Council Members Present: Michael Clark, Charles Ringle, Melissa Shellenberger, Meg Hiser, Barbara Murray,
Jim Evrard, Chuck Hess, David Henke
Regrets: Dawn Hublar
Others Present: Fr. Bob St. Martin, Deacon Rick Cooper, Louise Richmer, Mary Gronoette, Martha Felten
Michael called the meeting to order at 7pm.
Opening Prayer
Father Bob said the opening prayer, and he asked for any prayer intentions.
Roll Call
Michael took a roll call of the Parish Council members present.
Approval of October Minutes
Melissa made a motion to approve the minutes, Michael seconded it. The minutes were approved.
Committee Reports
Buildings and Grounds
Dan Schmeltz was presentative to deliver the report from the Building and Grounds meeting.
- Nothing back on the grotto
- Stained glass progress
- David Allen is in charge of the stained glass window repairs.
- The first estimate did not include addressing the windows on the east side of the church (the side facing the school).
- Some hinges are compromised and framework loose, but that is not in the first estimate.
- There's a hole in the window on the way to the choir loft
- Several windows are in pretty bad shape, and bowed in places.
- The estimates concern work on the inside windows, but some storm windows outside are compromised.
- An old estimate from the past have been revised and forwarded to David.
- The parking lot work is complete. Striping was included in the price
- Jaycen Abell following up with taking the out building. There's extra he doesn't want.
- Bob Schickel donated equipment.
- A work day will be announced.
- The heating system was checked on started. A couple of heaters or vents in the church might not be working.
- All those who have helped are invited to an appreciation meeting in December. They will have small snacks afterward.
Faith Formation/Youth Committee
Louise Richmer was present to give the report from the Faith Formation/Youth Committee.
- St. Anne's Christmas party is December 20th. Mass is at 5:30. Choir to sign at the party.
- Marriage sponsor couples met on Nov. 13 to prepare for 2017 weddings. Four are scheduled as of now.
- The Advent/Christmas liturgy schedule has been made.
- Wednesday Adoration has begun, to be held weekly.
- Members of the St. Vincent DePaul conference will be at a mass in November to invite parishioners to consider volunteering. St. Joe does the money handling, so we would keep the food pantry and clothes closet here.
- 12 students attended ICYC on November 16.
- First Reconciliation/Penance Service scheduled for December 16.
- Trunk or Treat was head October 29. It was very well attended.
- Sara will be starting an outdoors club for high school students.
- Christmas celebration discussed. Possibly on December 30th with a play and music in church, followed by a pitch-in meal.
Finance Committee
Mary Graniotti was present to deliver the report from the Finance Committee. The October revenue and balance sheet was passed out to the members present.
- October income was up by $649. It was down by $3841 in September.
- Collections are down $9,752. We are running at 92% of budget. Last year at this time it was 85% of budget.
- We lowered the budget this year because contributions were down last year.
- The maintenance fund should be good for fixing the church windows and the grotto.
- We got an income tax refund of $3,200.
- Legacy of Hope - once collected it has to go over to other brackets.
- We rolled the picnic money over in September.
Liturgy Committee
There was no representative to deliver the report from Liturgy Committee.
Archive Committee
Martha Felten was present to deliver the report from the Archive Committee.
- It's been a year since we approved the cemetery markers.
- The numbering will have south and north. There will be no "A"s.
- Markers are on order, one for every 5th row.
- They are still planning a book for 2018 for the 175th anniversary of St. Mary's. It will pick up the 25 years since the last book was published by our parish.
- They are still working on a museum area to celebrate the 175th anniversary.
- Jeff quit 6 months ago. Aaron Blackman has come to meetings and will take over the computer work.
- They met with Michelle, most 175th anniversary celebration things are not on their domain.
- On the archive website there is a very interesting story about the history of the church.
- The council suggested that we have another St. Mary's directory to celebrate our 175th anniversary. It has been a long time since we had a directory.
St. Anne’s
There was no representative to deliver the report from St. Anne's.
Old Business
- Repair of church windows. (See the discussion under the Building & Grounds Committee)
- Cemetery Markers (See the discussion under the Archives Committee)
- Connected in the Spirit
- All on hold because there is no Archbishop
- We have to wait until new man comes to see if they follow recommendations
- They have to get an interim Archbishop
- Purchase Golf Cart
- Jim went to purchase the cart, but they didn't have one
- He's going the first Friday in December to Ted Everett's auction
- The budget is capped at $2500 at the most
- The cart is guaranteed if bought through the auction
- The auction is held the first Friday of the month
- Looking for a gas powered cart.
New Business
- Janet Hamilton came by to share that she would like to purchase new Hymnals for the church.
- She passed out a chart with comparison information of possible books to purchase.
- Fr. Bob had to close Adoration so he wasn't present to hear the presentation.
- Janet will present the information to Fr. Bob and the staff.
- Discussion of not having a December meeting.
- Jim motioned to not have a December meeting. Charles seconded it. It was approved.
Closing prayer was said by Fr. Bob.
The meeting was adjourned.
Chuck motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jim seconded the motion. It was approved.
Next Meeting: January 18th @ 7:00 pm (No meeting in December)