Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor WEBSITE: Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. May 8th Easter Weekday


Tues. May 9th Easter Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Suzie Thomas

Wed. May 10th St. Damien de Veuster

SJ 7:45 AM Magdalene Plummer

Thurs. May 11th Odo, Maiolus, Odilo, Hugh, & Peter the

Venerable, Abbots of Cluny

IC 7:45 AM Caroline Dombrosky

Friday, May 12th Sts. Nereus & Achilleus

IC 7:45 AM Ruth Henry

Saturday, May 13th Our Lady of Fatima

IC 4:00 PM Benno & Clara Smith

SJ 5:00 PM Tom Connelly

Sunday, May 14th – Fifth Sunday of Easter

SJ 8:00 AM Lawrence & Margaret McCormick

SJ 10:00 AM L/D Mothers of the Parish

IC 7:00 AM For the Parish

IC 9:00 AM L/D Mothers of the Parish


For the weekend of May 13th & 14th:

SJ – 5 PM Kayla Units

8 AM Gracie & Connor Ray

10 AM Gus Wirfel and Jessica Poldiak

IC - 4 PM Mary Beth, Jessica & JoAnna Woods

7 AM Benno Smith

9 AM Aimee Smith and Alyssa Walker


SJ & IC : 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend masses, during the first weekend of each month; or anytime by appointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family

SJ Sun 8 AM Shawn Ray Family

SJ Sun 10 AM Jonathan Knobloch Family

IC Sat 4 PM Allan Long Family

IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed

IC Sun 9 AM John Ostrosky Family


IC PARISH COUNCIL will have their next meeting on Monday, May 8th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.

IC: The following young Catholic girls and boys have been prepared to receive their First Holy Communion today at Immaculate Conception: Ayden Deitke, Rachel Gates, Nolan Gironda, Sienna Kubic, Parker McIntyre, Levi Schrift, Chase Secriskey, Dylan Stohon, Isabella Macewan. Also, Elizabeth Smith, who is a Holy Name Student, will receive her First Communion. Congratulations to all!!

MOTHER'S DAY BREAKFAST will be held on Sunday, May 14, after the 10 AM, in the SJ church social hall. It has been suggested to us, that more would attend this breakfast if mothers were permitted to bring their sons as well as their daughters. Therefore, we encourage all mothers to bring all their children with them. For reservations, call Pam at the rectory, 495-5241, by Tuesday, May 9th. Fathers and sons are needed to do the cooking, serving and clean up for this breakfast. Male help will be greatly appreciated.

SJ & IC: All parents with teens and children in the Faith Formation program (CCD) of both parishes, St. John’s, Summerhill, and Immaculate Conception, New Germany, are asked to make every effort to attend one of two parental information nights as follows: at 7 PM, on Wednesday, May 17, in Immaculate Conception Church; and/or at 7 PM, on Thursday, May 18th, in St. John Church, Summerhill. Now is the time to make plans for 2017-2018 CCD year. We are in need of additional teachers and substitutes for next year. If anyone is willing to pass on our Catholic faith to all our children and teens, please call the rectory.

MAY CROWNING CEREMONY: IC Parish will hold their May Crowning Ceremony on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14 before the 9 AM Mass. The 2nd grade Communion Class is asked to participate and too wear their first communion attire. SJ Parish will hold their May Crowning Ceremony also on Mother's Day during the 10 AM Mass. The 2nd grade Communion Class is asked to participate and wear their first communion attire. The IC/SJ Youth Group will also participate. Youth group members should meet in the SJ Church Social Hall at 9:40 AM.

CARNATIONS FOR LIFE! This Mother's Day weekend, May 13/14, (before and after all Masses),"Friends of Birthright" will be accepting donations in exchange for carnations to honor Mothers and God's wonderful Gift of Life. Please give generously and thank you for supporting Birthright's mission to help pregnant women in need choose life.

SJ & IC: A Mother’s Prayer booklet is available in the gathering space of both churches. All mothers and mothers-to-be are encouraged to take a copy home and use the prayers for your children and grandchildren. God bless all mothers.

SJ ROSARY ALTAR Soc. members will go to Vince’s for pizza and salad, on Tuesday, May 9th at 6 PM.

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, May 23rd from 1:30 PM-7 PM at New Germany Grove Hall. Volunteers and donors (please give) are needed. Call Twila Flynn 495-5247 if you can help.

COMMUNITY BOOK CLUB: Tuesday, May 23rd at 7 PM in Marian Hall. Discussion will be on the book "March" by Geraldine Brooks. Call Martha, if any questions 472-5534.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: Congratulations to the following couples celebrating their wedding anniversary during the month of May: Mike & Anita McCoy, Joe & Suzie Pearson, Chuck & Heather Weinzierl, Russ & Cheryl Wirfel, Ron & Roseann Wirfel, Mike & Karen Cronauer, Paul & Twila Flynn, Patrick & Pam McCall, Norman & Josephine Long, Richard and Joanne Wilkinson, Daniel and Catherine Podrasky, Jeff & Kim Biter, Ralph & Angela Strahler, Andrew & Crystal Long, Bobby & Becca Bodenschatz, Jared & Anne Cronauer.

SJ: A positive response by all registered parishioners to our new Catholic Ministries Drive will help us meet and surpass our target of $12,602.00. All money over our target will be used to purchase additional materials for our CCD program. Please return your pledge envelope to us and not to the diocese. It spares us a lot of confusion and work.

IC: A good and generous response to our new Catholic Ministries Drive will help us meet and surpass our target of $14,646.00. All money over our target will be used for the good of our children and teens attending our CCD program.

Please do not mail your pledge envelope to the diocese. Return it to us via the offertory collection or mail to the office.