Standby Rates Working Group
Glossary Sub-Group
Actual Energy Withdrawal – (ISO) - Energy withdrawals which are either: (1) measured with a revenue-quality real-time meter; (2) assessed (in the case of LSEs serving retail customers where withdrawals are not measured by revenue-quality real-time meters) on the basis provided for in a Transmission Owner’s retail access program; or (3) calculated (in the case of wholesale customers where withdrawals are not measured by revenue-quality real-time meters), until such time as revenue-quality real-time metering is available on a basis agreed upon by the unmetered wholesale customers.
Ancillary Services - [NYISO OATT] - Those services that are necessary to support the transmission of Capacity and Energy from resources to Loads while maintaining reliable operation of the NYS Transmission System in accordance with Good Utility Practice. Pursuant to the NYISO OATT each of Rate Schedule 1 Scheduling System Control and Dispatch Service, Rate Schedule 2 Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources, Rate Schedule 3 Regulation and Frequency Response Service, Rate Schedule 4 Energy Imbalance Service, Rate Schedule 5Operating Reserve Service, Blackstart Service.
Auxiliary Power – (PFC) – Power required to operate the equipment needed for the operation of a generating facility. OR (Slater Consult) - Electrical capacity and energy used to power the auxiliary equipment necessary to support the operation of a generating unit. This auxiliary power may be taken while the unit is providing electrical output to the system, while the unit is being started, or while the unit is being shut down.
Due to the particular configuration of transformation and switching apparatus associated with a power station, auxiliary power for an operating generating unit may be supplied directly from the output of the unit before that output leaves the generating station property through the electrical connections between the unit and the transmission system, (Directly Supplied Auxiliary Power). Alternately, the auxiliary power requirements for the unit may leave the power station property through the electrical connections between the unit and the transmission system and be returned to the power station through separate specific facilities which are neither owned nor have been paid for by the owners of the generating station, (Returned Auxiliary Power).
Backup Service – (82-10) – Back up Service is provided by the utility to replace energy and capacity that an on-site generator supplies itself.
Base Load – (PFC) - Any load whose load factor exceeds 65%. OR The power consumption at a customer’s facility which is present more than 65% of the time in a specified time period.
Baseload Generation -Generation and/or load with a load factor at or near 100%.
Bid Production Cost – (ISO) – Total cost of generators required too meet Load and reliability constraints based upon Bids corresponding to the usual measures of Generator production cost (e.g., running cost and Minimum Generation and Start-up Bid).
Black Start Capability – (ISO) – The ability of a generating unit or station to go from a shutdown condition to an operating condition and start delivering power without assistance from the power system.
Bus [N] – (ISO) – A conductor or group of conductors that serve a common connection for two or more electric circuits within a station.
Coincident/Non-Coincidence – (NARUC) ORthe electric peak demand occurring exactly at the same time as another electric peak demand occurrence.
Delivery Charges – Delivery charges related to furnishing, maintaining, and operating the connection between the customer's electricity supply service source and the customer's point of delivery inclusive of the NYISO Transmission Service Charge OR (looking for FERC definition as it applies in Order 888)
Dependable Maximum Net Capability (DMNC) – (ISO) – The sustained net output of a Generator, as demonstrated by the performance of a test or through actual operation, averaged over a continuous time period as defined in the ISO Procedures.
Direct Assignment Facilities – ISO – Facilities or portions of facilities that are constructed for by the Transmission Owner(s) for the sole use/benefit of a particular Transmission Customer requesting service under the Tariff. Direct Assignment Facilities shall be specified in the Service Agreement that governs service to the Transmission Customer and shall be subject to Commission (FERC) approval.
Dispatchable – ISO – A Generator or Load that is capable of responding to real-time control from the NYISO.
Distributed Generation – (NARUC)A distributed generation system involves small amounts of generation located on a utility's distribution system for the purpose of meeting local (substation level) peak loads and/or displacing the need to build additional (or upgrade) local distribution lines.
Distribution – (NARUC) - The delivery of electricity to the retail customer's home or business through low voltage distribution lines. ORElectric Service from whereby the point of interconnection is on a Distribution Line [NMPC PSC 207] which is an electric line including the necessary and ancillary accessories to deliver electricity supply service.
Diversity Factor – (PFC) - A measure of the probability that a certain load will be present at the Transmission Owner’s system peak(s).
Economic Efficiency – (NARUC) - A term that refers to the optimal production and consumption of goods and services. This generally occurs when prices of products and services reflect their marginal costs. Economic efficiency gains can be achieved through cost reduction, but it is better to think of the concept as actions that promote an increase in overall net value (which includes, but is not limited to, cost reductions).
Eligible Customer – (ISO) – (I) Any electric utility (including the Transmission Owner and any power marketer), Federal power marketing agency, or any person generating Energy for sale or resale is an Eligible Customer under the Tariff. Electric energy sold or produced by such entity may be electric energy produced in the United States, Canada or Mexico. However, with respect to transmission service that the Commission (FERC) is prohibited from ordering by Section 212(h) of the Federal Power Act, such entity is eligible only if the service is provided pursuant to a state requirement that the Transmission Owner offer the unbundled transmission service, or pursuant to a voluntary offer of such service by the Transmission Owner. (ii) Any retail customer taking unbundled transmission service pursuant to a state requirement that the Transmission Owner offer the transmission service, or pursuant to a voluntary offer of such service by the Transmission Owner, is an Eligible Customer under this Tariff.
End-use Customer – Any consumer of electric power whose power consumption would exist with or without customer generation.
Energy – (ISO) - A quantity of electricity that is bid, produced, purchased, consumed, sold, or transmitted over a period of time, and measured or calculated in megawatt hours.
Environmental Benefit – (PFC) – A quantifiable value to the environment derived from the substitution of one technology for another – either as generation or load, or the avoidance of either or both without a corresponding reduction in service or utility.
Generation Capacity – (ISO) – The capability to generate electrical power, measured in kilo-watts (kW) or mega-watts (MW). OR [NMPC PSC 207] A generator that for a period of a month or longer can be called upon to meet the supply of an established or specified amount of electricity to the NYPP or ISO and whose capability to do so has been determined in accordance with Good Utility Practice. OR [NYISO OATT] A Generator or Load facility that complies with the requirements in the Reliability Rules and is capable of supplying and/or reducing the demand for Energy in the NYCA for the purpose of ensuring that sufficient Energy and Capacity are available to meet the Reliability Rules. The Installed Capacity requirement, established by the NYSRC, includes a margin of reserve in accordance with the Reliability Rules.
Generator – ISO – A facility capable of supplying Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services that is accessible to the NYCA or the Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services from such facilities.
Generating Station Administrative Power – (Slater Consult) Electrical capacity and energy used within a power station for functions that do not support the operation of a generating unit (e.g., office lighting and coffeepot).
Interconnection or Interconnection Points (“IP”) – (ISO) - The point(s) at which the NYCA connects with a distribution system or adjacent Control Area. The IP may be a single tie line or several tie lines that are operated in parallel.
Load Serving Entity (LSE) – ISO – An entity, including a municipal electric system and an electric cooperative, authorized or required by law, regulatory authorization or requirement, agreement, or contractual obligation to supply Energy, Capacity and/or Ancillary Services to retail customers located within the NYCA, including an entity that takes service directly from the NYISO to supply its own load in the NYCA.
Locational Based Marginal Pricing (LBMP) – (ISO) – A pricing methodology under which the price of Energy at each location in the NYS Transmission System is equivalent to the cost to supply the next increment of Load at that location (i.e., the short-run marginal cost). The short-run marginal cost takes Bid Prices and the physical aspects of the NYS Transmission System into account. The short-run marginal cost also considers the impact of Out-of-Merit Generation (as measured by its Bid Price)) resulting from the Congestion and Marginal Losses occurring on the NYS Transmission System which are associated with supplying an increment of load. The term LBMP also means the price of Energy bought or sold in the LBMP Markets at a specific location.
Losses – Transmission – (ISO) – The power that is lost as dissipated heat when power flows in transmission lines and transformers.
Maintenance Service – (PURPA or NARUC)- Scheduled Electric Service, and electricity supply service, provided by a utility during a scheduled outage to replace requirements that an on-site generator ordinarily provides to itself. (NIMO Definition)
Minimum Generation & Start-up Bid – (ISO) – The payment required by a supplier to bring a Generator to and operate at its minimum safe and stable operating level.
Net Metering – (NARUC) - OR the process whereby the generation produced is defined as the gross quantity produced net of all or a portion of electricity consumed or whereby the load consumed is defined as the gross load consumed net of gross generation produced; each over some specified time period (e.g. instantaneous, hourly, daily, monthly).
Non-Utility Generator – (ISO) – (Independent Power Producer, [IPP]) – Any entity that owns or operates an electric generating facility that is not included in an electric utility’s rate base. This term includes, but is not limited to, cogenerators and small power producers and all other non-utility electricity producers, such as exempt wholesale generators, that sell electricity. (PFC emphasis)
On-site Generation –(NIMO Tariff) - On-site Generation [NMPC PSC 207] - Any facility which is capable of generating electricity for use by a[n end-use] customer which is located on the same site, unitary tract of land or service location as the [end-use] customer's load or which constructs or has constructed a distribution or transmission line from a location not on the site to a customer location so as to serve all or any part of the [end-use] customer's load. (PFC added changes in [s])
Peak Load or Peak Demand – (NARUC) -The electric load that corresponds to a maximum level of electric demand in a specified time period.
Peak Shaving – Generation or curtailed load during system peak periods.
Point of Injection (POI) – (ISO) – the point(s) on the NYS Transmission System where Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services will be made available to the NYISO by the Delivering Party under ISO OATT or the ISO Services Tariff. The Point(s) of Injection shall be specified in the Service Agreement. (Same as Point of Receipt)
Point of Withdrawal (POW) – (ISO) - The point(s) at which the NYCA connects with a distribution system or adjacent Control Area. The IP may be a single tie line or several tie lines that are operated in parallel.
Self-Generation – (NARUC) A generation facility dedicated to serving a particular retail customer, usually located on the customer's premises. The facility may either be owned directly by the retail customer or owned by a third party with a contractual arrangement to provide electricity to meet some or all of the customer's load
Self-Service Wheeling – (NARUC) - Primarily an accounting policy comparable to net-billing or running the meter backwards. An entity owns generation that produces excess electricity at one site, that is used at another site(s) owned by the same entity. It is given billing credit for the excess electricity (displacing retail electricity costs minus wheeling charges) on the bills for its other sites.
Simultaneous Purchase and Sale Agreement – (PURPA) – An agreement which provides for the simultaneous purchase of the entire capacity and energy available from a qualifying facility while the utility sells energy to the facility at its retail rate. [this is not a precise definition – still looking for one in PURPA]
Specific Facilities Charge – (Slater Consult) A charge paid by the owners of a generating station to the owners of the separate specific facilities used to return auxiliary power to that generating station to compensate them for the appropriate share of the cost of owning, operating and maintaining those specific facilities. This appropriate share shall be calculated to avoid the existence of any subsidy to or from the generating station.
Standby Contract – (SL) - A contract for Standby Service
Standby Service – Same as Back up Service?
Start-up Cost Curve – (ISO) – This term is referred to in several instances but no apparent definition exists. There is general language about how the curve is developed – but little precise information. The start-up Cost Curve refers to the characteristic fuel consumption that a unit experiences during various types of start-up (e.g., cold, warm hot). It attempts to capture the costs of unit start-up for which a generator may be compensated for if his unit would not have operated otherwise.
Start-up Power - Power used specifically by a generator site for the purpose of bringing the generating station equipment (including the generator(s)) up to an operating state necessary for synchronizing the generator(s).
Station Service – (NERC) – The electric supply for the ancillary equipment used to operate a generating station or substation.
Supplementary Service – (82-10) Supplementary service is energy and capacity that is used by the on-site generator in addition to the energy and capacity the on-site generator supplies on its own.
Supplier – (ISO) – A Party that is supplying the Capacity, Energy and Ancillary Services to be made available under the ISO OATT or the ISO Services Tariff, including Generators and Demand Side Resources that satisfy all applicable ISO requirements.
Supply/Commodity – The furnishing of the electricity required to meet a customer's needs, exclusive of the transmission, distribution and delivery service provided by the utility.
Transmission Customer (OATT) – (ISO) – Any Eligible Customer (or its designated agent) that (I) executes a Service Agreement, or (ii) requests in writing that the NYISO file with the Commission (FERC) a proposed unexecuted Service Agreement to receive Transmission Service under Part II, III and/or IV of the Tariff.
Transmission Customer (Services Tariff) – (ISO) – Any entity (or its designated agent) that receives Transmission Service pursuant to a Service Agreement and the terms of the ISO OATT.
Transmission Service Charge (TSC) – (ISO) – A charge under the ISO OATT designed to ensure recovery of the embedded cost of a Transmission Owner’s transmission system.
Transmission Usage Charge (TUC) – (ISO) – Payments made by the Transmission Customer to cover the cost of Marginal Losses and, during periods of time when the transmission system is constrained, the marginal cost of Congestion. The TUC is equal to the product of: (1) the LBMP at the point of withdrawal (POW) minus the LBMP at the point of injection (POI) (in MWh); and (2) the scheduled or delivered Energy (in MWh).
Transmission Service – (ISO) – Point-to-point Network Integration or Retail Access Transmission Service provided under the ISO OATT
Wholesale Generator – (ePACT or FERC?)
Wholesale Market – (ISO) – The sum of purchases and sales of Energy and Capacity for resale along with Ancillary Services needed to maintain reliability and power quality at the transmission level coordinated together through the NYISO and Power Exchanges. A party who purchases Energy, Capacity or Ancillary services in the Wholesale Market to serve its own load is considered to be a participant in the Wholesale Market.