CheshireWest PCT Data Security Policy October 2002

Staff Induction and Training Procedures

Training Needs Analysis

A local Training Policy should be designed and implemented by organisations. This will include training offered on the security of clinical systems and other office packages. The PCT must ensure that the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 are taken into account, together with issues from other relevant acts.

All staff members should be included in the training plan and, where relevant, third party users should receive appropriate training and regular updates. Staff training needs should be established through regular appraisal and continuing professional development (CPD) methods with a training needs analysis (TNA) carried out.

The first form (Staff Induction Data Security and Confidentiality Checklist) should be used for new staff. It is a staff induction ‘data security and confidentiality checklist’ for managers to complete with their new staff in the first week of employment, as confirmation that all areas of data security and confidentiality have been covered.

The second form (Staff Training Needs Analysis for Data Security and Confidentiality) is a ‘training needs analysis for data security and confidentiality’, which should be used for existing staff. All employees need to have annual refresher training on all aspects of Data Security and Confidentiality. This document is designed to act as a guide when such training is being planned.

Both forms can be found in Appendix 2:

Ref: Staff Induction Data Security and Confidentiality Checklist

Ref: Staff Training Needs Analysis for Data Security and Confidentiality

Staff Training Needs Analysis for Data Security and Confidentiality

All employees need to have annual refresher training on all aspects of Data Security and Confidentiality. This document is designed to act as a guide when training is being planned.

Employee Name______

Job Title______

Have you received appropriate training on the following topics, within the last year?

Yes / No / Unsure
Physical Security of Manual Records
Physical Security of Computer Records
Computer Passwords
Access to Patient Data
Confidentiality and the Use of Patient Identifiable Information
Media Handling
Telephone Enquiries
Safe Haven Procedures
Legal Requirements
Caldicott Guidelines
Sharing Information with Other Organisations
Security of the Building

Are there any other area’s of data security and confidentially that you feel you need further training on?


Signature of Employee______Date______

Name of Manager ______

Action / Training plan:


Signature of Manager______Date______