Bangladesh International School &College
Book and Stationery List for 2016

STANDARD-III (International Curriculum)

Text Books:
1. Junior English Book 3 – Hayden Richards
2. Success with Buzzword main course book-3
1. Oxford Reading Circle – Nicholas Horsburgh
2. Silver Bells Book 3 – A Stamp and T.C Collecott
1. Main Course Book
1. Success with Maths Ahead-4, Bangladesh Edition (By: K Alamelu)
1. Avgvi evsjv eB - Z…Zxq fvM, RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW©, XvKv|
1. I Explore – A Science Text Book-3 by Mrinalini Pradhan


1. Bangladesh & Global Studies Book-3 (NCTB)
1. Computer Ahead-III Orient Black Swan- 4th Edition
1. Islam for children Bk-3 By Dr Shahjahan Tapan by Sonamoni Publications
/ A New Moral Science Book-3: Pratibha Nath
1. Syllabus to be followed. / STATIONERY
1. Pen, Pencil, Ruler, Eraser, Sharpner – 1 each
2. Titi Pastel 60 Colour set
1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies.
2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School Canteen, Mokkarum Library and other new market shops.
3. Pullover will be available at the BISC School Canteen.
4. Parents are requested to write the name of the students on the cover page of text books, exercise books, water-pot, school bag etc.
1 / 2
Block Syllabus for Standard –III (Int’l)
(Half Yearly Examination-2016)
Subject/ Ch/Lesson / Sl. No / Type of Questions / Marks distribution
K| Avgvi evsjv eB
1| Qwe I K_v
2| Kyu‡Rveywoi Mí
3| fvlv kwn`‡`i K_v
4| ¯^vaxbZv w`em‡K wN‡i
5| ivRv I Zuvi wZb Kb¨v
1| Avgv‡`i GB evsjv‡`k
2| Pj& Pj& Pj&
3| ZvjMvQ
4| Av`k© †Q‡j
1| fvlv I eY© 2| wj½ cwieZ©b
3| wecixZ kã 4| ePb
5| cªwZkã 6| evsjvq Abyev`
1| Avgvi †`k 2| ‡`v‡qj
3| evN 4| el©vKvj / K-wefvM (M`¨ I c`¨)
1 / kãv_© wjL / 1´7=7
2 / mwVK DËiwU evQvB K‡i wjL / 1´6=6
3 / k~Y¨¯’vb c~iY Ki / 1´6=6
4 / evK¨ MVb Ki / 2´4=8
5 / cÖ‡kœi DËi ¸‡jv wjL / 4´4=16
6 / Kwei bvgmn 8 jvBb KweZv wjL / 10
L wefvM
7 / wj½ cwieZ©b Ki / 1´7=7
8 / wecixZ kã wjL / 1´7=7
9 / wb‡Pi kã¸wj‡K eûeP‡b cwieZ©b Ki / 1´7=7
10 / 2wU K‡i cªwZkã wjL| / 2´6=12
11 / evsjvq Abyev` Ki / 1´4=4
12 / iPbv wjL (8wU ev‡K¨) / 9
13 / cwi®‹vi cwi”QbœZv / 1
‡gvU (Aa© evwl©K cix¶v) / 100
‡kªYx cix¶v-1
1| Kyu‡Rveywoi Mí
2| ¯^vaxbZv w`em‡K wN‡i
1| Avgv‡`i GB evsjv‡`k
2| Pj& Pj& Pj&
1| wj½ cwieZ©b
2| wecixZ kã / 1 / kãv_© wjL / 1´7=7
2 / wj½ cwieZ©b / 1´6=6
3 / wecixZ kã wjL / 1´6=6
4 / cÖ‡kœi DËi wjL / 2´3=6
‡gvU (†kªYx cix¶v-1) / 25
/ ‡kªYx cix¶v-2
1| fvlv kwn`‡`i K_v
2| ivRv I Zuvi wZb Kb¨v
1| Av`k© †Q‡j 2| ZvjMvQ
1| ePb 2| cªwZkã / 1 / kãv_© wjL / 1´7=7
2 / wb‡Pi k㸇jv‡K eûeP‡b cwieZ©b Ki / 1´6=6
3 / 2wU K‡i cªwZkã wjL / 1´6=6
4 / cÖ‡kœi DËi wjL / 2´3=6
‡gvU (†kªYx cix¶v-2) / 25
a. Oxford Reading Circle
b. Silver Bells Book-3
1. Pratap Goes Shopping
2. The Turtle & the Swans
3. The Fraid
4. Two Ways of Beating a Drum
5. Mr Sharpe’s Fish
1. The Rivals
2. A Naughty Boy
3. The Cloud / 1 / Word Meaning / 1´10=10
2 / Make Sentence s / 2´5=10
3 / True / False / 1´5=5
4 / Who said to whom / 1´5=5
5 / Rhyming words / 1´5=5
6 / M.C.Q / 1´10=10
7 / Fill in the Blanks / 1´5=5
8 / Short question & answer / 3´5=15
9 / Broad question & answer / 5x4=20
10 / Poem writing / 8
11 / Question & answer (from poem) / 3x2=6
12 / Hand writing / 1
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Pratap Goes Shopping
1. The Rivals
2. A Naughty Boy / 1 / Word meaning / 1´5=5
2 / Make Sentence / 2´2=4
3 / Fill in the blanks / 1x4=4
4 / True / False / 0.5x4=2
5 / Short Question & answer / 2´2=4
6. / Poem / 6
Total (CT) / 25
Class Test-2
1. The Turtle & the Swan
2. The Fraid
1. The Cloud
2. A Naughty Boy / 1 / Word meaning / 1´5=5
2 / Make Sentence / 2´2=4
3 / Fill in the blanks / 1x4=4
4 / True / False / 0.5x4=2
5 / Short Question & Answer / 2´2=4
6. / Poem / 6
Total (CT) / 25
Book: Junior English Book-3
1. Noun
2. Countable & uncountable
noun / 1 / Name the type of the noun / 1×5=5
2 / Forming Noun / 1x6=6
3 / Collective Noun / 1×5=5
4 / Replace the underline Noun / 1×5=5
3 / 4
3. Pronoun
4. Joining sentences with
relative pronoun
5. Adjective
6. Subject & predicate
7. Verb
8. Verb (Past &Past Participle
9. Adverb
a) Sinbad & the coconuts
b) The crows & the snake
c) Aladdin
Book: Success with Buzzword
Main Course Book-3
11. Comprehension:
a. Monday Morning
b. The Big Race
c. Alligators
12. Paragraph:
a) Our School
b) My Pet
c) My Parents
d) My Hobby / 5 / Joining sentences with relative pronoun / 1×5=5
6 / Identify Adjective / 1×7=7
7 / Forming Adjective / 1x5=5
8 / Fill in the blanks with adjective / 1×5=5
9 / Identify the subject & predicate / 1×7=7
10 / Underline the verb / 1x5=5
11 / Fill in the blanks with verbs / 1x5=5
12 / Write the past tense and past participle form of the verb / 1x10=10
13 / Form Adverbs from the following Adjectives / 1x5=5
14 / Write a paragraph / 10
15 / Comprehension (unseen):
a. Answer the following questions
b. Choose the correct answer / 2x5=10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Noun
2. Comprehension (unseen) / 1 / Identify the noun / 1×5=5
2 / Classify the noun / 0.5×10=5
3 / F/B with countable and uncountable noun / 1×5=5
4 / Forming noun / 1×5=5
5 / Comprehension (unseen) / 1x5=5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test-2
1. Pronoun
2. Adjectives
3. Comprehension (unseen) / 1 / Replace the underlined noun with pronoun / 1x5=5
2 / Joining sentences with relative pronoun / 1x5=5
3 / Identify adjectives / 1x5=5
4 / Forming adjective /
Fill in the blanks with adjective / 1x5=5
5 / Comprehension (unseen) / 1x5=5
Total (CT-2) / 25
Book: Success with Math
Ahead Book-4, CD Edition
1. Time (a.m/p.m), Leap year, / 1 / Write the numerals / number name / 1x5=5
2 / Which one of the following is/is not a leap year? / 2.5x2=5
3 / Find the total time/ find out the interval / 2.5×4=10
/ addition and subtraction of
2. Large numbers, Place Value,
Expanded form
3. Multiplication and Division
4. Addition & Subtraction of
Large numbers
5. Multiples, factors, Prime
and composite number
6. Common factor, common
7. Point, line, line segment
8. Different types of Angles
9. Triangle / 4 / Work out / 4×5=20
5 / Word problem / 4×5=20
7 / Find out the common factors / 2.5x2=5
8 / Find the prime number / 1x5=5
9 / Find the composite number / 1x5=5
10 / Find out H.C.F / 2.5x2=5
11 / Definition. / 2x2=4
12 / Draw /Name different types of angles / 2.5x4=10
13 / Class performance / 1
14 / Project work / 5
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
1. Time
2. Addition and subtraction of
3. Geometry: point, line, line
segment / 1 / Write the numbers name / 1×5=5
2 / Write the time using a.m or p.m / 1×5=5
3 / Find out the total time / 2.5x2=5
4 / Find out the difference/ interval between time / 2.5x2=5
5 / Draw lines/ definitions measurement of line / 5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test -2
1. Large numbers, place value,
expanded form
2. Multiplication and division
3. Addition & subtraction of
large numbers. / 1 / Represent 5 digit numerals an abacus and write their number names / 2.5×2=5
2 / Write the numeral for the number name / 1x5=5
3 / Find out H.C.F / 2.5x2=5
4 / Work out (Addition/Subtraction/ Multiplication/Division) / 5x2=10
Total (CT-2) / 25
Book: I Explore – A Science Text Book-3
1. Chap 1: Food and feeding
Habits of Animals
2. Chap 2: Our Food
3. Chap 3: Safety
4. Chap 4: Housing & Clothing
5. Chap 5: Solid, liquid, Gases
6. Chap 6: Living and non-
living things
7. Chap 7: Parts of a Plant / 1 / Fill in the Blanks / 1x10=10
2 / True / False / 1x10=10
3 / Matching / 1x5=5
4 / Correct the wrong statements / 1x10=10
5 / Answer in one sentence / 1x10=10
6 / Short questions / 3×6=18
7 / Broad questions / 5×5=25
8 / Drawing / 3x2=6
9 / Neatness / 1
10 / Project / 5
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Chap 1: Food and feeding
Habits of Animals
2. Chap 2: Our Food / 1 / Fill in the Blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True and False / 1×5=5
3 / Answer in Short / 3x4=12
4 / Drawing and labeling / 1.5×2=3
Total (CT-1) / 25
5 / 6
Class Test-2
1. Chap 5: Solids ,Liquids & Gases
2. Chap 6:Living & Non-Living things / 1 / Fill in the Blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True and False / 1×5=5
3 / Answer in Short / 3x4=12
4 / Drawing and labeling / 1.5×2=3
Total (CT-2) / 25
Computer Science
Book: Computer Ahead-III, 4th Edition
Unit -1:
1. About a computer
2. Components of a computer
a. Operating your computer
b. Notepad / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x12=12
2 / True / False / 1x12=12
3 / Answer in one word / 1x12=12
4 / Short question / 4x4=16
5 / Broad questions / 6x3=18
6 / Drawing / 2.5x2=5
7 / Lab Test / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
Computer Science
Unit -1:
1. About a computer / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Answer in one word / 1x5=5
4 / Short question / 4x1=4
5 / Broad questions / 6x1=6
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test-2
Computer Science
Unit -2:
1. Components of a computer / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Answer in one word / 1x5=5
4 / Short question / 4x1=4
5 / Broad questions / 6x1=6
Total (CT-2) / 25
Bangladesh and Global Studies
Book: Bangladesh & Global
Studies Book-3(NCTB)
Chapter: 1-7 / 1 / Multiple Choice Question / 1x15=15
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
3 / True / False / 1x7=7
4 / Matching / 2x6=12
5 / Short question / 4x4=16
6 / Broad question / 6x5=30
7 / Project work / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
(Bangladesh and Global Studies)
1. Chap-1: The Natural and
Social Environment
2. Chap-2: Living Together
3. Chap-3: Our rights and
responsibilities / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Matching / 1x5=5
4 / Short question / 4x1=4
5 / Broad question / 6x1=6
Total (CT-1) / 25
/ Class Test-2
(Bangladesh and Global Studies)
1. Chap-4: Different
Occupations of society
2. Chap-5: Human qualities
3. Chap- 6 : Improving our
Social Environment / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Matching / 1x5=5
4 / Short question / 4x1=4
5 / Broad question / 6x1=6
Total (CT-2) / 25
a. Islam for Children Bk-3
1. Lesson-1: Allah
2. Lesson-2: Salat. the Second
Pillar of Islam
3. Lesson-3: Zakat
4. Lesson-4: Sawm
5. Lesson 5: Hajj
6. Surah Fatiha / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 2x10=20
2 / True / False / 1x10=10
3 / Matching / 1x5=5
4 / Correct the statement / 2x5=10
5 / Question & answer / 5x6=30
6 / Oral test: Sura with meaning / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
[1. Lesson-1: Allah
2. Lesson-2: Salat / 1 / Fill in the blank / 1x6=6
2 / True / False / 1x4=4
3 / Question & answer / 5x3=15
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test -2
1. Lesson-3: Zakat
2. Lesson-4: Sawm / 1 / Fill in the blank / 1x6=6
2 / True / False / 1x4=4
3 / Question & answer / 5x3=15
Total (CT-2) / 25
Moral Science
Book: A New Moral Science Bk-3
1. The people in your life (1)
2. The people in your life (2)
3. What they do for you
4. There’s work for you
5. Steps to good health / 1. / Fill in the blanks / 2x10=20
2. / True / False / 1x10=10
3. / Matching / 1x5=5
4. / Correct the statement / 2x5=10
5. / Questions & answer / 5x6=30
6. / Oral Test / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
7 / 8
Class Teas -1
Moral Science
1. Let us look around.
2. Let us think of God / 1. / Fill in the blanks / 1x6=6
2. / True / False / 1x4=4
3. / Questions & answer / 5x3=15
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Teas -2
Moral Science
1. The people in your life (1)
2. The people in your life (2) / 1. / Fill in the blanks / 1x6=6
2. / True / False / 1x4=4
3. / Questions & answer / 5x3=15
Total (CT-2) / 25
1. Colour Shades (Human
2. Fruits Basket
3. A scenery with Shaheed
4. Hen and Rooster
5. Winter Season / 1 / Drawing / 20
2 / Colouring / 20
3 / Neatness / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 50