PRESENT: Councillor Mrs. M. Nesbitt in the chair.

Councillors: Mrs. J. Bolton, S. Bolton, W.S.Q. Cook, Mrs. J. Harvey, D. Moore, Mrs. I. Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. P. Pilkington, J. Thompson, J. Waggitt, the Clerk, Mrs K Evans and the Deputy Clerk, Ms. A Gilroy.

Member of public x 1

Public Participation: None.

Domestics were announced by the Mayor.

1.  TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. RESOLVED that the following be accepted:

Cllr. Mrs. L. Crosby – prior commitment

Cllr. N. Hughes – work.

Cllr. G. Derx – prior commitment

Cllr. Mrs. V. Mackintosh – prior commitment

2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTERESTS. Invited by the Mayor and confirmed there were none.

3. TO APPROVE & RATIFY THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: circulated prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED they be signed as a true record:

(a)  Town Council meeting held on 01.12.2015.


separate sheet.

(a) Parish Precept 2016/17 – To agree budget meeting date. Agreed as Tuesday, 26th January 2016 at 5.30 p.m.

(b)  To report on internal audit for period ended 30.11.2015. Noted.

(c)  To announce Best Lit House competition winners. The Mayor announced 1st

and 2nd prize winners which were Mr M Chester and Mr R Coulburn. The Mayor reported that she and the Clerk are currently trying to find out the name of the 3rd prize winner and this will hopefully be reported at the next Town Council meeting. Noted.

Cllr. Nesbitt commented on the community Christmas lights on Victoria Close and praised residents of this area for their initiative in producing such an excellent display. It was suggested that, for the 2016 competition, a Best Communal Lit Area category be added. Cllr. Thompson suggested lighting up the four gateways into Stainforth and advertising for sponsorship from local businesses. The Clerk agreed to look in the costings of this project and report back at the next Town Council meeting.

Signed, Mayor…………...………………………………………….16th February 2016


(d)  Christmas decorations. The Clerk informed members that due to recent vandalism in The Park the Christmas trees had been damaged. Cllr. Moore suggested replacing the Christmas trees with Victorian style lampposts although this will have quite a large cost implication. It was agreed that this be discussed after the budget meeting. Cllr. Moore advised that he is looking into funding for this initiative along with Cllr. Thompson’s suggestion of lighting up the gateways.

(e)  Pit Club F.C. – arrears. Deferred from July meeting. RESOLVED that press & public be excluded, Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.

(f)  Request for donation – Ash Hill Academy. It was RESOLVED that no donation be given on the basis that the school is not within Stainforth.

5. TO CONSIDER CEMETERY MATTERS – Cllr. Nesbitt reminded members of the Cemetery Committee that the next meeting is to be held on Thursday 21st January 2016. Noted. He also presented a Christmas card addressed to Cemetery staff from a resident, thanking everyone for their hard work. It was suggested that this be put into the next Newsletter. Noted.

(a) The Clerk along with Cllr. Nesbitt informed members that the garage at the Cemetery is severely damaged and unsafe. The Clerk has received a quote for new garage doors and it was agreed that the damage be looked at during the Cemetery meeting on Thursday before any quote is accepted.


(a) Changes to Post Office – Church Road Stainforth. Noted.

(b) Letter from resident, Mrs S Hill. The Clerk agreed to pass this matter over to the Cemetery Superintendent and to respond to Mrs Hill informing her that the matter is in hand. Noted.

(c) E-mail from Ros Jones – 2016 Tour de Yorkshire. Noted.

(d) Jubilee Bridge Principal Inspection and Essential Repair – closure of Ferry Road. Noted.

(e) DN7 Community Food Bank. Noted.


(a) Department of Energy and Climate Change – application by Thorpe Marsh Power Ltd. Noted.

(b) 15/02878/FUL. Change of use of terraced house to two flats including opening alterations at 9 Bootham Crescent for Mr A Poulton. No objection.

(c) 15/02882/FUL. Continuation of use of gypsy caravan site without compliance and condition 01 of application 91/3391/P, granted on 11.06.98 (varying number of caravans) at Millfield Lane Caravan Site for Mr J Smith. No objection.

(d) 16/00086/AGR. Erection of agricultural building (30.4m x 15.2m) at Manor Farm, Woodhouse Green Road for Mr R Robinson. No objection.

8. TO REPORT ON POLICE MATTERS. Cllr. Nesbitt expressed his delight with

South Yorkshire Police, following their quick response to an incident of anti-social behaviour. He also reported on parking issues around Holy Family School and the Clerk agreed to request to DMBC that a Traffic Officer attend this area.

(a) Letter from Ed Miliband. Noted.

Signed, Mayor…………...………………………………………….16th February 2016

9. TO CONSIDER WELFARE GROUND MATTERS. Cllr. Moore informed members that due to breaks in the fencing and a gate unlocked on Doncaster Road, motorbikes have been accessing the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that the lock be fixed and the fencing be assessed and repaired where necessary.

10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. Members discussed their disappointment with the new street lighting in the town and the Clerk agreed to report this to DMBC. Members also discussed drainage problems on the grassed area of Beech Crescent. Clerk to liaise with DMBC on this matter.

(a) Stuart Horrocks – DMBC Public Rights of Way. Noted.

11. TO DISCUSS MAYOR’S FUND. The Mayor informed members that a Tombola will be held at Asda, Stainforth on 29th February and proceeds will go to the Mayor’s chosen charity, Dementia UK. It was suggested that this be reported on in the Town Council Newsletter.

Cllr. Cook informed members that during a Newsletter Committee meeting held on 14/01/2016, it had been suggested that the Newsletter be delivered to every household. This was followed up with an offer from Cllr. Bolton to use the volunteers from Stainforth4all to distribute them. Members expressed their gratitude to Cllr. Bolton for this offer and agreed that this be actioned. Clerk to arrange.

12. TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – as Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.

Signed, Mayor…………...………………………………………….16th February 2016