Creighton University Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2007

1:00 – 3:00 PM

Criss III Pharm Conf Room

Present: Andrea Batten, Lisa Chipps, Colette Colvin-Bernard, Linda Dunn, Carol Krajicek, Vickie Reid, Mariah Starling, Theresa Thurin, Colleen Warin, Karen Wise, Alynne Wize.

Absent: Darin Boudreau, Cindy Hall, John Schwede, Tom Thibodeau, and Julie Zabrowski.


Approval of June minutes: Approved as amended.


Treasurer: No change from previous report. Treasurer will check with Darin Boudreau about staff incentive prizes for participation in voting and nominating.

Subcommittee Reports

Issues – Nothing new at this time; materials from 2006-2007 have been given to Carol Krajicek. Outgoing Chair Vickie Reid suggests 2007-2008 committee prioritize issues to address. Regarding issue of vacation accrual – sent to Ronni Beckwith and also will be taken up by Benefits Committee.

Nominating – Ballots will be provided for voting on the nominees for Presidential Committees. Chair reported that there were a higher number of nominations than were sent in last year.

Staff Relations – No report at this time.

Staff Service – Reviewed success of Siena Francis House Partnership service project. Siena Francis folks reported that it was a great help to them and the project was completed quickly and efficiently. They look forward to future projects with SAC. Council recommended that SAC adopt this as their “signature” service project. For 2007-2008 was recommended that the project be planned for earlier in summer.

Martin Luther King Day Committee – No report at this time.

Kiewit Fitness Center Advisory Committee – No report at this time.

Cardoner Advisory Board – Position advertised – Associate Grants Coordinator – will be Creighton liaison with Lilly and will work with all groups continuing with Cardoner monies until Cardoner grant is completed.


Chair Wize reported that all records had been passed on to the new Chair, Darin Boudreau.

Also reported that new members will again have mentors and there will not be a separate orientation held. August meeting would include discussion of SAC rules and subcommittees for new members.

Chair Wize also mentioned the importance of attendance at SAC meetings and that new members should be informed about the attendance requirement. SAC will determine if problems with attendance are related to supervisory issues and will follow up when there is not cooperation for staff release time for SAC meetings.

NEW BUSINESS – Elections held for Presidential Committees


Benefits—Chris Karasek, College of Arts and Sciences, Deans office

Grievance-Debra Bond, Pediatric Infectious Disease

Honors and Events- Sarah Lukas, Alumni Relations

Campus Planning-Angela Franz, Purchasing

Status of Women- Emily Smith, Modern Languages and Literatures; Sarah Wootton, Alumni Relations; Andrea Batten, HR

Old Business – Regarding revision of the Standing Rules – These revisions will need to be sent to the committee on University Statutes and submitted as a change request for approval. SAC will need to decide the issue of increasing membership numbers and whether elections would be held now or in the next election cycle if revisions are approved.

Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.