Staffing Action Team Meeting Notes
December 20, 2011
- Part 1
- 5% Options
- State leadership buy-out option
- Voluntary reduction in time
- Shared position across counties
- FLP/WNEP coordination
- Fewer than 2 positions in one program per county
- Multi-program area position
- Multi-funded
- Counties increase % of funding
- Fill vacancies with 80% only
- Re-examine county position allocation: urban, rural, geography
- Reduced appointments with option to increase %
- Academic year appointments
- Job sharing
- Early retirement
- Leave without pay
- Relocation (permanent or temporary)
- County pairing and partnerships
- Faculty or staff in one also in other
- County coverage- clustering
- Co-employment- county responsibilities combined with UWEX responsibilities
- Contract with county (individual becomes county employee)
- Public/ Private partnerships
- City partnerships (alternative municipal funding)
- Multi-public funding
- Program revenue- fee for services
- Program coverage
- Short-term faculty position with shared campus funding (initiative based)
- County funded program assistance
- Multi-county regional program assistance
- Non-integrated state specialists temporarily provide coverage in county (25%-75%)
- Shared Positions
- Challenges
- Political Needs
- Alignment with county
- Managing expectations and allocation of time
- District boundaries
- Helps
- (1-33 contact HR Component)
- Program assistance in both counties
- Look to examples of counties where it has worked (Buffalo, Pepin, Leg work is done in advance)
- LGC data base
- Could be multi-position
- Increase of Funding from County
- Still pay same amount for benefits
- 2nd positions
- Written assignments
- Program revenue- grants
- Starting with small co % and increasing
- Relationship disaster
- IE- yuck
- Scholarship- county has more say, more demands
- How can state increase its % revenue and grants
- County has limited resources
- Relocation of county funds- regional support or telecommuting
- Multi-funding
- Most cases talking about public-public partnerships
- Missions should align
- Costs- hits on scholarship
- Accountability and expectations (more than one master)
- Interest in exploring alternatives- lots of potential-non profits, other municipalities, school districts
- Multi-municipality- challenges politically
- Agreement with defined beginning and end
- Administrative costs- who pays?
- Leveraging other sources to supplement additional positions (seems more likely)
- Parking Lot
- Grant written capacity
- Population
- Evaluation of Options
- Measurement of Success
- Wild card-money
- Socioeconomic data bases
- Salary reduction review
- Metrics for evaluating
- Relationships
- Inclusive excellence
- Scholarship
- Advantages/disadvantages
- Long-term sustainability
- Unintended consequences
- Specialist buy-out
- Saves money on front-side for state- but little savings for county
- Offers colleague opportunities for professional growth
- Need to identify opportunities (specialist retirement)
- Internal capacity building (strategic planning)
- Be careful to not reduce accountability for integrated
- Regionalize educator specialist (1 in each county with each supplementing a specialist)
- HR management issues are complicated
- P.T.
- Academic Year
- Early Retirement
- Job Share
- Leave without pay
- Relocation leave with pay
- Classified staff lay-off
- Non-renewal probationary AS
- Non-renewal indefinite appointment AS
- Non-renewal probationary faculty
- Essential Elements
- Academic Freedom
- Scholarship
- Local Presence
- With supportive specialist network
- Inclusive organizational staffing
- Alignment of resources towards teams
- Part 2
- County 3 person office
- Regional
- 4-H faculty
- FL- old school programs
- FLL (nontraditional)
- AG
- Should not fund specialist at statute colleges
- (Barb) Midwest Center for Outreach and Education
- Pyle Center
- Outreach
- In person
- Online
- Reach all audiences
- Revenue generation
- Core stock programming
- With ground troops
- Centers
- How much funding?
- Who are they?
- Accountability?
- What is their role?
- Get rid of CIAS
- 14 centers
- Community education
- UW 2-year campuses
- UW-Extension
- 3 people each for program areas (focused areas)at campuses
- OR: Regional 4-H faculty with 4-H program assistant for each county
- Family Living (FL)
- Obesity
- Money
- Food Safety
- Combine Program Areas
- AG / 4-H
- AG/Community, Natural Resources & Economic Development Program Area (CNRED)
- Community, Natural Resources & Economic Development Program Area (CNRED)/ Family Living (FL)
- Community, Natural Resources & Economic Development Program Area (CNRED)/ 4-H
- 4-H/ Family Living (FL)
- 4 faculty down to 3
- 20% Federal and State Reduction
- Build off of PVV and Biz Model
- What is essential?
- Start from scratch
- Staffing models
- Out-there ideas/ creative thinking
- What is conceptually or strategically important and what is essential about that? Why?
- Strategic imperative