Stanford Rotary, LinkedIn presentation

“Why YOU should be using LinkedIn”

Distribute handout 1 (while introducing)

TD Introduction

  • Blah, blah, blah
  • I don’t work for LinkedIn, don’t receive any compensation for promoting them, I just like them and see value

Quick Poll

PO Box 393859-575-2201TonyDye [at] gmail [dot] com

Liberty, KY 42539678-313-3124

  • iPhone users?
  • Internet Active?
  • Twitter?
  • FaceBook?
  • Plaxo?
  • Naymz?
  • LinkedIn?

PO Box 393859-575-2201TonyDye [at] gmail [dot] com

Liberty, KY 42539678-313-3124

{{Wrong Audience possibility – three options: 1) those who already do, 2) those who never will, and 3) the very few in between}}

Let’s do a little fill-in the blank

Social Networking- what is it?

  • Highly accessible
  • Success = Participation. It’s only popular because it’s popular. (sort of like Paris Hilton?)
  • Based on sharing and discussion amongst “many”
  • Leads toward future model of reference and referral [if Joe likes a product, I might like it too]

Facebook and Twitter are the “big names” in Social media. Hundreds of others!

LinkedIn is slightly different

  • Not as busy, not as noisy
  • Less fluff, more meat
  • Much more directed at Business

Why LinkedIn?

  • Do you like to help people?
  • Do you like to meet people?
  • If yes to either, then LinkedIn

Three good reason to be ACTIVE on LinkedIn

  1. Be findable. Be easy to find – both you and your business or other organizations. {unless there’s a reason to hide!}
  2. Help friends who are job searching. YOUR network can be their life-saver
  3. Search out information on companies, or people, who you might want to do business with

You can probably find other good reasons

A negative comment or two

  • Kentucky people tend to be very social – that’s good. Being “electronically” social can be good to. Don’t let one displace the other
  • If your organization can’t be found with easy Google searches, how much business are you losing?
  • Should the Rotary be showing up on LinkedIn? (why not?)

Does it make sense? Does it seem to have value?


> Distribute Handout #2

How often do you get homework assignments at a rotary lunch?

Additional comment: getting started #4. Unless you know someone extremely well, be sure to tell them why you want to connect. You don’t want to get an “I don’t know you” response, for lots of reasons

Homework assignment.

How many of you will do it?

Feel free to call or email me any time if you have future questions

My network, 2/24/2010, around 6pm

Why YOU Should be Using

Stanford Rotary

March 1, 2010

Handout 1

Social Networking- what is it?

  • Highly ______
  • Success = ______
  • Based on ______and discussion amongst “many”
  • Leads toward future model of ______and referral (which Google expects to displace “search” in years ahead)

LinkedIn is slightly different

  • Not as busy, not as ______
  • Less ______, more ______
  • Much more directed at ______

Why LinkedIn?

  • Do you like to ______people?
  • Do you like to ______people?
  • If yes to either, then LinkedIn is probably for you

Three good reason to be ACTIVE on LinkedIn

  1. Be findable. Help people find you, your organizations and interests, your company
  2. Help friends who are job searching. YOUR network can be their life-saver
  3. Search out information on companies, or people, who you might want to do business with


Handout 2


A LinkedIn homework assignment

  1. Create your own LinkedIn account, if you don’t have one. (It’s free)

Please, only one account per person. If you already have one, figure out how to get back into it, rather than creating another

  1. Start filling in your profile. You don’t have to do it all at once. (mine still isn’t “complete”) A little information about your current organization(s) is a great start
  2. Make connections with a few “friendly” people (me, for instance)
  3. Find me (carefully please, there is more than just one Tony Dye)

>Advanced search can make it easy

  1. Invite me to connect. Please mention “Stanford (or Lincoln) Rotary” in your invite. My email is listed below if you need it
  1. Find anyone else who is a Rotary member in Stanford or Lincoln county, connect with them

As of 2/24/2010, NOBODY shows up near zip 40484 having both “Lincoln” and “Rotary” as keywords. ONE person shows up searching for “Stanford” and “Rotary”

  1. One caution: only invite people you know, and tell them why you’re inviting them
  2. Consider carefully choosing an Open Networker or two

Further exploration:

  1. LinkedIn Groups (for instance, search for Lexington or Rotary)
  2. LinkedIn paid accounts
  3. Answers, Companies, and more
  4. Spend a few minutes in “advanced search” to find people nearby

PO Box 393859-575-2201TonyDye [at] gmail [dot] com

Liberty, KY 42539678-313-3124