The Newsletter of

St. Peter Evangelical Contemporary Worship

Lutheran Church Saturday 5:00 p.m.

7834 Eastern Ave. Sunday Worship

Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m.

410-288-0537 Sunday School

410-284-0336 (Manna Locker) 8:45 a.m. Valerie Adelung, Minister of Music

Vol. 86 APRIL, 2014 No. 04


Our Prayer Covenant for 2014

As our faith community travels through this year, let us pray on a daily basis the Prayer Covenant below. The Covenant thanks and praises God for all he has done for each of us. It also addresses outreach, a new pastor, building faith, world leaders, and the gifts God has given each of us.

Praying and working with one another, we will accomplish our mission.

“Prayer will lead to a greater communication with God and a greater understanding of his will.”

2014 Prayer Covenant

The Faith Community of St. Peter Lutheran Church

Eastpoint, Maryland

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The people of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church covenant with one another in prayer to walk with God and reflect his love to everyone.

Through the Spirit’s leading we will pray daily:

·  With praise and thanksgiving for blessings and God’s guidance to bind us together in love and purpose, as we do his will.

·  To continue to reach out to this community, being a welcoming church extending invitations to worship and fellowship as we endeavor to help all spiritually and physically.

·  For the commitment needed in the calling of a pastor that feels God’s leading to the ministry here at St. Peter Church.

·  For our children and young adults to grow in faithful and joyful service to our Lord.

·  For the leaders of the world that all may find peace and justice.

·  Sharing God’s gifts for our faith community by volunteering our time, talents, and financial support.

May we have God’s blessing on our Covenant as we keep in touch daily through prayer, worship, and Bible study with our loving God.

We ask, and pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



The Board of Directors met withPastor Kay, Assistant to the Bishop, on March 10, 2014. Pastor Kay's visit was to discuss with us the options we have inobtaining apastor for St. Peter. Hetold the board that we hadtwo options. One is for an interim pastor and the second one is for a term pastor.

As most of you know, an interim pastor is someone that the Synod Council sends us for a specific period of time.In addition to the normal pastor duties, the interimpastor would help in developing goals and needs for the futureof St. Peter. When the specifictime period is over, the interim pastor leaves St. Peter.The Synod rule is that you cannot hire an interim pastor. We would have to start the "call" process and receive applicant names from the Synod Council. We would then interview the applicants and try to find a pastor that fits our congregational profile. This would be a long process.

A term pastor is something new for MD-DE Synod. This is when the Synod Council selects a pastor who wants to work under a term contract. Term contracts are usually for 2, 3, 4 or even 5 year terms. This pastor would perform all the duties that a "called" or"permanent"pastor would perform; which would also include developing goals and needs for the future of St. Peter. This process eliminates all the work and time it takes to obtain a "call" pastor. When the term is up, both parties can decide if they want to contract for another term and for how many years, or if one or both parties want to part ways. A term pastor sounds like a great idea, especially if you find that things are not working out. If that does happen, we would have to wait until the end of the term contractto part ways and let the Synod Councilknow that we are looking for another pastor. Pastor Kay suggests that westart off witha 2-year term contract.

Pastor Kay does have someone in mind for our church. He requested that we set up a "call" committee immediately, so one was created.They are: Nancy Hammond, Nancy Murphy,Phyllis Schmitt, Robert Michaud,Vivian Bold, and Kate Wiederock. Lillian Tomecek is meeting with this committee as a financial advisor.The committee is reviewing and updating the congregational profile that was developed alittle overtwo years ago. The profile will go to the applicant to see if they feel that they will be a good fit for us. The committee will also interview theapplicant. If this committee feels that this person is a good fit for our congregation, they will go to their church and listen to theapplicant preach.If all goes well, we will be announcing a Congregational meeting sometime in May to have an official vote. The date of meeting will also be the date that the applicant will preach at our church.

Pastor Kay has asked this committee to be discreet, so I would hope that you will not try to drill the people on the committee for information. (Ihave given you all the information that I know at this time.)When it is appropriate, the committeewill update us on their progress.

Peace to all,

Carol Bostwick

President - Board of Directors

PALM/PASSION WEEKEND, April 12 & 13, 2014 – 5:00 p.m. & 10:00 a.m.


WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK, April 16, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.


MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 17, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.

GOOD FRIDAY, April 18, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.

SATURDAY, April 19, 2014 – Congregational Prayer Vigil, All Day

(Please Note: There will be no Contemporary Worship Service)

EASTER SUNDAY, April 20, 2014



Bulletin and Flower Memorials

Congregation members continue to sponsor bulletin and flower memorials in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person.

Weekly Flowers (either 2 altar vases or 1 large arrangement) - $25. Open Dates are: April 27, May 18 and May 25.

Weekly Bulletins - $15 – Open Dates are: None

May 3rd (rain date May 10th) St. Peter Church will be joining the Colgate Improvement Association and the Dundalk Renaissance Corporation in sponsoring Colgate Community Yard Sale & Community Day Celebration. Community members participating in the yard sales will hold them at their homes but we will also have a flea market on our side parking lot facing Eastern Avenue from 7:30am-NOON. Spaces are $10 with your table or $15 if you would like to use a church table which you would have to carry out and back into the church yourself. See Nancy Hammond to rent your space. Our craft ladies will be selling their wares, our cub scout pack will be setting up a spot, along with the community association, Dundalk Renaissance and more. Join us for a fun day!


April 11, 2014

St. Peter Lutheran Church is inviting all to our community lunch held the last Saturday of every month at 11:00 a.m. We also have a community supper the first and second Saturday of every month at 4:00 p.m. It is followed by a contemporary worship service and dessert. These meals are open to everyone in the community.

Box Tops for Education Please bring boxtops to Valerie Adelung or Nancy Hammond for the music program at Colgate School. Your help is appreciated.

Our next Men’s Bible Study will be on April 7th at 7:30 p.m. We are studying the Acts of the Apostles. All men are invited to join us.

Tom Flink

The group will meet on Thursday, April 24th at 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing the book “The First Phone Call From Heaven” by Mitch Albom. All are welcome! Bring a friend!

To St. Peter Lutheran Church Congregation:

My wife Joan and I want to thank the members of St. Peter for their prayers, cards and well wishes during my open heart surgery and recovery. They were truly appreciated. We will keep all of you in our hearts and prayers. May God bless and keep all of you. Sincerely….James Halterman

I’d like to bless all of you and thank you for attending the fundraiser dinner to send me to Alaska. Your support has raised $1245.00 and Thrivent has matched $1000.00 of those funds raised, totaling $2245.00. After my trip, I will share with you the fun times I had with my new friends and, hopefully, will have taken some great photos to show you. Love, Hunter

Easter Bible School

Saturday April 12, 2014

10am -2pm

St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church

7834 Eastern Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21224






Home Church______

Things You’ll Need to Know After High School

v  Don’t sweat the small stuff and remember most stuff is small.

v  The most boring word in any language is “I”.

v  Nobody is indispensable, especially you.

v  Life is full of surprises. Just say “never” and you’ll see.

v  People are more important than things.

v  Persistence will get you almost anything eventually.

v  Nobody can make you happy. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

v  There’s so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us that it doesn’t behoove any of us to judge the rest of us.

v  Live by what you trust, not by what you fear.

v  Character counts. Family matters.

v  Eating out with small children isn’t worth it, even if someone else is buying.

v  If you wait to have kids until you can afford them, you probably never will.

v  Baby kittens don’t begin to open their eyes for six weeks after birth. People generally take about 26 years.

v  The world would run a lot smoother if more men knew how to dance.

v  Television ruins more minds than drugs.

v  Sometimes there is more to gain in being wrong than right.

v  Life is so much simpler when you tell the truth.

v  People who do the world’s real work don’t usually wear neckties.

v  A good joke beats a pill for a lot of ailments.

v  There’s no substitution for fresh air, sunshine and exercise.

v  A smile is the cheapest way to improve your looks, even if your teeth are crooked.

v  May you live life so there is standing room only at your funeral.

v  Mothers always know best, but sometimes fathers know too.

v  Forgive yourself, your friends and your enemies. You’re all only human.

v  If you don’t do anything else in life, love someone and let someone love you.

v  To supplement this list, I would simply add one more, the greatest commandment of Jesus: “Love God with all your heart, and soul, and mind, and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.”


04-01 Bette Albert

04-01 John Lynch

04-03 Edith Schott

04-07 Cynthia Weiser

04-09 Hunter Jones

04-09 Tracy Jean Michaud

04-10 Kathy Woodell

04-13 Paul E. Myers

04-14 Colleen Carpenter

04-18 Richard C. Ard

04-18 Terri S. Phillips

04-26 Joline Reinhart


If you have anyone you would like to add to the Prayer List, please fill out a “Remember in Prayer” slip in the pew rack, or call the church office, 410-288-0537. Please sign your name as the person requesting prayers in case there is a follow-up.

April 2014

Marge Ard Beatrice Keiser Bobby Prudhoe

Richard Ard John King Betty Riden

Mike Barnes Betty Knight Phil Rutledge

Mandy Brockman Dawn Kulczycki Marie Schehlein

Joe Cummings Dolores Lynch Robert Tankersley

Theresa Hellman Malachi Machaski William Tankersley

Craig Jones Marie Michaud Catherine Thorn

Peter Kantorsky RW Michaud

Also pray for those listed below who are in assisted living or nursing facilities and are no longer able to come and worship with us. They enjoy hearing from members of the congregation, so your phone calls and cards are truly appreciated.

Hedi Devine Rosalie Molz

Augsburg Lutheran Village Riverview Care Center, Rm 610

6825 Campfield Rd, Apt 10-G 1 Eastern Boulevard

Baltimore, MD 21207-4634 Baltimore, MD 21221

Lois Cole

Riverview Care Center, Rm 613

1 Eastern Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21221


April 1 - Isaiah 42: 14-21 April 8 – 2 Kings 4: 18-37

Psalm 146 Psalm 143

Colossians 1: 9-14 Ephesians 2: 1-10

April 2 - Isaiah 60: 17-22 April 9 - Jeremiah 32: 1-9, 36-41

Psalm 146 Psalm 143

Matthew 9: 27-34 Matthew 22: 23-33

April 3 - Ezekiel 1: 1-3, 2: 8-3: 3 April 10 - 1 Samuel 16: 11-13

Psalm 130 Psalm 31: 9-16

Revelation 10: 1-11 Philippians 1: 1-11

April 4 - Ezekiel 33: 10-16 April 11 - Job 13: 13-19

Psalm 130 Psalm 31: 9-16

Revelation 11: 15-19 Philippians 1: 21-30

April 5 - Ezekiel 36: 8-15 April 12 - Lamentations 3: 55-66

Psalm 130 Psalm 31: 9-16

Luke 24: 44-53 Mark 10: 32-34

April 6 - Ezekiel 37: 1-14 April 13 - Matthew 21: 1-11

Psalm 130 Isaiah 50: 4-9a

Romans 8: 6-11 Psalm 31: 9-16

John 11: 1-45 Philippians 2: 5-11

Matthew 26: 14-27: 66

April 7 - 1 Kings 17: 17-24

Psalm 143

Acts 20: 7-12

April 14 - Isaiah 42: 1-9 April 23 - Joshua 3: 1-17