St. John’s Parish

Vestry Meeting Minutes

November 16, 2016

Present: Iris Heichel, Bob Speelman, Bill Alexander, Sr. Warden; Fr. Todd Young, Rector; Margaret Clinch, Associate for Youth & Young Adults; Howard Whittington, Charles Chaney, Jr. Warden; Bruce Massey, Becca Burford, Glenda Fuller, Jason Weibel, Chip Sealing, Pieter Bickford, Sherrie Burkholder, Betty Thompson, Fred Wright, Chairman Christian Stewardship Commission, &Bill Soulis

Absent: David McKinley

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM
  2. A motion was made by Becca Burford to accept the minutes of the 10.26.2016 meeting as printed.
  3. Seconded by Iris Heichel
  4. Motion passed
  5. Reports
  6. Treasurer’s Report—David Davis
  7. Financial situation much improved
  8. Commissions, Administrative and Music budget requests are due as soon as possible
  9. Budget will be voted at the December Vestry meeting
  10. Christian Stewardship—Fred Wright
  11. Goals for the 2017 stewardship campaign
  12. 145 pledging units
  13. $330,000
  14. Highest pledging was in 2015
  15. 145 pledging units
  16. $335,000
  17. 2016 Goals
  18. 150 pledging units
  19. $330,000
  20. Actual 2016 giving
  21. 130 pledging units
  22. $302,000
  23. Would like to extend the 2017 campaign to mid January, 2017
  24. Progress reports will be placed in the Sunday service bulletin
  25. Rector—Fr. Todd Young
  26. Delighted to be at St. John’s
  27. First & second Sundays very successful
  28. Parish Website
  29. Met with Pieter Bickford
  30. Will live stream Sunday services
  31. St. Andrew’s, Clear Spring live streams their services
  32. Attended Regional Council
  33. Local Newspaper
  34. Church appears in the paper’s church directory
  35. Advertising discontinued to focus on website
  36. Contact newspaper about article on the new Rector
  37. There will be one service Christmas Day at 9:00 AM
  38. Senior Warden—Bill Alexander
  39. 9 pledge cards have been received from Vestry
  40. Junior Warden—Charles Chaney
  41. Put budget requests in his box as soon as possible
  42. Associate for Youth & Young Adults—Margaret Clinch
  43. Caroling at Western Maryland Center will be on 12/17
  44. St. Nicholas Fair will be 12/4
  45. Secret Santa Shop
  46. Snow Flake Bakery
  47. Old Business
  48. A motion was made by Bill Alexander to recognize Will Godwin as the Minister of the Month in recognition of his work at Western Maryland Center’s gardens.
  49. Seconded by Howard Whittington
  50. Motion passed
  51. A motion was made by Chip Sealing to approve the 2017 Stewardship Campaign goals of 145 pledging units and raising $330,000.
  52. Seconded by Bruce Massey
  53. Motion passed
  54. The following resolution was made by Pieter Bickford and seconded by Chip Sealing and duly adopted by the Vestry of St. John’s Parish, Hagerstown at regularly scheduled meeting held on November 16, 2016, a quorum being present:

Whereas, the Reverend Gary Todd Young, Rector is compensated by the Parish exclusively for the services as a minister of the gospel, and

Whereas, Parish does not provide the Rector with church-owned housing, therefore, it is hereby

Resolved, that the total compensation paid to the rector for calendar year 2017 shall be $87,500, of which $36,000 is hereby designated to be a housing allowance; and it is further

Resolved, that the designation of the housing allowance shall apply to calendar year 2017 and all future years unless otherwise provided.

  1. Nominating Committee—Pieter Bickford
  2. 6 people have agreed to be candidates for the Vestry
  3. Will Godwin, Tammy Martinez, Bob Rauth, Kathy Bushey, Susan Sunnarborg, & Melissa Hutton
  1. New Business
  2. A motion was made by Pieter Bickford and seconded by Sherrie Burkholder to solicit volunteers from the parish to provide coffee and donuts at the New Year’s Eve Donut Drop.
  3. Third year for the event
  4. Donuts are provided by Krumpe’s Donuts & coffee by AC & T.
  5. Volunteers are asked to provide sugar, creamer, etc
  6. Starts at 5:00 PM and the donut drops at 7:59 PM
  7. All activities are free
  8. Motion passed
  9. Conversations with the Rector & his wife
  10. Meetings with parishioners and the rector and his wife scheduled
  11. Limited to 10 people
  12. Scheduled between 12/27-1/18 at various times
  13. Sign-up sheets posted in Trimble Hall
  14. A motion was made by Bob Speelman and seconded by Chip Sealing to authorize$5,276 to Miller Anderson for repair the steam line from St. John’s House to the dirt cellar
  15. Work scheduled to be completed first week in December
  16. Heating system will be shut down for two days
  17. $1,319 will be paid as a deposit and the remaining portion paid upon completion of the work
  18. Motion passed
  19. Commission Reports
  20. Service & Outreach
  21. Successful Basket Bingo
  22. 75 pies have been ordered for Thanksgiving
  23. Historic Houses of Worship Tour
  24. 6th year
  25. St. John’s will provide van for transportation; Glenda Fuller will drive
  26. Brochures will be distributed
  27. Photo contest again this year; last year’s winning photo was of St. John’s
  28. Parish Life
  29. Installation of the rector tentatively scheduled for a Sunday in Epiphany
  30. Remaining reports submitted by title
  31. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted;

Ruth Ann Ogle, Registrar