1.0The name of the Branch shall be called 'The Staffordshire Branch of UNISON" (hereinafter called 'the branch”).
2.0(a)The branch accepts the constitution and rules of Unison (hereinafter called “the National Rules') and of the West Midlands Regional Council hereinafter called the 'Regional Council"), together with any subsequent alterations or additions thereto, to ensure that the Constitution and rules of the branch shall always be consistent with those of UNISON nationally and the Regional Council.
(b)Any member may have a copy of UNISON’s rules and any regulation made by the National Executive Council if she/he requests.
3.0The objects of the branch shall be:
(1)to organise within the branch, all the eligible staff of the list of employers attached to these rules as schedule A, and to engage in bona tide trade union activities on their behalf.
In this rule, eligible means within the definition of national rules C2.3; C2.4; C2.5; C2.6 and C2.7.
(2)to form such substructures of the branch (including stewards committees based on work groups, units or departments, one or more small employers within the branch) as may be considered necessary In the interests of the members of the branch.
(3)to seek to ensure equality of treatment and fair representation for all members and to work towards the elimination of discrimination on grounds of race, gender, sexuality, disability, age or creed.
(4)to seek to protect the right of all members to be treated with dignity and respect,irrespective of race, gender, sexuality, disability, age or creed.
(5)to improve the pay and conditions of members and promote their interests.
(6)to establish effective joint negotiating machinery between members and their employers, to secure the settlement of disputes arising from member’s employment.
(7)to promote health and safety at work.
(8)to make representations to the regional Local Government Committee and the Regional Council having general application to pay and conditions of service and on any other matters relevant to the objects of UNISON.
(9)to submit motions through the medium of the Regional Council, or otherwise, for the consideration of the National Executive Council, appropriate Service Groups and the nationalbargaining bodies, or a conference of UNISON
(10)to promote greater employee, consumer and user involvement and representation in the delivery of public services, irrespective of race, gender, sexuality, disability, age or creed.
(11)to work with all other interested parties, individuals and organisations to maintain and improve the quality of services to the public.
(12)to promote and establish a member-led union and to carry out and fulfil decisions madeby members in the spirit of unity and accountability.
(13)to promote fair representation In all the union structures for women, members of allgrades, black members, members with disabilities and lesbian and gay men.
(14)to encourage solidarity and an effective working partnership between members, activists, representatives, officers and all staff in the service of UNlSON (both national and branch employed staff) and its policies. '
(15)to promote and campaign on policies agreed at branch level, Regional Council or by UNISON conferences.
(16)to maintain political funds within the terms of the National Rules.
(17)to assist and support other unions, organisations, charities or Individuals as deemed appropriate locally.
(18)to participate in international trade union activities and to foster appropriate international
(19)to encourage members to participate in education facilities provided and maintained by
(20)to promote, maintain and contribute to schemes and/or funds determined locally for the financial, physical and social welfare of members and their dependants.
(21)to submit nominations of candidates to the National Executive Council, the Trades Union Congress and other such bodies as may be appropriate.
Eligibility for Membership
4.0 Those eligible for membership are defined in National Rules C2.3, C2.4, C2.5, C2.6 and C2.7.
Becoming a Member
5.1Every person wishing to become a member shall complete and sign a prescribed form ofapplication for membership, using her or his full name and giving her or his home address andshall return it to he branch secretary.
5.2A person applying for membership shall only be deemed a member if approved by a vote of themajority of members present and voting at either a meeting ofthe branch executive committeeor a general meeting of the branch.
5.3Any person whose application for membership is declined shall have the right of appeal to aregional appeals committee against the decision of the branch as set out in National Rule C5.6
5.4 Any person wishing tojoin the branch shall sign an undertaking on the prescribed form ofapplication for membership and shall accept the constitution of UNISON and of the branch andcomply with the rules.
5.5The member shall then be enrolled on the branch register and the national UNISON membershipsystem.
Obligations of Membership
6.1 The rights, privileges and liabilities of each member shall be personal to her/him, and shallnot, in any circumstances, be transferable ortransmissible.
6.2 A member shall comply with the constitution and rules of UNISON and shall not act in a waydetrimental or prejudicial to the interests of the union or its members.
6.3Every member who changes her/his address shall notify the branch secretary of the change
in theprescribed way.
6.4It is the obligation of each member to ensure that her/his subscription is paid to UNISON on thedate on which it is due. Payment will normally be by check off arrangements made by the branch through the member’s employer. Other means of payment are available if check off arrangementsdo not exist.
Ceasing to be a Member
7.0The branch will terminate the membership of any person who ceases to be eligible for membership within National Rule C1 and who does not fall within classes of membership set out in NationalRule C2, unless she/he intends to be absent from the employment defined in National Rule C1fora temporary period only, in which case she/he may be allowed by decision of the branch toretain membership.
Arrears of Subscription
8.0Any person owing more than 3 months subscriptions shall cease to be a member of the union(Unless the National Executive Council decides otherwise) and shall forfeit all that she/he has paidto the union. Any such person shall remain liable to pay arrears of subscription or other paymentdue at the date on which her/his membership terminated.
9.0 Any member may, at any time, resign her/his membership by submitting a written resignation to the branch secretary. Upon resigning, that member will forfeit any rights to receive or continue to receive benefits or privileges of membership and shall forfeit all that she/he has paid to the union
9.1 Any member who resigns is responsible for notifying her/his employer to cancel her/hisauthorisation to deduct subscriptions through the check off arrangements.
Resumption of membership
10.0 Any person whose membership is terminated by the branch or who tem1inates her/his membership in accordance with these rules , may be allowed to resume membership at the discretion of the branch, on payment of such sums as is required , being not less than any amount due and unpaid- at the date of termination and not more than the total of such amount and the amounts of any subscriptions and other payments due in respect of the period of termination and resumption of membership, calculated as if there had been no termination of the person's membership.
Administrative and Financial Year
11.0The administrative and financial year of the branch shall be the period commencing on thefirst day of January and ending on 31 December of the same year.
Election of Officers
12.0In accordance with National Rule G 4.1.1 the branch shall at the annual meeting elect the following officers whose positions may be job shared but the posts of treasurer and secretary shall not beheld concurrently by the same person:
1. Chairperson
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Equality Officer(s)
5. Health and Safety Officer
[The branch may also elect other officers as it considers appropriate, including: Education Officer, Publicity Officer, Recruitment Officer, Affiliated Political Fund Co-ordinator (who must be an APF member), Welfare Officer; Social Secretary, Auditor]
13.0(a)The branch officers shall be elected from the membership of the branch with the exception of theAPF co-ordinatorwho shall be elected from the membership paying into the APF, and the Auditor, whomay be appointed from persons qualified as accountants.
(b)A student, unemployed member of not more than two years unemployment or retired member, shallnot be eligible to hold office either elective or ex-officio, except that the latter may hold office as retired members secretary.
14.0The branch committee, or any two members, shall be entitled to nominate candidates for each ofthe above offices, not exceeding the number to be elected (with the exception of the APF co-ordinator who shall be nominated by APF members only). All nominations must be received by the branch secretary in writing at least 2 weeks before the annual meeting. The branch secretary shall notify in writing to each nominee the fact of her/his nomination and of her/his right to withdraw her/his candidature, by notifying the fact in writing to the secretary not later than 7 days before the annual general meeting. If there is more than one candidate for any office, a ballot shall be taken at the annual meeting and each member of the branch present shall be entitled to one vote in respect of each choice to be filled. Votes must be recorded on the official ballot papers supplied.
15.0No member shall be eligible to hold more than two branch officer posts concurrently.
Election of Executive Committee
16.0The Branch Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
1.The Officers mentioned in Rule 12.0 above (with the exception of the branch auditor)
2.Workgroup Stewards (see rule 17 below)
3.Two representatives of each self organised group recognised by the branch and of retired members organisation, in accordance with National Rules.
(Self organised groups within UNISON are Black Members; Disabled Members;Lesbian and Gay Members and Women Members)
4.Any member of the branch elected to the National Executive Council.
17.0Each department or workgroup shall be divided into constituencies, within 2 months of adoption of these rules, each with their own steward.
Each department/workgroup shall, at least 14 days prior to the annual meeting, forward to the branchsecretary the names of stewards elected. In the event of any department/workgroup failing to makeany such appointment, stewards forthat department may be appointed at the annual meeting. Anyvacancy in representation arising during the year shall be filled from the workgroup /department wherethe vacancy occurs or, in default by the branch executive committee.
Branch Executive Committee Functions
18.0The function of the branch executive committee shall be:
(1)to co-ordinate local negotiations conducted by stewards in the branch;
(2) to accredit workplace stewards and establish effective representation of members interests by stewards in each workgroup/department;
(3)to maintain a record of membership showing the workgroup in which each member is
(4)to ensure that the branch officers are properly exercising their functions;
(5)to meet not less than 9 times a year;
(6)to consider and deal with all matters affecting the Interests of members of thebranch, whether raised by members or arising from communications from Headquartersor Regional Office or Regional Council of UNISON, or otherwise;
(7) to deal with all questions of emergency;
(8) to appoint sub-committees with power to co-opt thereon, members of the branch who may not be members of the branch executive committee;
(9)to submit a report on its activities to the annual meeting ofthe branch;
(10)to till casual vacancies not otherwise provided for by these rules;
(11)to co-ordinate the activities of the branch in health and safety, including the appointmentof or the endorsement of the appointment of health and safety representatives;
(12)to give consideration to donations and/or affiliation to other organisations in the wider labour and trade union movement;
(13)to approve the arrangements of constituencies in each department/workgroup and the constitution of each department/workgroup;
(14)to encourage the development of self organised groups;
Branch Chairperson
The duties of the Branch Chairperson are:
(15)to preside at all meetings of the branch and its executive committee
(16)to ensure that business is property conducted.
(17)to advise the branch officers and branch executive committee in respect of matters relating to procedure and interpretation of rules.
(18)to represent the branch atformal and social occasions as determined by the branch executive committee.
Branch Secretary
19 0The branch secretary shall:
(1)Convene and attend all meetings of the branch and branch committees;
(2)Arrange forthe minutes of meetings ofthe branch committee and the branch to be kept
in a proper manner;
(3)Arrange for branch records to be kept in a proper manner;
(4)Communicate with the members of the branch;
(5)Communicate with the union’s regional and head offices on behalf of the branch;
(6)Ensure that the branch is aware of opportunities to participate in the activities of the wider
(7)Support and encourage, by visits to the workplace if necessary, the stewards in the branch on an individual and collective basis;
(8)Act on all occasions underthe direction of the branch executive committee;
(9)Ensure that each member is supplied, no less than seven days prior to the closing date,with the voting papers issued from time to time by UNISON and compile and furnish to the Regional Office/National Office, the Regional Council such returns and information as may
be required;
(10)Forward to the National Office by the due date the names and addresses of delegates elected to attend the annual conference of the union and of the service annual group conference;
(11)Ensure that all annual returns required by Head Office of UNISON are completed and dispatched to Head Office by the due date;
(12)At the end of her/his appointment, hand over to her/his successor or the BranchChairperson all minute books, records and other property belonging to the union;
Branch Treasurer
20 0The branch treasurer shall:
(1)Conduct the branch’s financial business and keep accounts in accordance with the rulesof UNISON;
(2)Provide reports on the financial position ofthe branch tothe branch executive committee;
(3)Prepare the annual statement of accounts of the branch immediately after 31 December each year;
(4)Ensure that all financial returns required by Headquarters are completed and returned bythe due date;
(5)Ensure that the funds of the branch are kept in a bank approved by the branch executive Committee and that no financial liabilities are incurred or payments made except underthe special or general authorisation of the branch executive committee;
(6)Keep a debtor and creditor account and ensure that any monies collected by the branchin support of local industrial action are accounted for in the books of the account;
(7)Advise the branch officers and branch executive committee in respect of matters relatingto financial management and appropriate expenditure;
(8)On retiring from office, hand over to her/his successor or the Branch Chairperson books (after being duly audited), papers and cash belonging to the branch.
Branch Equality Officer(s)
21.0The branch equality officer(s) shall:
(1) Advise the branch officers and branch executive committee in respect of matters relatingto equal opportunities;
(2) Advise and support the branch officers and branch executive committee in respect of equal opportunities and collective bargaining Issues; 1
(3)Advise the branch officers and the branch executive committee on the development and monitoring of any action plan to achieve proportionality and fair representation;
(4) Advise and support the development of any branch self organised groups on behalf of the branch executive committee;
(5) Develop, promote and assist (in conjunction with the branch education secretary)training opportunities for all disadvantaged members and activists within the branch;
Health and Safety Officer
22.0The Health and Safety Officer shall:
(1) Organise information held by the branch on health and safety;
(2) Organise regular meetings of and co-ordinate the activity of safety representatives
(3) Advise the branch executive committee on health and safety issues and recommend policies and priorities;
(4) Report on health and safety issues at branch meetings, branch executive committee meetings and annual general meetings;
(5) At all times seek to ensure that health and safety issues are treated as an integral part ofthe work of the branch;
(6) Shall be the responsible officer for Health and Safety issues in the Branch Office.
Recruitment Officer
23.0 The Recruitment Secretary shall:
(1) Have responsibility for advising branch officers and the branch executive committee onall aspects of recruitment;
(2) Draw up, annually, a programme of recruitment activity and targets for submission and approval by the branch executive committee;
(3) Be responsible to the branch officers and the branch executive committee for organisingand carrying out the annual recruitment programme;
Education Officer
24.0The Education Secretary shall:
(1)Promote trade union education within the branch;
(2)Ensure that all stewards and health and safety representatives have access to relevant training;
(3)Liaise with Regional Education Officers and other branch officers on training issues;
(4)Draw up, annually, a programme of training activity for submission and approval by the branch executive committee;
(5)Be responsible to the branch officers and branch executive committee for organising and carrying out the annual training programme;
Affiliated Political Fund Co-ordinator
25.0The APF co-ordinator shall:
(1)Co-ordinate APF activities within the branch;
(2)Act as secretary to the branch APF committee and regularly report its activities to thebranch executive committee for information only;
(3)Develop links with all local branches of the political party that the APF nationally is affiliated
Branch Auditor