St John the Evangelist 4 April 2010

Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, Solemnity

Parish Priest: Fr Leo Chamberlain OSB 01347 821295

Parish Administrator: Kathryn Lynam (9-12:30 except Weds) 01347 821295


The email address is the formal Priory address of the Parish Priest. All emails are read by the Administrator and either Kathryn or Fr Leo may reply accordingly.

Please telephone or use email if you would like to meet or arrange a house visit for any reason. Appointments are not necessary, but it is helpful to make advance arrangements. If Father Leo is absent, telephone Ampleforth Abbey in urgent need: 01439 766700 and 766712. After 5 pm 766714

Saturday 3 April
Holy Saturday / 9.30 am
11.30 am
5 pm
9.00 pm / Morning Prayer
Reconciliation Liturgy Serving Practice
Easter Vigil Mass / The Parish
Sunday 4 April
Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, Solemnity / 10.30 am / Mass of Easter
Monday 5 April
Easter Monday / 10 am / Mass / Martin family
Tuesday 6 April
Easter Tuesday / 9.30am / Mass
Wednesday 7 April
Easter Wednesday / 9.30am / Mass
Thursday 8 April
Easter Thursday / 9.30am / Mass
Friday 9 April
Easter Friday / 9.30am / Mass
Saturday 10 April
Easter Saturday / 9.30 am
11:45 am
12 noon and 5.00 pm
6.00 pm / Morning Prayer
Rosary in Church
Exposition and Reconciliation
Vigil Mass
Sunday 11 April
Low Sunday: 2nd Sunday of Easter / 8.30 am
10.30 am / Mass

Mandatory lessons on sex in primary schools

The following letter was published in the Sunday Telegraph of 29th March. Fr Leo was among the 126 signatories, along with the Bishop of Shrewsbury, school governors and many priests and lay people.

SIR – Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility for bringing up their children in accordance with their own values and culture. They may entrust the task of formal education to a school of their choice, but the overall responsibility for the upbringing of their children remains theirs.

The Children, Schools and Families Bill undermines this principle and seeks to impose a particular ideology by means of statutory sex and relationships education from the age of 5 (which primary schools do not currently have to teach). We would therefore urge Parliament decisively to oppose it.

A state which seeks to centralise responsibilities which are properly fulfilled by families is acting in an unjust manner and undermines the basis of a free society.

Norman Wells, Director, Family Education Trust

Some of the provisions and the official guidance which will apply to secondary education are as objectionable as those applying in primary education. We are reasonably confident that the amendment to the Bill negotiated by the Catholic Education Service safeguards Catholic schools but if the Bill becomes law, the situation to be imposed on County schools is and will be a threat to Catholic families, and to all families who hold to the natural rights of parents. We should be willing to help anyone, not just Catholics, who are worried about this. In fact, some of our families will be affected because they have children in these schools in Easingwold. is the Family Education Trust website. On it there is a booklet “Too much too soon” which puts the case against the powerful lobby urging this bill. If parents want to discuss matters further, we would hope to facilitate this. Please let Fr Leo know.

Churches Together

Very helpfully, Caroline Charters has volunteered to take Cherry Rawcliffe’s place on the Churches Together committee. The parish owes Cherry the deepest thanks for many years of devoted service to the gospel in our ecumenical commitment. I hope everyone will respond positively to any developments that Caroline suggests as she takes on the task.

Youth Opportunity – YCW Celebration

Event for 16-30 year olds, in London on May 1st. Transport may be available, call Phil on 07876 640839

Volunteers needed

Thanks to Angus Morrison, who is new in the parish & has offered to help with the grass and anything he can. Thanks also to the three people willing to serve Mass occasionally at 8.30 on Sunday. We still need another offer. It is not fitting to celebrate a congregational Mass without a server. We do still need more younger people to help with a variety of tasks, including stewarding.

Gaudium Paschale: Easter thanks to all who serve the Parish

All those who help us, over stewarding, cleaning, coffee in the Hall, serving at Mass and in the sacristy and other things great and small deserve our best thanks. The altar of repose was set up and the Hall tidied as far as possible, thanks to a very few people

Fr Leo is due for foot surgery and uncertainty over dates has impeded plans to thank more of those who serve the parish by inviting them to share informal meals here, but that is now not due around the end of May, so we hope to arrange some lunches during Paschaltide. Would the stewards be free on Saturday 24 April?

The operation requires only a day in hospital, but recovery requires 6 weeks absence. That will most unfortunately make it likely that he will not be here for the First Communions of our children.

Good communication and bad communication

As it does this week, the extended weekly bulletin now has more space for matters of concern in and beyond the parish. If in this way even one or two of us may be helped or be interested to help, this is worthwhile. Fr Leo is always glad to provide further information so far as he can on any topic. Personal contact is the best way to raise any concern: the parish is a small enough group for this to be possible, and a telephone call or email can be used to arrange to meet. A number of people have helpfully raised concerns about a range of different questions which can be addressed even if agreement cannot be reached. That is the right way to celebrate our Communion in the Risen Lord at Easter. However, this is not the only parish in which a few people occasionally write anonymous letters. The policy regarding such letters is the same as elsewhere. When identified as anonymous, they are destroyed without record or attention given. The reason for this should be obvious.

The Hall

The promised new storage cupboards and better arrangements for the piety shop are now in place: we are more than grateful to the donor. The groups using the Hall will be asked to make good use of the cupboards. The piles of kit, now stacked at the end of the Hall should all be tidied away after Easter.

Easter egg raffle

There are quite a few unclaimed eggs, please collect yours from the sacristy. Also, there were some donations that were omitted from the raffle, so we will have those with coffee after the 10:30 mass.

SVP Meeting: Thursday 8 April: 7.30 pm – note time

Learning to Listen Course – April/May 2010

This is a four-session course that can really make a difference to your life, your relationships, and your ministry to others. It is taking place in the Hall, so there will be no transport difficulties, and it would be fitting to have our own parishioners taking advantage of this Diocesan Course. The first session is Monday 19 April from 9:30 to 12:30. Yellow booking forms are in the porch.

Please collect a sheet for Rotas up to 8 May.

CWL Lent Lunch

The CWL thank all who attended the lunch on Friday 26th March. £122 is being sent to CAFOD.

Offertory Collections and Gift Aid

Thank you very much for last Week’s Collection of £439.37.

PLEASE PRAY FOR the housebound, the disabled and the sick: John Cundall, Gay Moran, Clare Cafferkey, Maria Wimmer, Sheila and Stan Maylon, Gordon Piercy, Geoffrey Lawton, Joan Dziurzynska, Pam Scott, Matty Burke, Gerald New, Mary Wetten, Ted Coleman

Presently sick or in hospital: Gerry Darley (OA 2008), Geo Watson, Anne O’Toole, Alick Stephens, Dorothy Coleman, Bella Vanneck, Beryl Rhodes, Rita Finch, Wilf Paish, Mark Sadler, Tim George (OA C51), Nicholas Fitzherbert (OA C51),

Please pray for those who died recently: Margaret Tollan, Denis Freeborn, Simon Scrope (OA C53), Marjorie Hunt, Jimmy Nicholson, Stan Maylon, Mary McMahon, John Shute

Fr Illryd Williams OSB pp, Norah Kathleen Dooley and all those whose anniversaries occur about this time.

Happy Birthday
JJ Benjamin L JJ