St. Patrick’s Day – Quiz: questions

Team A / Team B
A1 / Is the island of Ireland the biggest island in Europe?
·  No. It is the third biggest island.
A2 / Is the Irish climate warmer than the Polish climate?
·  On the whole, yes.
A3 / What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?
·  Dublin
A4 / Is the island located east or west of the Greenwich meridian?
·  west
A5 / When did St. Patrick live? 4th-5th century or 10th-11th century?
·  4th-5th century (387-461)
A6 / Was divorce legal in the Republic of Ireland in 1996?
·  no, it was illegal until 27th February, 1997
B1 / What are the colours of the Irish flag? Name at least two.
·  green, white, orange
B2 / What’s Aer Lingus?
·  the Irish national airline
B3 / When was the island divided into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (which century)?
·  20th century (in the 1920s)
B4 / When did the Republic of Ireland enter the European Economic Community (later European Union)? In 1949, 1973 or 1995?
·  1973
B5 / On March 29th, 2004 a certain ban was introduced in Irish pubs. Nowadays people in pubs are not allowed to …
·  smoke
B6 / The word ‘pub’ is an abbreviation. What is the full name?
·  public house
C1 / What is the name of the sea that separates Ireland from Great Britain?
·  the Irish Sea
C2 / What is the name of the longest river in Ireland?
·  River Shannon; it is 386 km long
C3 / What is the Irish word for Ireland?
·  Éire
C4 / Name at least 2 Irish winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
·  any two names from: George Bernard Shaw / William Butler Yeats / Samuel Beckett / Seamus Heaney
C5 / Why is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated on March 17th?
·  It is believed to be the day of St. Patrick’s death
C6 / In the 1840s, Ireland suffered terribly from the potato famine. What did many Irish people do to survive?
·  A few million emigrated to the United States.

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Definitions from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English