reports at the request of the sponsor.
  • Processing refunds for cancelled event.
  • Providing, within 10 business days after the event(s), an Event Closing Statement, detailing gross registration sales, service fees and net registration sales income. The Stanford Ticket Office will transfer net registration sales income to sponsor’s University account.
OptionalRegistration Services and Fees:

Rush Event Set-up $50.00 (Build event on system with less than 5 days notice)

Marketing/Mailing list$25.00/list (5 or more days’ notice) / $50.00/list (less than 5 days notice)

Event/Venue On-Site Services

When requested, the Ticket Office will provide registration services at the venue, beginning one hour prior to event and continuing one-half hour after event starts. Extended hours are possible by prior arrangement with the Stanford Ticket Office. The Ticket Office management will determine the number of staff necessary for on-site sales with guidance from the sponsor.

On-Site Services includes the following:

  • Prepare cash box, change fund and cashier sales forms in compliance with campus cash handling procedure
  • Assist with “Will Call” (registrations to be picked up by customers at the venue)
  • Assist with complimentary registrations, as provided by sponsor.
  • Provide and fulfill registration sales and service
  • Reconcile and prepare event/venue registration sales report for Event Closing Statement

On-site labor will be charged as follows:

  • Cashier labor, per hour:$20.00
  • Director/Ticket Office Manager, per hour:$40.00

Day of Set Up

For events taking place at venues in which the ticket office is located outside of the building (i.e. Memorial Church or Memorial Auditorium), the sponsor is required to arrange, at the sponsor’s expense, tables, chairs and a working electrical outlet for selling registrations and providing customer service.


At the request of the Stanford Ticket Office staff, the sponsor will provide, at the sponsor’s expense, approved police or security services for the ticket office staff selling tickets in an unsecured location, such as Memorial Church or Frost Amphitheater. Security services are available through Stanford Police Services.

Sales and Service Procedures
Customer Service Charges
  • If the sponsor chooses for the customer to pay for the Ticket Office fees, a service charge will be incurred per registration. This fee will be applied to the customer for all orders placed by phone, mail, email or Internet. This includes orders requested through the sponsor.

Cancelled Events

If an event is cancelled, it is the responsibility of the sponsor to notify registrants of the cancellation. This may include having a sponsor representative at the venue during the time of the cancelled event.

Credit will be given based on the method of payment: a check will be issued and mailed to the customer for registrations purchased by check or cash; the customer’s credit card will be credited for registrations purchased by credit card.

One month after the cancelled event, the event will be closed and an Event Closing Statement issued to the sponsor. The sponsor will be charged appropriate commissions and fees for each registrationsold and subsequently returned. Any registrant requesting a refund after the Event Closing Statement has been issued will be referred to the sponsor for further action. _____ (initial)

Complimentary Registrations

All complimentary registration requests must have a business related reason supporting Stanford University. All complimentary registration requests must be submitted to the Stanford Ticket Office on the STO Complimentary Form. These requests must be submittedone business day prior to the event.

Ticket Office Service Holds

The sponsor will allocate a certain number ofregistrations to be used at the discretion of the Stanford Ticket Office. The exact number of these registrations will be agreed upon before the event goes on sale and will be based on the capacity of the venue and the expected sales. These registrations are used to resolve any customer service issues at the event. Unused registrations will be released for sale no later than fifteen minutes before the event.

Sales & Data Reports

Daily, weekly or monthly reports of registration sales or registration data can be printed or e-mailed to the sponsor upon request. On the day of the event, sales up to that day are available, and the report of day of event sales can be added to it for a day of show settlement upon request.


Written or verbal estimates will be provided upon request. Final charges will be for actual registration processing fees, labor, and other applicable charges.

Marketing and Event Information

To better serve the registrant, the sponsor will complete the STO Information sheet as well as provide the Ticket Office with information about the event, parking, directions, concessions or prohibited items. A directional map and a diagram of the venue are desirable. Please initial the 3 statements below acknowledging you will advise the STO of any advertising and promotional events, discount, coupons or vouchers.

The Director of Ticket Services or the Ticket Office Manager must review and approve registration information on all promotional materials prior to printing. _____ (initial)

All advertising must include the Ticket Office phone number, 650-725-2787, hours, website, and state that registrations are on sale through the Stanford Ticket Office, Tresidder Union. _____ (initial)

The Ticket Office must be advised of all promotional events and special discount promotions or coupons prior to their publication. _____ (initial)

Post-Event Procedures

Event Closing Statement

The Event Closing Statement contains a detailed summary of registration sales and billing/accounting information for the event. The gross registration sales are broken down by registrations sold through the in-house system (Tessitura). The registrationset up fee, per registration fee if the client selected to pay and other applicable Ticket Office charges are itemized and deducted from the gross registration income. The net registration income, due to the sponsor, is transferred to the sponsor’s account. Upon sponsor request, a preliminary Event Closing Statement may be available the second working day after the close of the event.

Settlement and Billing

Our normal practice is to process the event settlement and billing within ten working days. Financial accounting for each event is done electronically through the University’s accounting system by way of a University journal transfer. The PTA account number will be credited for sales; that same account number (or other number provided by the sponsoring department) will be debited for amounts owed the Ticket Office for commissions and other charges. The journal transfer will be sent to the Sponsor’s departmental business manager or other designated person for approval. The Ticket Office Event Closing Statement, showing detailed sales information, debits, and credits will be sent to the Sponsor. Off-campus sponsors should discuss an alternative payment method with the Stanford Ticket Office staff when arranging for services.

Credit Card Chargebacks

Credit card chargebacks are a normal part of any business that conducts sales through a credit card terminal. We aim to follow through with chargebacks in a timely manner but there are times in which we receive charge backs past the settlement period. If this is to happen with your event, the Stanford Ticket Office will provide the sponsor with the amount being disputed, the reason for the dispute and any supporting documentation as quickly as possible. If the customer is favored in the dispute, the Stanford Ticket Office will submit a closing statement addendum and debit the amount owed back to the Ticket Office for this dispute.

Any questions concerning any aspect of the event closing statement or financial settlement should be referred to the Director of Ticket Services and Operations.

We agree the Stanford Ticket Office will provide registration services for the event(s) described on the Event Set-up Information sheet and at the service level selected by the sponsor. Both parties are subject to the policies of the Stanford Ticket Office and Stanford University:


Authorized Sponsor SignatureStanford Ticket Office Management



Event Set-up Information

The Stanford Ticket Office requires a minimum of five (5) business days from receipt of completed paperwork to program event and prepare for sale or rush fees may apply.

Sponsor Name: ______

(30 characters maximum, including spaces)

Sponsor Contact: ______

Daytime Phone #: ______Email: ______

Other persons with authorization to receive sales information or request complimentary registrations:


Event Name:______

(30 characters maximum, including spaces)

Day: ______Date: ______Time: ______On Sale/Pick up Date: ______

Additional Website Text: ______

(30 characters maximum, including spaces)


____ Memorial Auditorium (1,710)_____ Dinkelspiel Auditorium (709)

____ Memorial Church (1,200) _____ Campbell Recital Hall (218)

____ Cubberly Auditorium (400)_____ Annenberg Auditorium (351)

____ Frost Amphitheatre (6000 – depending on venue set up)_____ Bing Concert Hall (842)

_____ Other: ______Capacity:______

Please check all that apply to your event:

Music: _____Dance: _____Theatre: _____Speaker: _____

Conference: _____Film: _____Other: ______

Event Type: ______Free______Paid

Registration Types / Price A / Price B / Price C
Child (aged ____)
Senior (aged ____)
Stanford University Student
Stanford University Faculty/Staff
Non-Stanford Student

Please review venue scaling with Ticket Office Management before advertising registration prices.

Brief Overview of the Event:

Registration Services Requested:___ Free event

___ Paid event with 199 registrants or less

___ Paid event with 200 registrants or more

Event Staff Services Requested:

Will sponsor require registration services at the event?____ Yes ____ No

Cashier labor - $20/hour and Manager - $40/hour

Number of Ticket Office staff to be determined by sponsor and Ticket Office Management.

Additional services request:

____ Rush Event Set-up $50.00 (less than 5 days notice)

____ Marketing/Mailing list$25.00/list (5 or more days notice)

$50.00/list (less than 5 days notice)

How often would you like to receive the sales report?

Daily: ____Weekly: ____Monthly: ____

Financial Information

Project-Task-Award (PTA) number to be credited: ______

Project-Task-Award (PTA) number to be charged: ______

Authorized Signature for Sponsor Account: ______

Printed Name of Signature for Sponsor Account: ______

Email Address of Authorized Sponsor Account: ______

Student Groups Only

SAL Approval, (after reviewing the contract and Event Set up Information document):


Signature of SAL AdvisorPrint Name

Does Advisor need to review final registration site? ______Yes ______No

If non-Stanford sponsor/group, please provide mailing address to which settlement report and check is to be sent:

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