Date: / DATE
To: / Group Health-Review Service DME
From: / NAME
Phone: / NUMBER
Pages: / # OF PAGES

Necessary information for an authorization, all applicable sections below are required:

·  Vendor name:

·  Vendor location (if applicable):

·  Ordering physician tax identification number:

·  Ordering physician first and last name:

·  Diagnosis with ICD-10 code(s) (2 maximum):

·  HCPC Code(s):

·  HCPC description or additional equipment information:

·  Length of need:

·  Start date of authorization:

·  Patient ID number:

·  Patient first and last name:

·  Patient DOB:

·  Patient height and weight:

·  Delivery address for equipment:

·  Phone number to reach patient for delivery:

·  Durable Power of Attorney/Patient advocate contact name and phone number (if applicable):

·  Saturation and liter flow (for oxygen only):

·  Settings for equipment (for CPAP/BIPAP only):

Submitter contact phone number:

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