STAGE 1: What will participants be able to do
with what they know by the end of the program?
In a paragraph, describe your target audience. Who will your participants be? What do you hope that your participants will be able to do as a result of this program? Combination Programs: How will teachers benefit by being connected to the student program?
Learning Goals
What do you hope participants will be able to do after the program ends? Use the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) Framework to guide the development of your program goals. Identify the TELL domains and supporting TELL criteria statements that capture the major concepts or topics identified in your program overview.
TELL DOMAINS / TELL CRITERIA STATEMENTSThe criteria statements you identify here will be transferred to Stages 2 & 3.
STAGE 2:How will participants demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the program?
Performance Assessment
Use this section to capture end-of-program products that will showcase participant growth and learning. Consider the following questions as you design your assessment tasks: Do the evidence/products developed by participants align with program goals you identified? Do the evidence/products allow participants to apply their learning beyond the program in an actual teaching environment? Do the evidence/products allow participants to reflect on their learning/professional growth in the program? Do the evidence/product allow participants to address the different backgrounds they bring to the program?
TELL CRITERIA STATEMENTS / EVIDENCE/PRODUCT BRIEF DESCRIPTIONThe criteria statements here were identified in Stage 1.
STAGE 3:What will prepare participants to demonstrate
what they can do with what they know?
REVISED FOR 2016: Learning Plan
In Stage 3, the TELL Criteria are unpacked and the specific learning targets for each of the TELL Criteria are identified. These learning targets are the Can-Do statements that will drive daily instruction. Learning targets should indicate the progression of learning that will allow participants to meet the larger learning goal specified by the TELL Criteria. The check for learning allows participants to demonstrate that they have met the goal of each learning target. Finally, the major resources that will be used for each learning target are named. You may wish to consult the STELLA documents for sample learning activities and resources. This section is intended to capture the learning targets for each day of the program and describes program learning goals from program start to end date, including any online or post-program experiences.
DAY # / LEARNING TARGETS / CHECKING FOR LEARNING / INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCESEach day should have multiple learning targets. Use a separate row for each learning target. / Unpack the TELL Criteria into specific Can-Do statements. The learning targets should capture the progression that will allow a participant to meet the learning goal expressed by the TELL Criteria. / Describe how participants will demonstrate what they can do with what they know for each learning target. / Identify the major resources participants will use to work with the learning targets identified in column 2
Will the participants engage in a microteaching or practicum experience? If yes, describe the teaching experience that your participants will complete.