Student Technology Advisory Board Meeting Notes
February 7, 2008
In attendance: Lori Temple, Philip Ayala, Sara Hill, Ingrid Lee, Gael Hancock, Peter Dunkley, John Ng, Young Kim, Angel Jimenez, Darrell Lutey
1. iNtegrate update
· The Student Information System for all NSHE institutions will be the first of three systems to be replaced during a three-year project. One of two vendors – SunGard or Oracle/Peoplesoft – should be selected by the first week in April. Next to be selected will be one of three implementers -- SunGard, Oracle, or CedarCrestone. The goal is to have all contracts signed by the end of February and presented to the Board of Regents by the first week in April.
· Once the hardware is chosen – either Sun, IBM, or possibly Dell – the next step will be to work with the seven campuses and DRI to develop an implementation plan.
· Two schools would pilot the system and then export it to the other five schools and make adjustments as required to meet campuses’ particular needs. UNLV and Truckee Meadows Community College are tentatively going to go first as pilot implementers, in order to have both four-year and two-year schools, with one in the south and one in the north.
· First go live will be in Admissions for fall 2010.
· STAB members are encouraged to participate again next year as this plan is developed.
Action item for next two meetings: Think about how students should be involved, what communication methods should be developed, ways to get students prepared.
2. e-Academy software update
· Some free software of Microsoft products and some discounted software is available.
· The goal is to spread the word that this is available so students do not buy software at full price.
· Suggestions: put coupon in booklet given out at orientation; have info at Ask Me Booths; article in RebelYell; Help Desk staff promote it.
3. Upgrade to Office 2007 in computer labs, Fall 08
· Pockets of Office 2007 are available now in some labs. Vista upgrade is a possibility. Not sure if it will be compatible with other, older software problems.
· Office 2007 is available at e-Academy in several versions.
4. Status of new buildings, classrooms, labs
· Greenspun College of Urban Affairs should be completed in summer 08. Five floors will consolidate departments that are presently all over campus. Features: six general classrooms with widescreen projection, automated window shades and lighting, focus on broadcasting and journalism with spaces that will support digital media, media-centric lab, convergence lab to create Podcasts, lab for GIS.
· Science & Engineering will have a series of specialized core labs, e.g., electronics, GIS, and a series of theme labs, e.g., solar energy, that will be multidisciplinary and project-based.
· Three classroom upgrades in CBC were done over winter break.
· In summer 08 eight classrooms will be renovated in Beam Hall, and then the building will be done.
· Focus in NSHE on health system. OIT is in the process of working on two new buildings at Shadow Lane Campus. Nursing will be moving to one of the buildings and a renovation of the first floor of the B building will be done to support simulation.
5. Lab upgrade summaries
· Lab hardware upgrades to CEB-212 and ARC-172 were made over Winter Break 07. In CEB-212, installation of parallels visualization software now makes switching available between Mac OS X and Windows XP. New Mac desktops in ARC-172 replaced many feet of cables.
6. Budget cuts: possible impacts on students
· NSHE has to give back 4 ½ % to the State.
· $10 million had been allocated to iNtegrate and has been returned. It will be given to us in the next legislative session.
· Some lab computer replacement money was taken away, as well as some Capital Improvement Funds.
· Classes may be larger, and faculty may be asked to teach additional classes.
· Information is available at the “50 to 100” web site.
7. Rebelmail/news digest discussion
· Features users like: good way to get information; archive keeps messages 30 days; good way for students to find graduate assistants; like the mail forwarding feature is good; secret question feature is helpful.
· Changes that should be made: have a way to delete emails en masse; do not like the web interface; have one place to change password and then stay in account; have search functionality; add an out-of-office feature; can view e-mail in Outlook but cannot respond to it from Outlook; needs a “forget password” feature so call doesn’t go to Help Desk; be able to easily import mail addresses; have a protected directory.
· Survey students to ask what would make them use it.
· IT is working on ways to notify students that bills and grades are ready, rather than having to check for them periodically.
· Questions to add to student survey: How do you view your mail? Which other email systems do you use?
· More detailed comments available upon request; please e-mail