st. timothy parish norwood, walpole, westwood Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time september 6, 2009
Sunday, September 6
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tuesday, September 8
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, September 9
Memorial of Saint Peter Claver
Sunday, September 13
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please pray for our Brides and Grooms
Julie O’Brien and David Leveille
Jill Laughlin and Ryan Duval
Monday, September 7, holiday: office closed
Tuesday, September 8, 10am, Caregiver Support Group
Wednesday, September 9, 9:45am, Exercise Program
Wednesday, September 9, 7:30pm, Baptism Catechesis
Thursday, September 10, 9:45am, Exercise Program
Thursday, September 10, 7:30pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Group
Thursday, September 10, 7pm,Grade K/1 teacher’smeeting
Thursday, September 10, 8pm, Grade 2teacher’s meeting
Friday, September 11, 9:30am,Blood Pressure Clinic
Liturgical Minister Schedule
September 12/13
4:30 Lector: Paul Quigley, Ann Daley
4:30 Server: Katie & Peter Horsfall, Matthew
8:00 Lector: Andrea Ruesch-Goldberg,
Dom Frangioso
8:00 Server: Manny Escobar, Colin & Liam Ridge
9:30 Lector: Dave Hern, Peter Maloney
9:30 Server: Devin Bartlett, Julia & Sean Regan
11:00 Lector: Richard Haley, Jim Reen
11:00 Server: Colleen Berry, Libby & Maggie
5:00 Lector: Jim Murray, Andrew Murray
5:00 Server: Greg Campion, Erin & Shannon
Eucharistic Team #2
Financial Report for August 30, 2009
Amount in envelopes $5,825.00
Percentage of collection in envelopes 71%
Loose donations $2,429.00
Total parish offertory $8,254.00
Saturday, September 5
9:00Jerome Healey Birthday Memorial
4:30David J. Burke, Sr. 4th Anniversary
Sunday, September 6
8:00Monica Silva & Sylvester Silva
9:30Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial
11:00Special Intention
Tuesday, September 8
9:00Adriano Barbosa & Laurinda DeDentro Memorial
Thursday, September 10
9:00S.A. Araujo & Manuel Cunha
Saturday, September 12
9:00Albert Morteo, Sr. Anniversary
4:30Leo Tanzi 4th Anniversary
Sunday, September 13
8:00Kevin M. Curran & Martin B. Curran Memorial
9:30John Machado
11:00Stella M. Sola
5:00Victoria Cassarino Anniversary
Parish Nurse News
Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Blood Pressure Clinic will be held September 11th and 13th after the morning Masses.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Support
The Caregiver Support Group is composed of people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease or a related dementia. By sharing caregiving experiences, participants gain a sense of empowerment and often feel less burdened by their caregiving responsibilities. In addition, through education and mutual support, caregivers learn about the disease process and strategies to manage challenging issues associated with it. The next meeting will be this Tuesday, Sept. 8th from 10:00- 11:30am in Ruocco Room 6. New members are welcome! For more information, please call the Parish Nurse Office.
Caregiver Day of R & R
HESSCO Elder Services is holding their 6th annual Caregiver Day of Relaxation and Resources on Wed., Sept. 16th from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm at the Holiday Inn in Dedham. This is a wonderful program for caregivers to renew themselves and gather information on area resources. Cost is $10 and includes lunch. For more information or to register, call HESSCO at 781-784-4944.
Pine Street Inn
On Monday, September 28, we will be serving supper at the Pine Street Inn. Please call Jayne at 508-668-4977, if you can help prepare part of this meal or help serve.
Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:
Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA 02062. Please make checks payable to: St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.
Catholic University Collection
The Catholic University of America is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in Washington, D.C. It provides an academically rigorous education guided by Catholic intellectual tradition to 6,000 students every year. Every dollar given directly supports financial aid for students from dioceses across the county, including ours. Please be generous.
Grades K-6
Please consider sharing your love and faith with our parish’s young people. We are in need of catechists for each grade level. Please call Judy Miley or send an email, if interested.
Thursday, September 10
Catechist Meetings
Grade K/1 at 7pm
Grade 2 at 8pm
Altar Server and Lector Schedules
The Altar Server and Lector schedules have been sent out. If you did not receive one, please let Colleen know (781-769-2522, ext. 28).
Ministry Recruitment Weekend
September 12-13, 2009
With the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year, each September marks the resumption of our daily schedules of work, school, sports, volunteer efforts, and other activities. It is a natural time of year for us to take stock of how we spend our time and energy as we work to organize the many events that fill our lives. Here in the parish, we try to take time each September to remind you of the many ministries and groups that are active here at St. Timothy’s and to invite you to become more fully engaged in the life of our parish family.
We are blessed here at St. Tim’s with more than 30 different ministries and programs that are brought to life by many people who give of their time and talent to participate. Each year, however, people’s lives change and we find great need for new members in these ministries. Students leave for college; families move to other towns; individuals who have served for many years seek different ways to fulfill their call to serve. All of these situations leave us with gaps in the active ministries in the parish. We also have new members of our parish who have gifts and talents to offer our parish family, and we make a special effort to invite them to participate.
During the weekend of September 12-13, we will be conducting our annual recruitment effort as a Ministry Fair. After each Mass, we will have tables set up outside (weather permitting!) and representatives from many of our ministries will be present to greet you and to answer questions that you may have about these particular ministries. Our weekly coffee hour will be held outside as well after the Sunday morning Masses, so that you can socialize with other parishioners as you learn more about the different ministries that are active in our parish. From altar servers and children’s choir, to eucharistic ministers, lectors and musicians, to religious education teachers, sacramental preparation and social justice outreach, there is some ministry to suit the need of each parishioner, from young to old.
We hope that you will take some time to visit the Ministry Fair next weekend and learn about the different efforts in the parish. Then take some time in prayer to ask God how he might be calling you to respond to the needs in our parish.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2009
Sign up sheets are in the Gathering Space! Please see what you can bring and sign your family up! Hamburgers and hotdogs with all the fixings will be served from 12-2pm. The sun always shines on our annual picnic, so get ready for some fun in the sun!
Youth Formation Ministry
YFM REGISTRATION for 2009/ 2010
Please return your completed registration form, if you have not done so already. Also, kindly remind your neighbors and friends that we are still awaiting YFM registration forms. It helps us in determining how many teachers, classrooms and books we will need for the upcoming year. This week, important information about classes was mailed out to families who have registered in the program.
We are still looking for several teachers in our elementary and middle school religious education program. Please contact Frank in the YFM Office at 617-792-3433 for more information.
Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm. This meeting has been a great success with 20 to 25 students attending weekly. We are always looking for new high school members.
After many months of waiting for the Isaiah 54 House in Dedham to open, it is finally happening ,with the students of the YFM Program being called upon to assist in some painting, minor repair, and landscaping. This past week several dozen students of the Youth Formation Ministry (YFM) program participated in the restoration of a three bedroom apartment in the East St. section of Dedham. The apartment will be a transitional home to domestically abused women. More about the Isaiah 54 home in the future, with more service opportunities to come as well.
The annual Six Flags New England outing for St. Catherine’s Altar Servers, Jr. Choir and Children’s Choir was a great success, with 59 participants attending on August 26. The weather could not have been better. Thank you to all the chaperones who assisted with the outing, and a special thanks to Barbara Payne for coordinating the event.
With the school year upon us, it’s time to think about our CYO Basketball Program. Students wishing to play for St. Catherine/ St. Timothy CYO team should contact the YFM Office at 617-792-3433 and ask for Frank. We are also looking for coaches for our middle and high school teams.
September 6, 2009
Dear friends—
Welcome back to all those who spent some or a good part of the summer away from the parish. It’s great to see familiar faces once again.
With the Labor Day holiday upon us, activities here at the parish are rapidly gearing up. Our ministry recruitment weekend will be held on the weekend of Sept. 12 & 13. Our parish picnic is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27. The 5pm Sunday Mass will resume on Sept. 13 as well.
Last year we invited different classes from our Religious Education program to participate more actively at the 9:30 Mass. Depending on the age of the students, we asked them to help plan and be involved in different ways at Mass. We plan to continue that program again this year, and we hope that we will be able to involve the parents of these children in a special program geared for them. This is all part of an attempt to link what we do at Mass with our everyday lives.
Speaking of living our faith beyond the Church walls, we also are planning an additional program called “Question of the Week”. This program is geared to every parish member.
Each week we will publish a question in the bulletin. (It will also be available on our website). The question will be based on the Scripture readings used at Mass. The question will actually have three target groups—children; youth; and adults. We hope that families and individuals might take a few minutes each week to talk about the question. Many of our religious education classes and parish meetings will begin with a discussion of the question.
Our hope is that this program can bring the Scriptures to bear on our every day lives; that we can spend some time in reflection on topics that are really important; that families might talk about and share insights into their own faith. Think of the difference it could make if we talked about the question of the week instead of talking about one another.
I have a lot of hope about the difference this program can make in our own lives and in the life of our parish. We plan to begin this initiative on Sept. 20, and I hope we can all give it our best effort,
Fr. Culloty
September 6, 2009
CHURCH NAME:St. Timothy Parish
CHURCH CITY:Norwood, Walpole, Westwood
PHONE NUMBER:1-781-769-2522
FAX NUMBER:1-781-769-9362
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