CSTS Standards Meeting Minutes

Date: February 28, 2018

Present: Judith Franklin-Ramsey, Jan Krogman, Linda Baker, Brian Collins - DOC, Heidi Rademacher-Dakota, Tami Luke, Brenda Martini – DFO, Courtney Hodges– Sherburne, Jenn Caudill–Hennepin, Laura Minnihan – Isanti, Stacy Pribyl – Brown, Dan Pepper - Washington

Standards Related Business:

1. Update from Executive Committee –

  1. There was not an Executive Committee meeting in February

2. Questions from Users:

  1. Cass County = Juvenile tried as an adult – What is the appropriate client identifier – Adult or Juvenile.
  2. After discussion with the group and a vote, it was decided that we will add into the manual on the client Adult/Juvenile indicator this sentence:
  3. Reflects the court they were sentenced out of.
  4. Wabasha County = Issue with sending transfers if there are images in the chronos.
  5. Add a Note for use into the manual that states = Do not add images to chronos, ex. County Logos on emails.

3. DOC and Homelessness section in CSTS:

  1. Judith brought back the suggestions on how to ask clients if they are homeless from Kate Erickson. The committee talked this through at great length and voted on two different measures:
  2. The committee recommends not changing the standards we have in the manual. (5 yes, 2-no)
  3. As a note to add to the Standards Manual – We recommend that agencies work to make this a practice of clients self-identifying addresses (7-yes)

4. Updates to the Manual:

  1. Dismissed under the Case Close reason needs to be added back in, it was missed.
  2. Standards for Chrono Codes needs to be added back into the manual as well.

5. June User Group:

  1. Judith, Linda, Courtney, Jim, and Jan are going to itemize the suggestions from the Standards committee to take to the June User Group. They will figure out the talking points and then if there is time to cover all that we want to cover and prioritize the topics.

6. Continued work on Admin Manual by Reviewing the “defaults” section

7. Next Meeting:

  1. We will continue work on the Admin Manual

Action Items:

  1. Judith and Heidi to get in touch with the DOC regarding the Condition Codes and S3.
  2. All users will email the notes and progress on their sections of the admin manual so they can be compiled.

Decisions made in 2017:

1. The DOC is going to move forward with the changes to the Group Codes that were suggested back in 2012. The standards committee discussed the need to possibly change the condition codes, but that the groups were at such a high level that it would be ok for the DOC to move forward with the changes proposed.

2. Decision was to add in to the Standards Manual that at initial contact if you are given a physical address you are to mark Homeless as No. The reason behind this decision is that if they are on to an agent, the agent will be able to get better information about the address and decide if they should check it for homeless or not. The Department of Corrections is aware that we will only be able to keep high risk clients that are open to a supervising agent updated. Those that are put on to low or paper probation will not be up to date and we are unsure of if the address is a “couch-hopping” address or not.

  1. Voted again on 2/28/2017 and decided:
  2. The committee recommends not changing the standards we have in the manual.
  3. As a note to add to the Standards Manual – We recommend that agencies work to make this a practice of clients self-identifying addresses

3. When an agency receives a file at a later date from court than the date the case was sentenced, what is the date that should be put in the start date of the case.

  1. After much discussion, the committee agreed that the agency should have a dummy case type and service as well as a dummy agent for the time that the case was open and the agency was not aware of the case. The agency should add this dummy information into CSTS to show that they were not aware of the case. Then add in the correct case type and service for the date that the agency received the file.

4. Standards to change the Last name part of the 2016 manual to read:

  1. Enter Client’s legal last name, using any punctuation. Not for Use: Enter other common spelling as aliases.

5. Going to add reference table of the Condition Type into the appendix of the Standards Manual.

6. The manual will be updated by the 4th Monday of each month, and STI will send out to all users. There will be an addendum page that will have a year’s worth of updates/changes. There will also then be a history section that will house all history of changes/updates/decisions made at the Standards Committee.

7. Note to be added for Case close date – The date of close should be the date of expiration or date of discharge from court.

8. Dismissed under the Case Close reason needs to be added back in, it was missed.

9. Standards for Chrono Codes needs to be added back into the manual as well.

10. Add a Note for use into the manual that states = Do not add images to chronos, ex. County Logos on emails

Future Agenda Items:

1. Proposal for a Small Follow up survey

  1. To clarify some terms that perhaps did not provide enough information to those responding to survey
  2. To clarify responses for questions where we asked “which don’t you use?”

2. Next Focus Areas:

  1. Repository for individual business agency usage decisions
  2. Relook at Standard Condition Codes; perhaps use some of the integrations that are built into CSTS such as MNCIS , S3, etc.
  3. New Methods for delivery of Standards, such as web
  4. Develop a statewide contact list so that there is a method for us to get pertinent information out to the CSTS admins for each county.