St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 8 am

Combined Sunday School 9:30 am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30 am

We extend a warm welcome to each of you! We lift in prayer those who are

unable to be here and all who join us for worship.

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

July 23, 2017

Please lift in Prayer:Amy Murray (Pastor Lynne’s daughter);

Ron Meyer (Justin’s grandpa); Bob Mosmeier (recent stroke); Alex Pack; Dan Doering; Jill Wolf; Betty Meyers (Diana R’s mom) and her caregivers; James Robertson;

Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke (at Chateau of Batesville);

Rosie Hornberger (at St. Andrews); Charles Hadden; Jan Cowan and Gregg Leppert (friends of Kim G); and Marcia Agbor (childhood friend of Diana R).

Welcome *(Those who are able, please stand)



*Call to Worship

We come to celebrate God’s blessings to us.

Surely God is in this place!

We come to open ourselves to God’s guidance and love.

Surely God is in this place!

We come to see more clearly God’s presence in our lives.

Surely God is in this place!

We come to see God in this community of seekers.

Surely God is in this place!

We come to pray, praise, and offer ourselves to God.

Surely God is in this place! Let us worship!

*Opening Hymn“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”#440


Holy One, you know us already. Help us to know you better.

Let us see you all around us. Fill our worship with your Spirit

so that we may learn to recognize your presence in all places. Amen.

*Passing of Peace

Response “Sanctuary”#482

Lord, pre-pare me to be a sanc-tu-ar-y, pure and ho-ly, tried and true;

With thanks-giv-ing, I’ll be a liv-ing sanc-tu-ar-y for you.

Scripture Readings Genesis 28:10-19a*Matt 13:24-30, 36-43

Meditation Pastor Lynne

Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Call for the Offering

What we have received comes from seed sown in us by Jesus Christ.

Having received the blessings of the harvest begun in us,

let us return to God fruits of the blessings we have received.

*Offertory Response Doxology #44

Prayer of Dedication

Loving God, we offer back to you what we have been given:

our treasure, our time, and our lives.

Bless our gifts and multiply them for your purposes.Amen.

*Closing Hymn “Trust and Obey”#443 vss 1-2


God’s spirit is always with you. Wherever we go, God is there!

If you ascend to heaven,God is there.

If you settle at the farthest limits of the sea,God is there.

In all places, God holds you fast.

May you know deeply the presence of God:

Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit.

Go with God. Amen!

*Choral Response “Trust and Obey” #443 vss 3-4


Surely God is in this Place: Service Prayers for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, was written by the Rev. Ruth Garwood of Cleveland, Ohio, a certified leader of InterPlay, a system of forms in movement, story-telling and vocalizing that brings body and soul together, and brings communities together. She teaches suicide first aid via Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. © 2017 United Church of Christ, Cleveland, OH. Used with permission. CCLI# 3100743.

Organist: Shirley HuberUpcoming Scripture: Gen 29:15-28; Matt 13:31-33, 44-52

We offer our sincere condolences to Connie Flaspohler and her family at the passing of Connie’s father, Harold Wendel, on Wednesday, July 12, 2017. Harold was laid to rest in Maple Grove Cemetery. We pray for the repose of his soul and for the comfort and peace of his family.

Helen Mosmeier will celebrate her 95th birthday on July 26, 2017.Her family would love for us to join them in showering her with birthday cards!

Mrs. Helen Mosmeier

P.O. Box 89

204 Neiman Street

Sunman, Indiana47041-0089

Blessing of Backpacks will take place at St. John’s during worship on August 6th. Mark your calendars!

Stewardship Project

School Supplies to help our Teachers!

Our fall Stewardship project will be helping our teachers with the school supplies they pay for out of pocket. The following is the list with amounts we will be collecting. So, PLEASE watch for the back to school ads and help us reach our goals. These supplies will be for both fall and spring semesters. Thanks in advance for making this project a success!

  • Bright / bold-colored printer paper – 3 reams of each
  • Construction Paper, asstd colors – 4 large packages
  • Command strips (big ones) – 1 dozen
  • Post-it Notes – 12 packages
  • Bic Mechanical Pencils – 1 dozen 10-packs
  • #2 Pencils – 24 packages of 10-12
  • Papermate Felt-tip Pens, black, blue, red – 12 each
  • Dry Erase Markers – 12 packages
  • Sharpie Markers, thin assorted colors – 3 packages
  • Crayola Washable Marker 8-pack – 18 packages
  • Glue Sticks – 12 packages
  • Velcro Dots, small – 2-3 boxes
  • Laminating Sheets – 2-3 packages
  • Kleenex – 24 boxes