Happy New Year!
January Update...
St Helens ADHD MOJO’s is a community organisation run by and for families of children with disabilities in St Helens and the Greater Merseyside area. We offer a range of services including support groups for parents, youth club sessions for young people (aged 5-18) and provide free assessments to ensure you are accessing all the support services in your local area. We also hold regular family days out which are subsidised by our fundraising events.
Our timetable for 2013 is:
Day / Time / Session / Venue / CostMonday
(from 7th Jan 2013) / 6-8pm / MOJO Monday
(youth club for children with disabilities and their siblings) / Brown’s Short Break Building, Nunn St WA9 1SF / £3 per child
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
(from 9th Jan 2013) / 5.30-7pm / Drop In (booking required)
(drop in for support and advice about issues affecting your family, crèche available) / PERTH Centre, Dunedin St, WA9 5QX / FREE
3rd Wednesday of the month
(from 16th Jan) / 6-7.30pm / Prendoolys Special Stars Night
(play session at Prendoolys for children with disabilities and siblings run by Prendoolys) / Prendoolys Soft Play Centre, Newton, WA12 9AH / £4 per child
(from 10th Jan) / 12.30-2.30pm / ADHD Support Group
(come and meet other parents and have a chat and a coffee) / Bridge Centre Lansbury Avenue WA9 1TB / FREE
(from 10th Jan) / 4-6pm / MOJO Thursday
(youth club for children with disabilities and their siblings) / Thompson Centre, Allanson St Primary, WA9 1PL / £3 per child
Saturday (from 12th Jan) / 10am-12.00pm / MOJO Saturday
(youth club for children with disabilities and their siblings) / Thompson Centre, Allanson St Primary, WA9 1PL / £3 per child
Parents are welcome to stay at the Monday MOJO session and meet with other parents.
If you are on Facebook we have a community page at www.facebook.com/STHADHDMOJOS
We are also on Twitter @StHelensADHD
Our MOJO sessions are run by staff who are qualified to a minimum of Level 2 in Childcare, Youth Work or Learning Support, staff working unsupervised with young people have enhanced CRB clearance, and all staff are experienced in working with children who have challenging behaviours, we welcome volunteers who want to work with our young people.
c/o Browns Short Break Respite, Nunn St, Parr WA9 1SF
Tel: 07426 683 437 email: web: www.mojosrespiteservices.com
St Helens ADHD MOJO’s is a Community Interest Company Registration number 08190424