St. Paul Sail & Power Squadron Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
8 April 2013
Location: Davanni’s Restaurant, St Paul
Executive Committee Members Present:Guests Present:
Commander - Jeff Davis, APFlag Lieutenant – Sue Tipler, AP
Educational Officer – Dave West, APLead Education Instructor – Art Mollica, N
Administrative Officer – Terry Higgins, APMembership Chair – Nancy Anderson, AP
Treasurer – Greg Holmen, APNewsletter Editor – Karen Schmit, S
Secretary – Michael Tipler, AP Vessel Safety Check Chair – Bob Schmit, AP
Member-At-Large – Don Arneson, PBudget /Finance Chair - Jerry Brings. SN
Member-At-Large – Chris Schnelle, APJohn (Jack) Newman, AP
Member –At-Large – Marty Wirtz, PMark Fotsch - AP
Call to Order @ 1905
Pledge was led by Cdr Jeff Davis
Invocation was led by Squadron Chaplain Lt/C Michael Tipler, AP
Secretary determined Quorum is present.
Additions / Adjustments to the Agenda:
Introduction of Guests – Cdr Davis introduced the guests present.
Approval of the March Minutes:
Motion to approve the March minutes Motion seconded Motion Passed unanimously.
Secretary Report – Michael Tipler
Michael will look at the e-mail address on the website to make sure they are correct.
XO Report – Absent
LincolnHigh School in LakeCity is hosting a Health & Wellness Fair on April 5th for 7th to 12th graders from 0900 to 1215. Nancy and Karen represented the squadron at this. Karen and Nancy wore Life Jackets and gave a one question Safe Boating quiz and 201 kids took the quiz. A $5.00 Burger King gift card was given in a drawing to one of the entrants.
2013 MN State Fair – The squadron demonstration day is Sunday September 1. Jeff has requested the use of the Fire Extinguisher demonstration unit from National,
Merit Mark Idea – Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day and pass out information about our squadron and classes on Friday May 17, 2013
AO Report - Terry Higgins
April 13, 2013 is our Fitting Out Party. Karen Schmit has sent out a email blast regarding the event. Nancy Anderson initiated the calling team. Guest Speaker from the Prescott Boat Club will be there to inform us how the club works. This is a potluck event with a raffle for wine/liquor to fit out our boat liquor cabinets. Members were asked to bring 2 bottles of wine/liquor for the raffle.
May 4th , 2013 will be a Welcome Aboard. Don Arneson is checking to see if this event can be held at Bayport Marina with a possibility of catering the event as the April event was pot luck.
Radio Check flyers have been printed out for Greg Holmen to laminate. Greg will laminate and get them to Terry before his vacation. We can than divide and conquer to deliver to possibly West Marine and Marina gas docks, office or bulletin boards if they have them. Will check if we can post at the bulletin board at the boat landing in Hudson and perhaps Beanie’s landing.
Terry asked if everyone that needs instructions and passwords for the web-site have them. No one said they needed them.
Operations Training – Don Arneson and Michael Tipler have not taken Operations Training.
Carmen Hall’s Boat Building Project
Art Mollica handed out information on Carmen Hall’s Public relations, membership and education under-taking. CarmenHallsBoatBuilding Project.
Hand out information for Wooden Boat Project mentioned on Motion.
- Executive Committee approval to undertake project.
- Article for River Skipper.
- Obtain volunteers from among membership. Number of boats to be build based on number and expertise of volunteers.
- Meeting to select boat design and build time frame.
- Determine cost and sell price.
- Verify with DNR that boat selected can be licensed in Minnesota.
- Request upfront funding from Finance Committee.
- Solicit outside groups for participation. (Scout troops, Boys/Girls Clubs, marinas, members, etc.)
- Order boat plan/kit for practice build – this boat will be raffled at launch event.
- Build raffle boat. Plan for 2-weekends.
- Arrange dates with participating groups to build their boats and obtain financial commitment.
- Order plans/kits based on number for participating groups.
- Arrange for launch site event and media coverage. Target May 2014.
- Build other boats with assistance from participating groups. Time needed based on raffle boat actual build.
- Detail plans for launch event finalized.
- Raffle boat, return upfront funding from Finance Committee
Motion: Undertake Wooden Boat Building Event as outlined in handout. Motion: Seconded Motion: Passed
Membership Report – Nancy Anderson, Chair
Two former members have re-joined and one transfer from Duluth.
SEO/AESO Report – Dave West
Dave reported that the cost of class material went up effective April 11, 2013. He passed out an updated list of prices. Dave brought up the fact that the number of members that have taken Seamanship is low. He asked the committee if we should require seamanship for membership. A discussion was held but no motion was made.
Treasurers Report – Greg Holmen
Greg handed out the Balance Sheet. Greg reported that all the bills were paid with the exception of National. Greg was given invoices to match against the bill. The bill can be taken care of now.
Jack asked what the interest on the Reserve fund is. Greg has not received any statements on the reserve fund yet.
Past Cdr. Report – Absent
Cdr Report – Jeff Davis
Jeff shared five of the awards given at the D-10 Spring Conference. Kristine Harmon received two awards – Leadership Development Co-Chair and Aide – Star Squadron. Oded Galili received award for being the D-10 Assistant Secretary. The squadron won two awards – Doing It Right Award for 2012 and a National Distinctive Communicator award for our Website.
Member at Large Reports – Don Arneson & Chris Schnelle & Marty Wirtz
Nothing to Report
Old Business
Lobster Bake at Bayport Marina in August may become a Shrimp Boil. Information is still being gathered and more discussion will follow as information is attained.
New Business
Bob Schmit reported on upcoming Vessel Safety Check days:
. 18May Mulberry Point Marina, Stillwater (and possibly Wolf marina) VSC's 9-1 and then at 1300 we'll celebrate the 'Ready, Set, Wear it' with squadron members and wanna be's- more info in next River Skipper newsletter
1June- Afton Marina- Vscs-9-1 and we also set up canopy and table for pamphlets and displays for our boating safety fair, we've given a flare demo there in the past. If we get an ok from harbormaster we can do a fire extinguisher demo.
8 June- 3 sites-RiverHeights marina, Bayport marina and Pepin Marina- vsc's 9-1. We had a lot of demand for this day as it's national marina day (I guess) We'll have to divide up the crew so I hope everyone helps out with their favorite marina. I think we would need the most VE's at Bayport.
Jerry Brings brought up the motion made at the Annual meeting for $2,000 from the Reserve Fund to be used to help offset the dinner cost to attendees. A discussion ensued and a motion made.
Motion: Request $2,000 out of the Reserve Fund to subside the 50th Anniversary Dinner for attended.
Motion: SecondedMotion: Passed
Anything Good for the Order
Jack Newman gave kudos to Karen Schmit and P/C Don Anderson for the April River Skipper Cover.
Adjournment @ 2056
L/C Michael Tipler - Secretary