St Nicholas School

PE Policy


At St Nicholas school, all pupils are included in all PE activities, taking part as appropriate to their own needs and the needs of the pupils around them i.e. equal opportunities.

We have high expectations of al out children and promote an ethos in which they re valued and encouraged to reach their full physical potential.

We are fortunate enough to have a PE Co-ordinator and a teaching assistant who are solely responsible for physical activities. They work closely with all other members of staff, including Physiotherapists, Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists.


Our aims in teaching Physical Activity are that all children will build upon their natural pleasure in physical exercise to:

Ø  Enjoy the development of physical skills.

Ø  Plan and make decisions in response to tasks.

Ø  Develop confidence and a sense of achievement through maximum participation.

Ø  To understand and appreciate the importance of safety.

Ø  To adopt appropriate roles and appreciate and evaluate performance both in themselves and of others.

Ø  Learn how to cope with success and limitations in performance.

Ø  Encourage a healthy lifestyle and develop a positive attitude to being active which may be carried onto adult life.

Ø  Value others and appreciate fair play while working in co-operative and competitive situations.

Ø  Develop knowledge and understanding of the need for rules.

Ø  Experience a variety of types of movement and activity.

Ø  Encourage the development of leadership potential and teamwork skills.

Ø  Encourage all pupils to participate in physical activity during playtimes.

Ø  Ensure that all pupils have a minimum of 2 hours curriculum time high quality PE and sport each week.


The role of the PE Co-ordinator is to:

Ø  Take the lead in policy development and the production of schemes of work designed to ensure progression and continuity in PE throughout the school.

Ø  Develop detailed lesson plans.

Ø  Monitor progress in PE through assessment and record keeping activities.

Ø  Take responsibility for the purchase and organisation of central resources for PE.

Ø  Keep up to date with developments in PE and inform colleagues as appropriate.

Ø  Provide clear leadership to develop and monitor physical activity in liaison with the Healthy Schools Co-ordinator and the school council.

Ø  Be the designated Primary Link Teacher with specific responsibility for providing the school link to the School Sports Partnership (SSCO).


Ø  We ensure that all pupils receive at least 2 Hours curriculum time physical activity each week.

Ø  We provide a physical activity programme which is broad, balanced and fully inclusive, suiting the needs of all pupils.

Ø  We ensure that all pupils are aware of the need to exercise and know the importance of warming up and cooling down.

Ø  Out physical activity provision caters for the needs of children of all abilities. Our scheme of work takes into account the differences in stages of development; previous movement experiences; age; and fitness and skill levels. This managed through:

-  grouping children with matched abilities when appropriate

-  we are resourced to enable us to make tasks more/less challenging through a variety of equipment

-  we are flexible in our groupings of children eg. Small group work; mixed ability; matched ability as appropriate

-  skills are taught by demonstration from the teacher and/or pupils

-  children are taught individually, in pairs, in groups or as a whole class

Ø  Feedback to pupils about their own progress in PE is achieved through the evaluation of performance. This:

-  aims to help children learn, not to find fault, and to be positive and constructive in comments

-  is often done while a task is being carried out through demonstration and discussion between children and teacher

Ø  Records of progress in PE are kept for each child in each area of activity through evaluation sheets. These provide on-going monitoring of PE lessons in order to ensure that high quality outcomes are achieved.

Ø  Reporting to parents is carried out on a termly basis at parent’s evenings and written reports.


Ø  All PE is conducted in line with the Health and Safety Policy.

Ø  At St Nicholas School we have an indoor hall equipped with wall bars and a range of good quality gymnastics equipment. We are also resourced to deliver all other areas of study for PE.

Ø  We also have a full sized trampoline with safety ends to deliver rebound therapy to the pupils by the PE team who are qualified instructors.

Ø  We have a variety of indoor areas for the children to use and explore eg. soft room; sensory room; role play room.

Ø  We have a wealth of outdoor facilities, which include a trim trail; a sensory garden; and playgrounds for each Key Stage. Each area has markings and equipment suitable for each age group.

Ø  We are welcomed by out neighbouring Primary School, Beaumont, to use their grass areas for outdoor activities and special events.

Ø  On a weekly basis, a group of children visit the Hayes Primary School to have swimming lessons.

Ø  Our Year 6 children have the opportunity to participate in a residential trip each summer.


Ø  A systematic approach to risk assessment is adopted by the PE

Co-ordinator. The PE Co-ordinator arranges for all fixed and large apparatus to be serviced annually and checked immediately before pupil use.

Ø  All staff teaching PE must ensure basic rules regarding clothing, footwear, jewellery etc. within the physical activity setting are highlighted and adhered to:

-  children should wear t-shirts, shorts and plimsolls or trainers. Tracksuit bottoms or similar can be worn for outdoor activities and trampoline

-  children must not wear jewellery and long hair must be tied back

-  earrings must be removed or taped over

Ø  All staff must be aware of pupils with medical conditions which may affect their ability to participate in physical ability or which may be adversely affected by physical activity eg. Asthma, seizures.


We belong to the School Sports Co-ordinator (SSCo) partnership, whereby families of schools come together to enhance sports opportunities for al. This partnership enables us to:

Ø  Provide outside coaching within the school for pupils.

Ø  Acquire funds for equipment.

Ø  Provide courses for staff to attend.

Ø  Have links with other Primary PE Co-ordinators.

Ø  Attend meetings to update us on developments in PE.

Ø  Acquire information on sporting activities in the community.

Ø  Complete the PESSCL (Physical Education School Sport and Club Links) survey which evaluates our progress. Through this we have met the criteria needed and achieved the ‘Active Mark’ award which recognises excellence in physical activity.

Ø  We also have close links with the Croydon Sports Development Team which provides sports activities and coaching opportunities.

Ø  We have links with several primary schools and regularly use their facilities eg. swimming pool, sports field.


This is done by:

Ø  Advertising sporting events in the termly newsletter for parents.

Ø  Dedicating a notice board celebrating pupils achievement in sport using photographs and certificates etc.

Ø  Giving a weekly certificate to celebrate a particular child’s achievement in sport.

Ø  Regularly celebrating achievements and promoting activity in assemblies by performance.

Ø  Holding an annual sports day for all children in the school.

Ø  Compiling a directory of local sports clubs to encourage participation outside of school.

Ø  Displaying our Active Mark Certificate in the reception area of the school.

Signed ………………………… Signed ……………………………

Head Teacher Chair of Governors

Date October 2010