As a student representative it is important that you attend the meeting.We ask that you seek the views of your fellow students based on the agenda items below. In order to help you collate feedback you may find it useful to complete this proforma. Your feedback is important to us so please could you return theform preferably within one week prior to the meeting as the points raised will form the basis for discussion at the meeting.
Name of Student Rep(s):
Date of Meeting:
1)Feedback from previous meeting
2)What do you value most about your course?
3)Sharing successes and achievements?
4) Feedback on Individual Modules
5) Feedback on the University's Facilities (learning centre, student services etc)
6) Anything else that students wish to raise which hasn't been covered already?Your experience on your course is really important to us; what can we do to make it better?
Please indicate in the boxes below if there is anything you wish to raise as per the agenda:
2) What do you value most about your course / 3 Share your course success stories and achievements.Do you have any suggested changes that would improve your experience on the course?
Below are a number of specific areas you may wish to comment on:
Please provide constructive feedback in the box below / Nothing to raise
Course Information
Blackboard Sites
Assessment & feedback and use of the Assessment Scheduler
Course structure and organisation
Placement (if applicable)
Student Services Team (advice and support)
4) Feedback on Individual Modules
If you wish to comment on a particular module, please give a brief description of the point(s) you wish to discuss at the staff student meeting:
Module Title(s) :
5) Feedback on the University Facilities
Are there any additional comments you would like to make about the University'sfacilities?
Please provide constructive feedback in the box below / Nothing to raise
Teaching Rooms
Learning Centre
Computer Facilities/IT
Catering Facilities
Any other general facilities
Careers Service
What is the best way to inform your course about careers related workshops and events e.g. CV/cover letter advice, employer presentations, job seeking techniques, practice interviews?
Does your course have a Facebook page?
6) Is there anything else that you wish to raise which hasn't been covered already?
Yes / No
If Yes, please detail is a brief description and give constructive feedback below:
Standard Student Rep Proforma August 2013