Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Manager

Description and Application Form

Once you have read and understood each section, please initial where asked.

To be a successful, well-respected, valuable stage manager, you will need real leadership qualities. First and foremost, you must be assertive and firm yet tactfulin your speech and judgment. To have tact means to have the following:

  • A keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations calmly and efficiently
  • A keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination

The quality of tact is of utmost importance, yet it is a quality that can escape even the most level-headed person during times of stress. Considering the definition above, when you are unsure about your ability to be tactful, seek the guidance of the director or another professional.

Initials: ______

Second, a stage manager can complete tasks in an efficient and orderly fashion. Also, you should be able to anticipate problems and resolve them before they happen. This may require you to seek the help of the director—never hesitate to ask for this help.

Initials: ______

A stage manager can remain friends with peers and still garner their respect and trust when the time comes to take charge. The stage manager also assumes active responsibility for the form and discipline of rehearsal and performance and is the executive instrument in the running of each performance. This is not to say that the stage manager is alone in this duty; indeed, the stage manager and the director should set professional expectations at the first rehearsal as well as before performances. The stage manager and the director should discuss these expectations before-hand to ensure agreement.

Initials: ______

General List of Responsibilities during Rehearsals

  1. Arrive before the rehearsal is scheduled to begin.
  2. As soon as the theatre is opened, prepare the rehearsal space for rehearsal. Always sweep the floor and remove any obstructions. You may also need to set up props and furniture.
  1. Before blocking rehearsals begin, tape out the ground plan of the stage.
  2. Post a sign-in sheet for actors on the show’s call board. Use this to note actors who miss a call. Be the first to speak tactfully with actors about attendance or discipline problems.

5.Record all blocking and technical additions in the prompt book at each rehearsal. Note all cuts and adds as well. As you get closer to performance, you will need to mark all cues in the prompt book. During dress rehearsals and performances, the prompt book will be your resource in running the show.



  1. Note all changes/additions to setting, costume, sound, lights, and props in a weekly rehearsal report. This report should go to all designers, the director, the technical director, and the stage managers.

7.During rehearsal, you (or an ASM) should be on-book to give line cues and take line notes. Once actors are off-book, an ASM should take line notes. These notes should then be posted on the call board for actors to read before the next rehearsal.


8.A stage manager or ASM should be present at every moment of every rehearsal.

9.You should offer any notes or observations appropriate to the concept and direction of the show.

10.After rehearsal, meet with the director to discuss any relevant concerns.

11.Use the director’s master keys to secure all outside and inside theatre doors. Turn off all appropriate lights. At the end of rehearsal, the stage manager should ensure that the rehearsal space is locked and ready to be used the next day.

Initials: ______

General List of Responsibilities during Dress Rehearsals and Performances

  1. Be the first to arrive approximately two hours before curtain.
  2. Post a sign-in sheet for actors and crew.
  3. Check in with the House Manager for any concerns.
  4. Sweep and mop the stage.
  5. Run light and sound checks with appropriate board operators.
  6. Check to make sure all props are in place and in working condition.
  7. Set the stage for curtain.
  8. Give cast and crew their first call at one hour.
  9. Collect valuables from actors and secure them in a safe place.
  10. Before “half-hour”, ensure that the stage is ready for the house to be open.
  11. Give “half-hour” call.
  12. Inform the House Manager that the house is ready to be opened.
  13. Give “fifteen” minutes call.
  14. Check in with all crew and operators to ensure that the show is ready to go.
  15. Give “five minute” call.
  16. Give “places” call two or three minutes before curtain.
  17. Inform the House Manager that you are ready.
  18. When you get the “Go” from the House Manager, start the play.
  19. From a prime location backstage or in the booth, call all cues. You are ultimately responsible for solving any performance related problems that arise in order to keep the show going; you have the final say in these matters.
  20. Continue to give calls (warning and places) during intermission.
  21. After performance, personally return all valuables.
  22. Check with crews to be sure that everything is cleared and put away.
  23. Check and lock all doors. Unless other arrangements have been made, be the last to leave the theater.
  24. Send out a performance report to the director and technical director with all pertinent information.

Initials: ______

The stage manager is pivotal in the success of the production. Thus, you must be present at every rehearsal. If you feel that you do not or cannot uphold the expectations or that you will not be able to meet the requirements, you should strongly consider whether you should be applying for this position.

By signing below, you agree that you can and will meet at the requirements of the position.

This contract/agreement is made between the director of Moby Dick! The Musical, the director of Still Life with Iris, ______on the date ______and his/her parents or guardians. This personal contract should be signed by both the student and parent/guardian to signify agreement to the commitments required of participants.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Durang the Night Away

B-CC Theater Arts Program

Stage Manager/ASM Application

I am applying for: (circle one or both)Stage MangerAssistant Stage Manager

Name: ______Email: ______

Primary Phone: ______Class Standing: ______

Leadership Experience:

Acting Experience: (list production, role, and year)

Technical Experience: (list production, role, and year)

Other Experience:

Have you read the play? □Yes □No

If you do not get an SM position, would you consider being an ASM?□Yes □No