Please fill out all information completely

Applicant’s Name: US Figure Skating #
E-Mail: Phone:
Home Club: Partner’s Name (if applicable):
Name of Coach: Coach’s Phone #:

Non-St Moritz Club members must have a letter of permission from their Home Club and pay the fees listed as “Other Home Club”

Test Level: Circle Test(s) Type: Moves Free Skating Pairs
Please circle: Dublin Oakland Test date:
Test fee enclosed:


Moves in the Field Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home Club / Free Skating Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home Club / Pair Tests / Home Club St. Moritz / Other Home Club
Pre-Preliminary / $22.00 / $33.00 / Pre-Pre (no music) / $17.00 / $25.00 / Pre-Juvenile / $25.00 / $38.00
Preliminary / $28.00 / $42.00 / Pre-Pre (music) / $17.00 / $25.00 / Juvenile / $30.00 / $45.00
Pre-Juvenile / $38.00 / $57.00 / Preliminary / $22.00 / $33.00 / Intermediate / $35.00 / $53.00
Juvenile / $45.00 / $68.00 / Pre-Juvenile / $28.00 / $42.00 / Novice / $40.00 / $60.00
Intermediate / $50.00 / $75.00 / Juvenile / $33.00 / $50.00 / Junior / $45.00 / $68.00
Novice / $55.00 / $83.00 / Intermediate / $38.00 / $57.00 / Senior / $50.00 / $75.00
Junior / $60.00 / $90.00 / Novice / $45.00 / $68.00 / Adult Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00
Senior / $65.00 / $98.00 / Junior / $50.00 / $75.00 / Adult Silver / $30.00 / $45.00
Adult Pre-Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00 / Senior / $55.00 / $83.00 / Adult Gold / $40.00 / $60.00
Adult Bronze / $35.00 / $53.00 / Adlt Pre-Brz (no mus) / $20.00 / $30.00 / Adult FS (cont)
Adult Silver / $45.00 / $68.00 / Adlt Pre-Brz (music) / $20.00 / $30.00 / Adult Silver / $30.00 / $45.00
Adult Gold / $50.00 / $75.00 / Adult Bronze / $25.00 / $38.00 / Adult Gold / $40.00 / $60.00

I acknowledge that the sport of figure skating is an inherently dangerous sport and I assume any and all risk of injury or damage while at the test session. Therefore, I agree to hold harmless: the St. Moritz ISC, Inc., including its directors and officers, test chairs and any of its members or guests; and, any other professional and/or skater from any injury or damage resulting from, but not limited to, falls, collisions, ice conditions, or any occurrences during St. Moritz test sessions.

Parent’s Signature (under 18):
-Or- Adult Tester’s Signature:
I have reviewed and approve this skater for the indicated test(s). With my signature I certify that I have complied with ALL U.S. Figure Skating coach’s requirements as they relate to membership, coach compliance and CERs.
Coach’s Signature: Coach’s e-mail:


  1. Submit your application to the Test Chair at least 4 weeks prior to the test date.Registration for a test date will close before the 4 week deadline if a test session becomes full before then.
  2. Test sessions not filled 4 weeks in advance are subject to cancellation.
  3. Preference will be given in the order applications are received based on online processing date or postmark.
  4. Non home club members will be scheduled on space available basis and will pay fees listed above (no refunds).
  5. Late additions to the test schedule are at the discretion of the test chair. A wait list may be established.
  6. There are no refunds for cancelled tests. With approval of the test chair, a home club member may postpone a test to a later test session, but will need to pay a change fee in the amount of 50% of their test fee(s).
  7. Solo Dance tests may be included only if time and officials are available(submit the dance test application).
  8. Guest coaches may need rink permission to attend the test session.
  9. Test candidates - please bring light refreshments for the judges.
  10. Register online at (Testing & Program Info) or send your completed application with check or money order payable to “St. Moritz ISC” to:

Lisa Erle 11753 Silvergate Dr. Dublin, CA 94568

Email: ev. 11/1/17