StaffordshireUniversity Disability Equality Scheme – Action Plan

Where actions have arisen from the active involvement of disabled people in constructing the plan, they are indicated as follows:

  • DS = Disabled Students
  • DSt = Disabled Staff
  • Ex = External representative group


Objectives/Actions / Timescale / Lead Person / Progress to date:
  1. To involve disabled students in policy planning and review:
  • Engage disabled students onto relevant staff-student committees.
  • Establish Faculty/School Engagement Forum that meets twice yearly.
  • Engage disabled students in Faculty/School Strategic Plan review.
  • Secure Faculty/School representation on Disabled Students’ Forum.
  1. To develop inclusive learning environments:
  • Use opportunities provided by internal subject reviews, validations and module approval/amendment processes to ensure that inclusiveness is specifically addressed in proposed teaching and learning strategies.
  • Formalise the role of Disability Co-ordinators within Faculties/Schools.
  • Ring fence resources from Faculty/School budgets to allow the development of inclusive practice.
  • Develop programmes of staff development that cover inclusive learning principles and disability equality.
  • Ensure that teaching environments are developed that allow staff to apply the principles of inclusive learning.
  1. To develop a range of appropriate assessment strategies to meet the needs of disabled students.
  • Use opportunities provided by internal subject review, validations and module approval/amendment processes to ensure that inclusiveness is specifically addressed in proposed assessment strategies.
  • Customise and periodically review the assessment schedules and associated support for individual disabled students; check that assessment tasks remain suitable vehicles for the demonstration of required learning outcomes/competences and initiate approval process if amendments are required.
  • Develop a resource bank of alternative assessment strategies to allow teaching staff to explore the opportunities for customising assessments to meet the needs of individual disabled students.
  1. To improve curriculum flexibility to meet the needs of disabled students.
  • Consider the substitution of core modules, where necessary, to meet the needs of individual disabled students.
  • Develop pilot projects within Faculties/schools to explore the flexible learning agenda in the University.
  • Use student feedback to drive curriculum change.
  • Link curriculum flexibility to the development of alternative assessment opportunities.
  1. To develop Faculty/School support strategies to meet the needs of disabled students.
  • Maintain, enhance and publicise Faculty/School resources available to all staff for consultation and reference in optimising support for disabled students.
  • Use Personal Development Programmes for students to inform and increase awareness of disability related issues in teaching.
  • Use Peer Observation of Teaching, Annual Monitoring and SSLGs to inform and prioritise Faculty/School based staff development opportunities.
  1. To ensure student placements are fully compliant with legal duties.
  • Review all placement policies to ensure compliance with current legislation.
  • Review placement provider practice to ensure that disabled students can participate fully in their placement.
  1. To promote disability equality in all activities.
  • Faculty/School Strategic Plans to be informed by the needs of disabled students.
  • Disability issues to be a standing item on the agenda of all Faculty/School committees.
  • Establish Faculty/School Disability sub-Group that reports to the FQEC.
  • Annual monitoring process from module level upwards includes a formal evaluation of activities directly related to disabled students.
In addition, all Faculty/School and Service Action plans to be followed through and reviewed annually as part of this action plan. / December 2006 (revised to February 2008)
December 2006 (revised to February 2008)
December 2006 (revised to ‘annually’ to take account of the planning cycle
February 2006 (revised to March 2008)
December 2006
December 2006
June 2007 (revised to June 2008)
June 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007 (revised June 2008)
December 2007
December 2007
December 2006
December 2007 (revised to June 2008)
December 2007 (revised to July 2008)
December 2006
December 2006
December 2007 (revised to ‘annually’ to take account of the planning cycle
December 2006
December 2006 (revised to
February 2008)
December 2007
December 2007 / Programme Area Managers
Disability Coordinators
Faculty / School Management Teams
Disability Coordinators
Directors for Learning and Teaching/ADI
Dean of Students and Academic Registrar
Deans of Faculty/
Director of Human Resources
Deans of Faculty / School
Faculty/ School Directors for Learning and Teaching/ADI
Faculty/ School Directors for Learning and Teaching
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Dean of Students and Academic Registrar
Disability Coordinators
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Disability Coordinators
Programme Area Managers/
Faculty / School Disability Coordinators
Faculty / School Disability Coordinators
Award Managers
Deans of Faculty / School
Deans of Faculty / School
Deans of Faculty / School
Chairs of Faculty / School FLTQEC
Deans of Faculty / School, Director of Service. / Largely completed on time but all Faculties have encountered difficulty in engaging disabled students.
Largely completed on time but all Faculties have encountered difficulty in engaging disabled students.
This has proved difficult for the reasons given above and also because we were out of step with the planning cycle.
There has been difficulty in setting up a Disabled Students’ Forum. Further discussions will take place with the Students’ Union to set this up, perhaps as an E-Forum.
Completed. A thematic inquiry into inclusive assessment strategies was introduced for the 2005/06 Annual Monitoring process. All Faculties and Schools engaged in this process.
Achieved. A role description was produced and a Disability Co-ordinator appointed in each Faculty and Service.
Partly achieved. Faculties and Services will address this in their next budget planning.
Will be achieved by the end of December 2007.
Will be achieved by the end of December 2007.
Discussed with Faculty Disability Co-ordinators.
Research into PlymouthUniversity’s “Space” project. Will be achieved by the end of December 2007.
Proposal will be discussed in December 2007.
3 Faculties have set up pilots. Others will follow.
Note taken of disabled student comments from Student Viewfinder Survey and contact with the Disability Advisory Service. Curriculum issues will now be dealt with via the Learning and Teaching Committee.
Undertaken in some Faculties. University will review the appropriateness of PDP for this purpose.
Achieved in some Faculties.
This has proved difficult for the reasons given earlier and also because we were out of step with the planning cycle.
Largely completed on time but all Faculties have encountered difficulty in engaging disabled students.
Completed. A thematic inquiry into inclusive assessment strategies was introduced for the 2005/06 Annual Monitoring process. All Faculties and Schools engaged in this process.


Objectives/Actions / Timescale / Lead Person / Progress to date:
  1. To involve disabled staff in policy planning and review.
  • Establish a Disabled Staff Forum with a specific remit to inform planning and policy review in line with impact assessment requirements.
  • Active involvement of disabled staff to be gained in any Faculty/School/Service planning or review arrangements.
2. To develop recruitment, retention and career development strategies that are appropriate to the needs of disabled people.
  • Establish a working group led by Personnel to identify, publish and disseminate how the needs of current and potential disabled staff will be identified and action taken by the University with reference to the above criteria. This group to seek the widest membership of disabled staff by reference to staff who have disclosed to the University.
  • Ensure that all advertisements for staff reflect and state the University’s commitment to disability equality.
  • To examine and publicise the University’s commitment to reasonable adjustments in the workplace. To monitor and review annually any reasonable adjustments in place for disabled staff.
  • To negotiate reasonable adjustments with disabled staff as part of the University’s staff induction processes.
  • To commit to and gain “Positive about Disabled People” status.
  1. To ensure disability education is prioritized in training to actively promote disability equality in the University’s workforce.
  • Ensure that Disability Equality programmes are built into the Management Development Programme, training initiatives for non management staff and are included in the University’s open programme of staff development.
  • Identify opportunities for staff to access training in alternative format such as e-learning.
  1. To promote disclosure of disability and ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to take account of people’s impairments.
  • Work with the University’s recognised Trade Unions to campaign for disclosure from the workforce. Ensure that the reasons for disclosure are clearly identified and that follow up procedures, including the capacity to make reasonable adjustments, are clearly publicised.
  1. To ensure that all line managers are aware of and compliant with their legal duties with respect to disabled staff.
  • Introduce a compulsory training programme for line managers to explain their legal responsibilities under the DDA 2005 and explore compliance options.
  1. To promote disability equality in all activities.
  • Produce a Disability Equality Policy ensuring the engagement of disabled staff in its development.
  • Ensure that Disability Equality is embedded in all Diversity Planning, linking developments to the wider Diversity agenda.
In addition, all Faculty/School and Service Action plans to be followed through and reviewed annually as part of this action plan. / December 2006
December 2006
June 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007 (revised to December 2008)
December 2007
December 2007 (revised to April 2008)
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007 / Director of Human Resources
Deans of Faculty / School, Director of Service
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Diversity Manager
Director of Human Resources, Trade Union Representatives
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Deans of Faculty / School, Director of Service. / It has taken longer than anticipated to establish the forum as more work needed to be done to encourage better disclosure of disability by staff. The first meeting of the Forum has taken place.
The newly formed Disabled Staff Forum will be used to achieve this action.
Achieved. All advertisements carry general statement ‘committed to equality and diversity’.
Achieved. All staff informed of the Disability Coordinator role in Personnel Services and of the University’s commitment to making reasonable adjustments. Leaflets are being produced and will be circulated to all staff and students by March 2008.
Ongoing liaison with the Professional Development Committee to ensure inclusion in the induction for new staff.
A working party has been set to review this objective. The Disabled staff Forum will also be used to gain staff views.
The suitability and effectiveness of both e-learning, other web based resources and theatre as training tools for disability awareness are under review.
Achieved. To date 80 staff (4.2% of staff total) have declared a disability. The previous number was 41 staff (2.4%).
The University has taken the decision not to pursue compulsory training. The working group with the Disabled Staff Forum will discuss other methods. A leaflet explaining staff responsibilities will be sent to all staff by March 2008.
Achieved a part of a generic equality policy/action plan.

The Physical Estate.

Objectives/Actions / Timescale / Lead Person / Progress to date:
  1. To involve disabled people in policy planning and review.
  • To action, wherever possible, the results of annual consultation with disabled students and external representative agencies.
  • Engage disabled staff and disabled student representation on the Facilities Management Disability Working Group.
  1. To demonstrate a commitment to develop the physical estate in line with the needs of disabled people.
  • Annually evaluate and monitor progress towards completion of works identified in campus access audits. Produce an annual report for the consideration of the Disability Forum.
  • Ensure that all new build and refurbishment works comply with, and where possible exceed, relevant legislation.
  • Develop Strategic Access Statement in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 2006.
  • Receive, and where possible action, a report from the Disabled Staff forum.
  1. To ensure that strategies are in place to support the accommodation needs of disabled students.
  • Ensure that all premises used by accommodation/residencies are fully accessible to all and that the distribution of accessible accommodation prevents clustering of disabled students. Where possible projects to exceed the expectations of legal compliance.
  • Develop a Residential Accommodation Strategy, ensuring engagement of disabled students, which supports the University’s Estate Strategy.
  1. To ensure that building projects support the delivery of an inclusive and flexible curriculum.
  • Work with the Disabled Students’ Association, Faculty/School Disability Co-ordinators and the Disability Advisory Service to ensure that teaching environment are inclusive.
  1. To promote disability equality in all activities.
  • Ensure that all Facilities Management staff are trained in Disability Equality.
In addition, all Faculty/School and Service Action plans to be followed through and reviewed annually as part of this action plan. / Dec 06
Dec 07 (revised to March 2008)
December 2007
December 2007
June 2006
December 2007 (revised to March 2008)
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007 (revised to December 2008)
December 2007 / Director of Estates
Director of Estates
Director of Estates
Director of Estates
Director of Estates
Director of Human Resources
Head of Hospitality & Leisure Services
Head of Hospitality and Leisure Services
Director of Estates
Director of Human Resources
Deans of Faculty / School, Director of Service. / Achieved on a case by case basis.
The FM Disability Working Group no longer meets. It is expected that engagement with disabled students on these issues will be via a new Disabled Students’ Forum and Disabled Staff Forum.
A report is made to the Board of Governors in November/December each year.
New build plans are vetted by both access consultants and the local Planning Office to ensure compliance. Large scale refurbishment works are monitored by the Clerk of Works to ensure legal compliance.
This will be achieved through the newly formed Disabled Staff Forum.
The existing residential estate comprises a variety of sizes and styles of premises. Not all are accessible to all disabled students. However, all University owned residential premises can be accessed by disabled students (as a minimum to ground floor) and offers a choice of accommodation to those who wish to reside in University managed accommodation.
As part of a wider Estate planning process, consultants have undertaken a review of the existing residential estate. The outputs of this were presented to Estates Committee of the Board of Governors in November 2007. The Residential Accommodation Strategy will be informed by this review.Student engagement in the residential community will be considered as part of the Accommodation Strategy.
Being achieved on a case by case basis as refurbishment projects arise.
Ongoing monitoring of disability awareness training is taking place.

The Wider Community

Objectives/Actions / Timescale / Lead Person / Progress to date:
  1. To involve stakeholders in policy planning and review.
  • Establish a University/Community working group with those external agencies who expressed an interest in collaborative working during the consultation phase. Establish terms of reference that ensure that all willing to participate can fully access the group.
  1. To aim to ensure SURFCollege disabled students have a support offer equivalent to that offered on main campuses.
  • Continue the collaborative partnership established during the consultation phase of the DES preparation. Link the activities of this group to the SURF Diversity group.
  • Continue to monitor SURF partners for compliance with expected standards.
  1. To improve transition arrangements for disabled young people in the local area.
  • Develop formal arrangements with Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Local Authorities to facilitate the attendance of University Disability Advisors at Transition Planning meetings for all disabled young people expressing a realistic wish to move to Higher Education from school or college.
  1. To increase participation for under-represented disabled people.
  • Using available data, identify those disabled groups who are under-represented in the University Community. Use the collaborative arrangements outlined above to identify strategies to promote involvement with the University.
  1. To develop partnerships with external representative agencies to enhance the experience of disabled people in the University.
  • In addition to the proposals above, to work on the specific issues identified by disabled people in the community and, in particular, to respond to the requests for improved communication. Acknowledge and respond to preferred forms of involvement.
  1. To promote disability equality in all activities.
  • To engage disabled people in the community (and disabled students and staff) in developing appropriate forms of disability equality training, where appropriate using the skills and knowledge of those people to further this engagement.
  • To ensure that all representative agencies are kept informed of the Universities progress in meeting the actions in this plan.
In addition, all Faculty/School and Service Action plans to be followed through and reviewed annually as part of this action plan. / December 2007
December 2006
December 2007
December 2007
December 2007 (revised to March 2008)
December 2007 (revised March 2008)
December 2007
December 2007 (revised March 2008)
December 2007 / Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Head of Disability Advisory Service
Deans of Faculty / School, Director of Service. / Head of Disability Advisory Service has written new Terms of Reference for “Staffsnet”, local forum for disabled people in Further and Higher Education.
No interest displayed by Colleges in taking this item forward. Head of DAS addressed SURF Quality Group to update on University’s responsibilities towards disabled students on SURF programmes.
Monitoring continues with incidents of non compliance addressed at one college.
Head of Disability Advisory Service has worked with Staffs ASSIST to move this agenda forward with Staffordshire. Meeting with Connexions in October 2007 to agree arrangements for accessing young disabled people through their formal transition planning meetings.
Data from 2007-8 entrants and from previous 5 years will be analysed to see if there are any emerging trends. The University has already identified that there are increasing numbers of students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and Social Phobias enrolling at the University.
This will be taken forward through Staffsnet.
Continued networking with disabled students through text and e-mail and with disabled staff has enabled support worker training and careers service training to use disabled staff and students as “Experts” in delivering equality training.
This will be formally taken forward through Staffsnet and informally through existing networks.

Marketing and Information Services.