St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Pastoral Council Minutes
November 17, 2014 - 6:30 P.M.
Rosa Road Parish Center
Present: Fr. Bob Longobucco, Deacon Tom Sharrow, Joe Farry, Celeste Rossetti, Carl Garkowski, Pat Policastro Paul O'Brien, Larry Grimmer, Danielle Rice, Carol Mondello and Sharon Koegl
Absent: Karen Mills - our prayers are with you with the passing of your mother
Opening Prayer: Prayer of St. Francis, led by Celeste
Approval of Pastoral Council Minutes 9/9/14: Motion to approve- Carl; Second-Celeste
Introduction of Danielle Rice: Our new youth member of the Council, Danielle, is a Eucharistic Minister, a Cantor, and a 2nd grade Catechist. Welcome Danielle!
Michael Taylor Update: "SIGH" responds Father Bob. The gathering led by Linda Harvey, a restorative justice expert, was attended by 55-60 parishioners. Small groups gathered, with observations shared by Pastoral Council members that included the following reactions / feelings: sympathy vs. guilt vs. how to move forward vs. concern for Father Bob vs. loss. There was a felling that we are a healthy, vibrant parish. This was an event in our history, but it will not define us. We will move on. It was questioned how to address the sense of the victimhood. Also, with our youth, the issue of trust was compromised.
School Update: Lucia Gutierrez was offered and accepted the position as our school principal. She will be starting after Christmas. Our interim principal has done an outstanding job and will continue in the transition.
Convent Update: Deacon Tom reported that he received an email from parishioner, Tom Isabella, with results from the overall inspection that stated the building was a very sound structure for continued use. The site generally meets requirements for nursery and pre-k classrooms to be housed there. Bids for renovations must go out soon as the building must be renovated by September 1, 2015 for the next school year. It was also stated that the Family Promise project is much better suited for the Parish Center, which has kitchens and bathrooms in the current layout.
Old Business:
1. Make Me a Channel of Your Peace - Subcommittee is needed to work with Evangelization Council and Art Committee, and Paul and Joe volunteered. Pat will communicate with staff so that the other Councils are updated as well. As a Franciscan, Father Dan Dwyer may be asked to lead a mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
2. Filling Pastoral Council Positions - A nominating committee, consisting of Celeste, Carol and Larry, is now formed. Deacon Tom stated that three names were submitted last month for consideration. By Laws will be reviewed for filling positions that will be vacated this spring when member terms are completed such that members will be in place for the fall meeting.
3. Family Promise - Ron Severson leads this project. The second interest meeting was well attended with more volunteers showing interest. Father Bob feels that students at Union College may be able to fill overnight positions. Our parish is likely to be assigned a week in late January or early February. Families will spend one week with us, and then transition to another church or synagogue in the area. Joe mentioned that more publicity is needed.
New Business:
1. Ministry Sign Ups - Carl reported that chairpersons of different committees had not received lists of those who had signed up for ministries, nor had they received lists of new names. Sharon agreed. Deacon Tom reported that all lists were forwarded to staff members, so he will follow up.
2. Ministry Appreciation - Deacon Tom brought up that a volunteer recognition dinner / gathering had not been held in a while. Discussion followed regarding goal that all parishioners be involved in ministry, but what is the best way to acknowledge these contributions. Blessings at mass, a special gathering, a prayer and dessert, and other options were discussed. Pastoral Council liaisons should discuss at their (sub) Council meetings, including option of appreciation at that level and provide feedback.
Closing Prayer - provided by Joe and lead by Father Bob
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon A. Koegl