St Michael’s Federation (Onny C of E (A) Primary School)

KS2 Curriculum Summary - Spring Term 2018

Our theme this term is the “Greeks”
/ In the first half of the term, the children will be studying the book ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’. Using this book as a creative stimulus, the children will write stories, diary entries, reports and poetry. This will link with our topic on the Greeks. In addition to this the children will have grammar warm ups each day and continue with their daily spellings.
/ In Oak class, the children will continue to learn their mathematics using a mastery approach. Throughout the lessons, the children will develop their fluency (the speed and efficiency of how they calculate etc.), their reasoning (explaining their answers and strategies) as well as applying their mathematical knowledge when problem solving. The children will also be developing their understanding and recognition of number through various activities. Over the course of the half term the children will cover the topics shown below:
Year 5/6: place value; mental addition and subtraction; place value and adding decimals, mental multiplication, fractions, decimals, percentages and mean, perimeter, area and volume.
/ We begin the term by looking at light and how light travels in a straight line. The children will have opportunities to apply their nonfiction writing skills such as writing reports and persuasive arguments alongside this the children will have the opportunity to undertake experiments and hypothesis results. Science lessons will also allow the children to apply their mathematical skills.
Computing / The children develop their computing skills through all areas of the curriculum. The children will use their computer skills to research various topic throughout the curriculum, helping to extend their knowledge and improve speed and accuracy.
Geography / In geography, the children will be learning about ancient Greeks. We will study Greek gods, such as: Zeus, Poseidon and Apollo. We will follow the timeline, research the empire, home-life, education, the development of the Olympics and democracy.
Design and technology
/ The children’s design and technology project will focus on the use of materials and what materials will help to protect an egg when it is dropped from a height. The children will design, produce and demonstrate their product.
Art and Design
/ In art and design the children will be developing their sketching,painting techniques and model making skill. This will be linked to the ‘Greeks’ topic.
/ In RE this term the children will be studying the people of god. The children will be able to · Make clear links between the story of Abraham and the concept of faith. Make simple links between People of God and how some Christians choose to live in their whole lives and in their church communities.
Personal Social Heath Education (PSHE)
/ In PSHE, the children will be learning about trust, friendship and forgiveness. Through stories(reading and writing) discussing real life situations and participating in drama the children will develop their understanding of the importance of the three life skills.
/ Sports Jam will be on Monday afternoon where the children will be coached in Football and Hockey. Mr Jones will deliver a further PE session on a Friday afternoon where he will teach the children basketball and ball handling skills. The children need to have their sports kit in school all week as this allows the most flexibility within the timetable. They will need to have appropriate kit for the weather.
Outdoor Activities
/ The children will go to the forest in all weathers (as long as it is safe to do so) therefore it is important for the children to have appropriate clothing. A forest school snack rota will be placed on the door and we would be grateful if enough snacks could be provided for the whole school. If you have any difficultly providing this, please speak to Mr Jones prior to your session so alternative arrangements can be made.
Spare Clothes
/ Please could everyone put a spare pair of socks in their kit bags as spares after muddy or wet weather exploits!
If anyone has spare unwanted wellingtons, socks, pants or jogging bottoms they would be great for spares for school. Please do return any you may have borrowed.

A huge thank you for all your continued help and support

Mr Jones