St Thomas More’s CatholicPrimary School


The curriculum of our school promotes development in the following areas: spiritual, moral, cultural, social, mental and physical. As required by 2004 Education Act, the curriculum helps to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Our curriculum incorporates the National Curriculum, Religious Education (see Religious Education Policy) and Sex Education (see Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship Policy) and meets the five outcomes of “Every Child matters”.

Whilst individual subject policies will incorporate the skills to be developed in those subjects, the aims and objectives that follow are considered to be cross-curricular.


The curriculum is the means by which children are educated and inspired to “fulfil their unique giftedness”.


  • to provide equality of opportunity for all (children) to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self fulfilment and their development as active and responsible citizens
  • to make expectations of levels of attainment explicit to pupils, parents, teachers, governors and inspectors
  • to promote continuity and ensure progression in pupils’ learning
  • to provide the foundation for lifelong learning
  • to reflect our Christian belief in the words of Jesus: “I have come that you may have life – life in all its fullness” (John 10 v. 10)
  • to promote healthy and safe life choices
  • to provide opportunities for decision-making and supporting the community
  • to enable all children to experience enjoyment and achievement in their learning
  • to enable children to make connections between different subjects/aspects of learning


The children will:

-develop communication skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing

-develop skills in application of number through a range of mental and written


-develop scientific and technological understanding

-use a range of ICT resources and tools to find, analyse, interpret, evaluate and

present information for a range of purposes

-develop skills necessary for problem solving and investigative work

-develop skills of reflection, self evaluation and independence

-develop the skills and attitudes necessary for individual and collaborative work

-understand the need for a healthy and safe lifestyle and develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that support this

-participate in activities to support the community and the environment

-develop skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for future employment

-identify their achievements and enjoyment of learning

-develop creative skills

-develop the knowledge, skills, understanding, qualities and attitudes that will

• foster their own inner lives and beliefs,

• enable them to make and act on responsible moral decisions,

• enable them to make an active contribution to the life of the school,

local and parish communities.


The Curriculum Policy will be monitored by each Subject Manager as part of their monitoring of the teaching and learning in their subject. Details of the methods and frequency of this monitoring can be found in individual subject policies. The Curriculum Team will have oversight of this and, with the Headteacher, will establish an annual monitoring programme.

The Curriculum Team will be responsible for reviewing this policy bi-annually in consultation with all teaching staff and will update the policy to reflect any changes in legislation.


There are many health and safety issues relating to the curriculum. Full details of these can be found in individual subject policies.

Approved Curriculum CommitteeJune

To be ReviewedBi-Annual

Review DateSummer 2013


Planning for the curriculum happens at Long, Medium and Short Term stages. In any planning, continuity and progression in children’s learning are the main considerations. Teachers are also expected to make links between different aspects of the curriculum so as to provide the children with a holistic view of learning. Planning needs to take account of the mixed age classes and existing documentation has been agreed with this in mind. Planning is linked to assessment with learning outcomes clearly linked to the objectives.


Planning in the core subjects of Literacy and Numeracy is based on the Primary National strategies. The R.E. curriculum is informed by the Diocese scheme of work ‘God Matters’. Planning for all other subjects is informed by the National Curriculum and supported by schemes of work such as the QCA. We continue to review the mapping of work units to achieve better links between subjects.


Literacy and Numeracy Medium Term Planning is based on the PNS and indicates overall outcomes for the units. For all other subjects, MT plans are based on published materials

e.g .QCA, God Matters, and are annotated and adapted as required.


This is when the detail of what is to be taught each week to different groups and individuals in the class is determined. It is essential that teachers share this planning with their year group colleagues. Teachers will typically spend 3 to 4 hours on this level of planning in order to ensure appropriate content for the children they teach and to inform all who work with those children e.g. Teaching Assistants and Supply Teachers for whom copies should be made available.

The amount of detail which needs to be recorded at this stage will depend on individual teacher’s experience and need. For less experienced teachers, more detail will need to be recorded than for others. As a minimum, the objectives for each group within the class will need to be recorded and many will find it helpful to add some details of activities and support. It is also expected that TA support will be indicated. For the core subjects of English and Maths, staff use a common format which specifies daily objectives, shared learning and teaching, Independent and Guided Learning and Plenary suggestions . Short term planning for Science is done using the attached pro-forma or by highlighting and dating medium term plans. Short – term planning for other subjects involves highlighting and dating medium term plans.


It is recognised that all children are different and that some will need to be working at levels above or below those commensurate with most of their peers. The registers for SEN and Able and Talented children enable staff to identify and plan for these children. The organisation of the curriculum allows for differentiation (cf. Policies for Special Education Needs and Able Child). In exceptional cases, children’s Individual Educational Plans will give details of the children’s specific learning needs but care must be taken to ensure that such children still retain access to the full curriculum unless they have a Statement of need which excludes some aspects.

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School Pool/Policy File/Curriculum Policy/June 2011